Glassdoor! A New Application For Transparent LED Display


We all know that the biggest installation scenario for a 透明LED显示屏 is to install it on glass. So, can the glass door, which is also made of glass, become one of the application scenarios for a transparent LED display?

This article will lead you to explore the new application scenario of transparent LED display – glass door!

1. Why can transparent LED displays be installed on glass doors?

The transparent LED display can be installed on glass doors mainly for the following reasons:

1). Technical feasibility

  • Light transmittance and transparency:

Transparent LED display has excellent light transmittance, and its light transmittance can be between 50% and 90%, which means that even when the display is working, the glass door can still maintain high transparency without affecting the line of sight.

This feature allows the transparent LED display to be naturally integrated into the glass door without causing visual obstruction.

  • 轻薄设计:

The transparent LED display adopts an ultra-thin design, and the thickness of its display panel is generally around 10mm, which makes it very suitable for installation on glass door, without adding too much thickness or weight, and at the same time does not affect the opening and closing of the glass door.

  • Installation flexibility:

The transparent LED display can be customized according to the size of the glass door to ensure a perfect fit with the glass door. In addition, its installation process is relatively simple and can be fixed on the glass door by brackets, pasting, etc., without damaging the Structure of the glass door.

2). Functional expansion

  • Information display and interaction:

The transparent LED display can display a variety of content such as text, pictures, videos, etc., adding rich information display functions to the glass door.

In commercial places, it can be used to display product information, promotional activities, etc.; in office buildings, it can be used to display conference room reservations, employee attendance information, etc.

In addition, the transparent LED display also has a touch function, which can realize interactive operations with pedestrians and enhance user experience.

  • Aesthetics and fashion:

The combination of transparent LED display and glass door not only retains the transparent beauty of glass, but also gives the glass door more sense of technology and fashion. This design not only conforms to the aesthetic trend of modern architecture, but also attracts more people’s attention and love.


With the continuous development of science and technology and people’s pursuit of an intelligent and convenient life, the application of transparent LED displays on glass doors is becoming more and more popular in the market.

It has broad application prospects in many fields, such as business, office, and hotel. The continuous growth of market demand has also promoted the continuous innovation and improvement of transparent LED display technology.

2. Can all glass doors be installed with transparent LED displays?

Not all glass doors can be installed with transparent LED displays, which mainly depends on the following factors:

1). Structure and material of glass door

  • 承重能力:

Although the transparent LED display is thin and light, it is still necessary to consider the impact of its weight on the load-bearing capacity of the glass door. Especially for large or high-resolution displays, the weight may not be negligible.

Therefore, the load-bearing capacity of the glass door needs to be evaluated before installation to ensure that it can bear the weight of the display.

  • Material and thickness:

Glass of different materials and thicknesses has different effects on the installation method and effect of the display. For example, materials such as tempered glass and laminated glass have better strength and stability, and are more suitable for installing transparent LED displays.

Some thinner or insufficiently strong glass may not be able to withstand the weight of the display or the stress during installation.

2). Installation environment and conditions

  • Space limitations:

The installation space of the glass door may be limited by the surrounding environment, such as the size of the door frame, surrounding buildings, etc.

When installing a transparent LED display, it is necessary to ensure that there is enough space to install the display and its accessories, such as brackets.

  • Power and signal:

Transparent LED display screens require stable power and signal input to work properly.

Before installation, it is necessary to evaluate the power and signal source conditions near the glass door to ensure that the power supply and signal transmission requirements of the display screen can be met.

3). Technical feasibility

  • Customization Requirements:

Transparent LED display screens usually need to be customized according to the size and shape of the glass door. If the size or shape of the glass door is special, additional customization costs and time may be required.

  • Installation technology:

The installation of transparent LED display screens requires professional technology and experience. If the installation is improper, it may cause damage to the display screen or affect the use effect.

Therefore, before installation, it is necessary to select an installation team with rich experience and professional technology for installation.

4). Other factors

  • 成本考虑:

The price of transparent LED display screens is relatively high, and the installation cost may also be high. Therefore, when considering the installation of transparent LED display screens, it is necessary to comprehensively consider cost-effectiveness and actual needs.

  • 保养与维护:

Transparent LED display screens need to be regularly maintained to ensure their normal operation and extend their service life. Subsequent maintenance and maintenance issues need to be considered before installation.

3. How do you choose the type of transparent LED display screen installed on the glass door?

When choosing the type of transparent LED display to be installed on the glass door, we need to carefully consider multiple aspects to ensure that the selected product can meet the actual needs and achieve the best results. The following are the selection points elaborated on in the text:

1). Consider the use scenario and environmental requirements

First, it is necessary to clarify whether the transparent LED display will be installed indoors or outdoors. The indoor environment is relatively stable, and the requirements for waterproofing and dustproofing of the display are relatively low.

Therefore, you can choose an indoor transparent LED display with moderate brightness and high transparency. This type of display usually has a high refresh rate, can present a smooth picture, and is also energy-efficient.

For outdoor environments, transparent LED displays need to have stronger waterproofing, dustproofing and sun protection capabilities to cope with harsh weather conditions.

In addition, due to the strong outdoor light, the brightness of the display needs to be higher to ensure that the content is still clearly visible under direct sunlight. Therefore, outdoor transparent LED displays usually adopt a high-brightness, high-contrast design and have a protection level of IP65 and above.

2). Evaluate product characteristics and advantages and disadvantages

Each transparent LED display has its own unique characteristics and advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of indoor transparent LED display screens are moderate brightness, high transparency and high refresh rate, which can be well integrated into the indoor environment while reducing energy consumption.

However, its viewing angle may be limited, and the failure rate of some products is high.

In contrast, although the outdoor transparent LED display screen is more expensive, it has the advantages of high 亮度, high transparency, high contrast, waterproof and dustproof, and can adapt well to the outdoor environment.

However, its installation and maintenance are difficult, and it may be difficult to ensure flatness when used in a large span.

3). Consider budget and cost

Budget and cost are factors that cannot be ignored when choosing a transparent LED display screen. The prices of display screens of different brands and models vary greatly, and the customization cost may also be high.

Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to weigh the actual budget and comprehensively consider factors such as material cost, customization cost, and installation and maintenance cost.

4). Comprehensive consideration and decision-making

Finally, based on the comprehensive consideration of the above factors, make a decision based on actual needs and usage scenarios.

For example, if the glass door is located indoors and has high requirements for display effects, you can choose an indoor transparent LED display with high transparency, high refresh rate, and good energy saving.

If the glass door is located outdoors and needs to run stably for a long time, it is recommended to choose an outdoor transparent LED display with high brightness, high contrast, waterproof and dustproof characteristics.

4. What are the technical difficulties and key points of installing a transparent LED display on a glass door?

The technical difficulties and key points of installing a transparent LED display on a glass door are mainly concentrated in the following aspects:

1). Technical difficulties

1.1). Load-bearing and structural design:

Although the transparent LED display is relatively light and thin, the total weight is still considerable when installed over a large area. It is necessary to ensure that the glass door and its installation structure can withstand the weight of the display.

The stability of the Structure should be considered during design to prevent deformation or damage caused by the weight of the display.

1.2). Light transmittance and display effect:

The core advantage of the transparent LED display lies in its light transmittance, but achieving good display effects while ensuring light transmittance is a technical challenge.

It is necessary to optimize the arrangement, brightness, contrast and other parameters of the LED lamp beads to ensure that the picture is still clear and colorful while the light penetrates.

1.3). Waterproof, dustproof, and heat dissipation:

For transparent LED displays installed outdoors, waterproof and dustproof are basic requirements to prevent rain, dust, etc., from entering the interior of the display and causing damage. At the same time, since LED displays generate heat when working, an effective heat dissipation system needs to be designed to ensure that the temperature of the display is stable under long-term operation to avoid performance degradation or damage caused by overheating.

1.4). Installation accuracy and flatness:

The installation of transparent LED displays requires extremely high accuracy and flatness to ensure consistent display without splicing gaps or misalignment. This requires installers to have professional skills and experience, as well as to use high-precision measurement and positioning tools.

1.5). Power supply and signal transmission:

Transparent LED displays require stable power and signal input to work properly. During the installation process, the layout of the power supply and signal lines needs to be reasonably planned to ensure that they do not affect the aesthetics of the display and can transmit power and signals stably and reliably.

2). Technical focus

2.1). Customized design:

Customized design is carried out according to the size, shape, and installation environment of the glass door to ensure that the display and the glass door are perfectly integrated. Safety and stability:

Ensure that the installation structure of the display screen is stable and reliable to prevent it from falling off or being damaged due to wind pressure, vibration and other factors.

At the same time, necessary lightning protection, anti-static, and other measures need to be taken to ensure the safe and stable operation of the display screen in bad weather.

2.2). Energy saving and environmental protection:

Select high-efficiency and energy-saving LED lamp beads and 电源 systems to reduce the energy consumption of the display screen.

Consider the use of natural light in the design process to reduce the need for artificial lighting.

2.3). Intelligent control:

Integrate intelligent control systems to achieve functions such as remote monitoring, fault diagnosis, and automatic adjustment.

Improve the efficiency of the display screen and user experience through intelligent control.

2.4). Maintenance and maintenance:

Design reasonable maintenance and maintenance plans and regularly clean the surface and internal components of the display screen.


Provide professional technical support and after-sales service to ensure the stability and reliability of the display screen during long-term use.

With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, the application of transparent LED displays on glass doors will be more extensive and in-depth. We look forward to seeing more creative and imaginative designs emerge and bring more surprises to our living space.

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