Why Do Real Estate Developers Like To Use LED Displays So Much?


With the rapid development of science and technology, LED display screens, as an efficient and flexible visual communication tool, have been widely used in various industries.

Especially in the real estate industry, LED displays have almost become an indispensable marketing tool. From the exterior walls of high-rise buildings to the interior decoration of sales offices, from project publicity to event promotion, LED displays are everywhere, attracting people’s attention with their unique charm.

So, why do real estate developers like to use LED displays so much? This article will delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and analyze the specific application and value of LED displays in the real estate industry.

1. Significant advantages of LED display

  • High brightness and clarity

The LED display screen has extremely high brightness in outdoor environments and can maintain a clear and readable display even under strong sunlight. This high-brightness feature enables LED displays to attract potential customers from long distances, especially when they are installed at busy traffic intersections or densely populated areas.

At the same time, the high definition of the LED display can display fine images and text, providing the audience with a clearer and more realistic visual experience, thus enhancing the appeal of the project.

When analyzing this advantage, we can see that the high brightness and clarity of LED displays play a vital role in real estate marketing. By attracting more potential customers, LED displays can help real estate developers expand the influence of their projects and increase their visibility and exposure.

In addition, clear and realistic display effects can also enhance the brand image of the project and give potential customers a more positive impression of the project.

  • Energy saving and environmental protection

LED displays consume less energy than traditional display devices. The LED lamp beads themselves have high photoelectric conversion efficiency, and the LED display uses point-by-point scanning technology during playback.

Only the pixels that need to be displayed will be lit, thus greatly reducing energy consumption. In addition, LED displays have a longer life, which can reduce the cost of frequent equipment replacement and the impact on the environment.

As socially responsible enterprises, real estate developers usually focus on sustainable development and environmental protection.

The energy-saving and environmentally friendly features of LED displays are in line with the concept of real estate developers and can help companies reduce operating costs, reduce their impact on the environment, and, at the same time, enhance the company’s social image.

  • Dynamic display and interactivity

LED display screens support the display of dynamic content, including videos, animations, pictures, text, etc. This dynamic display method is more attractive than static billboards and can attract more potential customers’ attention.

At the same time, the LED display also supports interactive functions, such as touch screen, gesture recognition, etc., allowing the audience to understand the project information more deeply and increase the audience’s participation and interest.

In real estate marketing, dynamic displays and interactive features can enhance the appeal of a project. By displaying dynamic content such as project planning drawings, floor plans, and transportation plans, LED displays can allow potential customers to understand project information more intuitively.

At the same time, the interactive function can also increase the interactive experience between the audience and the project and improve the audience’s awareness and favorability of the project.

  • Flexibility and scalability

LED displays have greater flexibility in size, shape, and installation location. Real estate developers can choose the appropriate LED display size and shape according to project needs and site conditions, and at the same time install and adjust it as needed.

In addition, the LED display also supports modular design and can be expanded and upgraded as needed to meet the changing needs of the project.

In real estate projects, different areas and scenes may require LED displays of different sizes and shapes.

For example, a smaller-sized LED display may be needed inside the sales office to display information, while a larger-sized LED display may be needed at the project site for publicity and promotion. The flexibility and scalability of LED displays can meet these different needs, allowing real estate developers to make choices and applications based on actual conditions.

2. Specific applications of LED displays in the real estate industry

  • Project promotion

LED display screens play a vital role in real estate project promotion. Through high-definition LED displays installed at project sites, busy urban areas, or traffic thoroughfares, real estate developers can play promotional videos, renderings, etc., of the project in real-time to show the unique charm and advantages of the project to the passing crowds.

This intuitive and vivid display method can quickly attract the attention of potential customers and increase the visibility and attention of the project.

The high brightness and clarity of the LED display ensure that promotional content can be clearly seen even in outdoor environments, ensuring effective communication of information.

At the same time, by looping and updating promotional content, the LED display can continue to attract people’s attention and deepen people’s impression of the project.

  • Information display

LED display screens have significant advantages in displaying real estate information, floor plans, transportation planning, etc.

Through the high-resolution display, real estate developers can clearly display the floor plan, renderings, surrounding supporting facilities, and other information about the property, allowing potential customers to understand the project details more intuitively.

Especially inside the sales office, the LED display screen can update the sales status, price changes, and other information on the real estate in real time, providing customers with the latest and most accurate real estate developments.

In addition, through technical means such as touch screens, customers can also query and browse relevant information on their own, improving customer participation and satisfaction.

  • Promotion activities

In the promotion of real estate activities, LED displays also play an important role. Whether it is an opening event, promotion, or other marketing activity, LED displays can become the highlight of the event and the key to attracting people.

For example, at the opening event, the LED display screen can broadcast the event’s grand occasion, preferential policies, home purchase process, and other information in real time to attract more customers to participate in the event.

At the same time, by playing videos, animations, and other content related to the event theme, the LED display can also create a strong event atmosphere and enhance the effect of the event.

  • Brand image building

LED display screens also play an important role in shaping the brand image of real estate developers. By designing a unique and fashionable LED display appearance and content display method, real estate developers can display their unique brand style and concepts and enhance the brand’s market awareness and reputation.

In addition, the environmentally friendly and energy-saving features of LED displays are also in line with the concept of sustainable development in modern society, helping to enhance the social responsibility and brand image of real estate developers.

Through the long-term use of LED displays for brand publicity and promotion, real estate developers can gradually establish a unique brand image and market position and enhance market competitiveness.

3. Benefits that can be brought by installing LED displays

The benefits of installing LED displays mainly include the following aspects:

  • High brightness and clarity:

The LED display has excellent high brightness and clarity and is capable of providing clear and vivid images in various environments. Whether indoors or outdoors, day or night, content clarity and readability are guaranteed.

High brightness and clarity can attract the attention of more potential customers, especially in densely populated areas. This display effect is more obvious.

  • Energy saving and environmental protection:

LED displays use LED light-emitting diodes as light sources and have lower energy consumption than traditional display devices. Its low power and high luminous efficiency help reduce operating costs.

The LED display screen has a long service life, which can reach 80,000 to 100,000 hours, which is equivalent to nearly 10 years of continuous work, reducing the cost of frequent equipment replacement.

At the same time, the materials used in LED displays are environmentally friendly and recyclable, which is in line with the concept of sustainable development in modern society.

  • Dynamic display and interactivity:

LED displays support the display of dynamic content, including videos, animations, pictures, and text, which are more attractive than static advertisements.

Through interactive functions (such as touch screens, gesture recognition, etc.), audiences can gain a deeper understanding of project information and increase participation and interest.

This dynamic display and interactive functionality can enhance the attractiveness of a real estate project and increase the interest of potential customers.

  • Flexibility and scalability:

LED displays have greater flexibility in size, shape, and installation location and can be customized according to project needs and site conditions.

The LED display also supports modular design and can be expanded and upgraded as needed to meet the changing needs of the project.

This flexibility allows LED displays to adapt to different scenarios and needs to achieve the best visual effects.

  • Increase project visibility and attention:

By installing LED displays for project promotion, the visibility and attention of the project can be quickly increased.

The high brightness and clarity of LED displays can attract the attention of more potential customers and expand the influence of the project.

Especially when LED displays are installed at busy traffic intersections or densely populated areas, the publicity effect will be more obvious.

  • Help potential customers understand project details more intuitively:

The LED display screen can clearly display the floor plan, renderings, surrounding supporting facilities, and other information about the building, allowing potential customers to understand the project details more intuitively.

This intuitive display method helps customers better understand the features and advantages of the project and increases their purchase intention.

  • Attract people and improve event effects:

In the promotion of real estate activities, LED display screens can become the highlight of the event and the key to attracting people.

By playing videos, animations, and other content related to the event theme, the LED display can create a strong event atmosphere and attract more people to participate in the event.

This effect of attracting people will help increase the visibility and influence of the event, thereby improving the overall benefits of the project.

4. Cost-benefit analysis of LED display screen

  • Initial investment cost

The initial investment cost of LED display mainly includes screen price, control system, computer audio, and construction costs. Screen prices are provided by LED display manufacturers and are usually calculated based on the number of boxes, modules, or squares.

The control system is sold with the screen, and the cost depends on the size of the display. The computer audio part depends on whether synchronized playback of content and music effects is required. Construction costs are mainly labor costs, including civil engineering, steel structural frames, exterior decoration projects, and strong and weak current wiring projects.

Although the initial investment cost of LED displays may be higher compared with traditional publicity methods, the investment is usually worthwhile considering its long-term benefits and advertising effects. The high brightness and clarity of LED displays can attract more potential customers and increase the visibility and attention of the project.

  • Long term operating costs

The energy consumption cost of LED display screens is relatively low in long-term use. Taking a 100-square-meter outdoor large screen as an example, it consumes about 20 degrees of electricity per hour and operates 12 hours a day. The annual electricity bill is about 100,000 yuan. In addition, the long life of LED displays reduces the cost of frequent equipment replacement.

In terms of maintenance costs, the maintenance of LED displays is relatively simple, mainly including regular cleaning, inspection and repair. Maintenance staff wages, repairs and inspections are about 100,000 yuan per year. However, due to its long life and stability, maintenance costs are relatively low.

Compared with traditional promotional methods, the long-term operating cost advantages of LED displays lie in their low energy consumption and long life. These characteristics enable LED displays to save a lot of energy and maintenance costs in long-term use.

  • ROI

LED display screens have significant effects in improving project visibility and attracting customers. Through high brightness, high-definition display effects, dynamic display, and interactive functions, LED displays can quickly attract the attention of potential customers and increase the project’s exposure. This advertising effect helps to increase the visibility and attention of the project, thereby attracting more customers.

Taking the LED outdoor large screen as an example, if calculated based on the advertising broadcast throughout the year, ten advertisements can be played per hour, 24 15-second advertisements can be played, and the cost of each broadcast is about 20,000 yuan per year; a 30-second advertisement can be played 12, each costing about 40,000 yuan per year to play. This shows that LED displays have extremely high advertising value and return on investment.

In addition, LED displays can also earn additional income by leasing part of their broadcast time to other brands or companies, further increasing the return on investment. For example, installing LED displays in busy areas such as shopping malls or commercial streets can not only attract more people to the shopping malls or commercial streets, but can also earn additional income by renting advertising spaces.


To sum up, LED display screens play an irreplaceable role in the real estate industry with their significant advantages such as high brightness, high definition, energy saving and environmental protection, dynamic display, and interactivity.

Whether it is project promotion, information display, event promotion, or brand image building, LED displays have demonstrated extremely high application value and cost-effectiveness.

If you want to know more information about LED displays, please get in touch with us.

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