

随着科学技术的飞速发展, LED租赁屏, as an efficient display medium, have gradually become the focus of various activities and scenes.

From large-scale concerts and sports events to commercial exhibitions and advertising releases, LED rental screens have won wide recognition in the market with their high-definition, flexible, and diversified characteristics. However, in the face of changing market demands and fierce industry competition, the future development direction of LED rental screens has become the focus of attention in the industry.

1. Analysis of the current status of the LED rental screen market

1). Market size and growth trend

In recent years, the LED rental screen market has shown a trend of sustained growth. According to industry report data, the global LED display screen rental market size will reach 9.585 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 35%. Among them, the domestic rental market increased by about 68% year-on-year, and the foreign rental market increased by about 20% year-on-year.

It is expected that in the next few years, with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, the market size of LED rental screens will continue to maintain a growth trend.

2). Application field analysis

  • Advertising field:

LED rental screens have been widely used in the advertising field with their high definition, bright colors, and strong visual impact. From large outdoor billboards to indoor shopping mall displays, LED rental screens can provide excellent visual effects and attract the attention of the audience.

  • Performing arts:

In concerts, music concerts, drama performances and other performing arts activities, LED rental screens have become an important visual display tool. Through LED rental screens, rich stage backgrounds, special effects, and subtitle information can be presented, bringing a more shocking audio-visual experience to the audience.

  • Sports:

In sports events, LED rental screens are widely used in live broadcasts, event promotions, and advertising displays. Through LED rental screens, game information can be updated in real-time, wonderful moments and advertising content can be played, and the audience’s viewing experience can be enhanced.

  • Exhibition field:

In various exhibition activities, LED rental screens are used to display exhibit information, promotional materials, and interactive experiences. Its diverse display forms and strong interactive features make the exhibition more vivid, interesting, and attractive.

3). Competition pattern

The main competitors in the LED rental screen market include professional LED display rental companies, large advertising companies, and performance production companies. These competitors have certain differences in market share, technical strength, service quality, and customer resources.

Some leading LED display rental companies have occupied a dominant position in the market with advanced technology, rich experience, and high-quality services. They have a variety of specifications and models of LED rental screen products to meet the needs of different customers.

At the same time, they also provide professional installation, debugging, and maintenance services to ensure that customers can use the equipment smoothly.

In addition, some large advertising companies and performance production companies have also entered the LED rental screen market.

They have occupied a certain share of the market with their own brand influence and customer resource advantages. However, since they are not professional LED display screen rental companies, there may be a certain gap in technical strength and service quality.

2. LED rental screen technology innovation and upgrading

1). Display technology innovation and application

  • 高分辨率:

With the continuous advancement of technology, the resolution of LED rental screens is getting higher and higher. High-resolution LED rental screens can present more delicate and clear images and videos, bringing a better visual experience to the audience.

For example, the single-box resolution of the Corrente Fantasy II LED rental screen is up to 256*256, which can present delicate images and video content.

  • 高刷新率:

High refresh rate technology can ensure that the LED rental screen is smoother when playing dynamic pictures, reducing the phenomenon of picture freeze and smear. High refresh rate LED rental screens are particularly important in scenes such as sports events and concerts that require real-time display of dynamic pictures.

  • 高对比度:

High contrast technology can improve the display effect of LED rental screens in dark environments, making the picture brighter and clearer. This is particularly important for scenes such as outdoor billboards and night activities.

2). Energy-saving technology breakthroughs

LED rental screens have made significant technological breakthroughs in reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency. By adopting energy-efficient LED modules and drivers, the energy consumption of LED rental screens has been effectively reduced.

For example, the average power consumption per square meter of indoor LED rental screens is ≤190W, and the peak power consumption is ≤560W, which is more low-carbon and environmentally friendly than traditional display devices.

In addition, the energy consumption of LED rental screens can be further reduced through brightness adjustment, time plan control, automatic brightness adjustment, and other methods. For example, the display screen can be turned off during non-working hours or low-traffic periods, or the brightness can be automatically reduced when there is sufficient light, thereby saving energy.

3). Intelligent technology application

Technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing have been widely used in the management and operation of LED rental screens. These technologies make remote control, real-time monitoring, and data analysis of LED rental screens possible.

Through cloud platform management, centralized control and management of multiple LED rental screens can be achieved to improve management efficiency. At the same time, big data analysis technology can help companies better understand user needs and market trends and provide strong support for decision-making.

Intelligent technology also makes the maintenance of LED rental screens more convenient. Through remote monitoring and early warning systems, potential problems can be discovered and solved in a timely manner, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

4). Advantages of modular design

Modular design makes LED rental screens more convenient for installation, disassembly, and transportation. LED rental screens are composed of multiple modules, each of which has independent functions and interfaces. This allows LED rental screens to be flexibly combined and installed as needed.

Modular design also makes the maintenance of LED rental screens simpler. When a module fails, only the faulty module needs to be replaced without the need to replace the entire display. This greatly reduces maintenance costs and downtime.

In addition, modular design also enables LED rental screens to adapt to various complex installation environments. Whether it is indoor or outdoor or in a flat or curved installation environment, it can be achieved through modular design. This makes the application range of LED rental screens wider.

3. Innovation of LED rental screen service model

1). Innovation of rental model

  • Customized rental:

With the diversification of market demand, the rental model of LED rental screens also shows a customized trend. Enterprises can provide personalized leasing solutions according to customer needs, including customized screen size, resolution, brightness, and other parameters to meet the needs of customers’ specific activities or scenes.

For example, an LED rental screen of a specific size and design for a brand launch can be provided to show the brand characteristics.

  • Long-term and short-term leasing:

In order to meet the time needs of different customers, LED rental screen services provide long-term and short-term leasing modes. Long-term leasing is suitable for customers who need to use LED rental screens for a long time, such as exhibition centers, shopping malls, etc.

Short-term leasing is suitable for temporary events or meetings. This flexible leasing model can better meet the actual needs of customers.

  • Time-sharing leasing:

Time-sharing leasing is a more flexible leasing method. It divides the use time of LED rental screens into different time periods. Customers can choose the leasing time period according to their needs. This leasing model can effectively reduce customers’ costs while improving the utilization rate of LED rental screens.

2). Innovation in operation and maintenance

Professional operation and maintenance teams are the key to ensuring the stable operation of LED rental screens. These teams have professional skills and rich experience and can conduct timely troubleshooting, repair, and maintenance of LED rental screens to ensure the normal operation of equipment.

In addition, they can also provide customers with 24-hour uninterrupted technical support and services to ensure customers’ smooth experience during use.

With the development of the Internet of Things and big data technology, the operation and maintenance of LED rental screens have become more intelligent. Through remote monitoring and data analysis, the operation and maintenance team can understand the working status and performance of the equipment in real time, discover potential problems in time and deal with them.

At the same time, they can also provide optimization suggestions and improvement plans based on the use of the equipment to further improve the operating efficiency and stability of the equipment.

3). Innovation of value-added services

Incorporating value-added services such as creative planning and content production into LED rental screen services can further enhance customer experience. The creative planning team can provide customers with unique visual design and content planning solutions based on customer needs and event themes.

For example, LED rental screens are used in concerts to present shocking visual effects and interactive experiences; LED rental screens are used in exhibitions to display exhibit information and interactive games.

The content production team can provide customers with high-quality video, picture and text content production services. They can produce content materials that meet the theme and style of the event based on customer needs and brand image. These value-added services can not only improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, but also bring more added value and profit space to LED rental screen services.

4. Development trends and challenges of the LED rental screen market

1). Development trends

  • 市场规模不断扩大:

According to the current market growth trend, it is expected that the market scale of LED rental screens will continue to grow in the next few years. With the continuous development of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, the demand for LED rental screens will continue to increase.

  • Extensive application fields:

The application fields of LED rental screens will be further expanded, not only limited to traditional fields such as advertising, performing arts, and sports, but also to exhibitions, conferences, corporate publicity, and other scenes. This wide application will further promote the expansion of the market scale.

  • Technological innovation continues to accelerate:

The innovation of display technologies such as high resolution, high refresh rate, and high contrast will continue to accelerate, bringing better display effects and user experience to LED rental screens. At the same time, energy-saving technologies, intelligent technologies, etc., will also be further applied to improve the performance and efficiency of LED rental screens.

  • Diversification of service models:

With the intensification of market competition, LED rental screen service providers will launch more diversified service models, such as customized leasing, professional operation and maintenance, value-added services, etc., to meet the needs of different customers.

2). Challenges faced

  • 技术瓶颈:

Although the technology of LED rental screens is constantly innovating, there are still some technical bottlenecks, such as display effects, energy consumption, stability, etc., which still need to be improved. These technical bottlenecks will affect the market competitiveness of LED rental screens.

  • Intensified market competition:

As the market scale expands, competition in the LED rental screen market will also intensify. Price wars, service quality competition, etc. will become the main competitive methods in the market. At the same time, new competitors will continue to enter the market, further intensifying market competition.

  • Risk of policy adjustment:

Policy adjustments may bring certain risks to the LED rental screen market. For example, some regions may introduce policies to restrict the use of LED display screens or impose stricter requirements on the energy consumption, environmental protection, etc. of LED display screens. These policy adjustments will bring certain challenges to the market.

  • 客户需求多元化:

With the continuous development of the market, customer needs are also showing a diversified trend. How to meet the personalized needs of customers and provide high-quality services and products will be one of the challenges that LED rental screen service providers need to face.

5. Future prospects of the LED rental screen industry

  • Market potential

The LED rental screen market will continue to show huge market potential in the next few years. With the continuous development of industries such as advertising, performing arts, sports, and exhibitions, the demand for LED rental screens will continue to grow.

In particular, with the advancement of technology, such as the innovation of display technology such as high resolution, high refresh rate, and high contrast, the display effect of LED rental screens will be further improved, thereby attracting more customers.

In addition, with the application of technologies such as intelligence and the Internet of Things, LED rental screens will be able to provide more diversified and intelligent services to meet the diverse needs of customers. For example, through big data analysis, LED rental screens can provide customers with more accurate advertising strategies and improve advertising effects.

It is expected that in the next few years, the LED rental screen market will maintain a stable growth trend, and the market size will continue to expand. At the same time, with the continuous emergence of new application scenarios, the potential growth points of LED rental screens will also be further broadened.

  • Industry chain collaboration

The collaborative cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises in the LED rental screen industry chain will be the key to promoting market development. Upstream enterprises such as LED display manufacturers and control system suppliers need to continuously promote technological innovation and improve product quality and performance to meet the diverse needs of the market.

At the same time, they also need to maintain close cooperation with downstream enterprises to jointly develop new products and expand new applications.

Downstream enterprises such as LED display rental companies and advertising companies need to have a deep understanding of customer needs and provide high-quality products and services.

They also need to maintain close communication with upstream enterprises, promptly provide feedback on market demand and technical issues, and promote the collaborative development of the industry chain.

Through the collaborative cooperation of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, resources can be shared, advantages can be complemented, and the development of the LED rental screen market can be jointly promoted.

  • International development

With the development of globalization, LED rental screen companies will face a broader international market. Competition in the international market will be more intense, but it also provides more development opportunities for LED rental screen companies.

In order to gain a competitive advantage in the international market, LED rental screen companies need to continuously improve their technical strength and service level. They need to understand the market needs and cultural differences in different countries and regions, as well as formulate targeted market strategies and product solutions.

At the same time, they also need to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with international peers to jointly promote the international development of the LED rental screen industry.

In the process of international development, LED rental screen companies also need to pay attention to international trade policies, intellectual property protection, and other issues to ensure that their legitimate rights and interests are protected.


In summary, as an important part of modern display media, the future development direction of LED rental screens is full of opportunities and challenges. In terms of service model innovation, the promotion of diversified service models such as customized leasing, professional operation and maintenance, and value-added services will meet the diversified needs of the market and enhance the market competitiveness of LED rental screens.

At the same time, in the face of intensified market competition and changes in the policy environment, the LED rental screen industry needs to maintain keen market insight and continuous innovation capabilities to adapt to market changes and meet user needs.

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