Revealing How Taxi LED Displays Are Profitable


With the continuous development of urban transportation, taxis, as an important means of transportation, not only carry the city’s transportation needs but also gradually evolve into a unique advertising platform. In particular, the widespread use of roof-mounted LED displays not only adds beautiful scenery to the city but also provides advertisers with an efficient and direct promotion channel.

1. Advertising value of taxi LED display

  • Broad coverage

As an important part of urban public transportation, taxis have extremely high mobility. They travel through every corner of the city, from commercial areas to residential areas, from day to night, covering almost all areas of the city.

 Therefore, the LED display screen installed on the roof of the taxi can effectively reach a wide range of people and achieve full coverage of advertising. This wide coverage makes taxi LED displays an ideal choice for brand promotion.

  • High exposure

With its high brightness, high definition, and dynamic images, LED displays can stand out in complex urban environments and attract the attention of pedestrians and passengers.

Especially at night or in low-light environments, the brightness advantage of LED displays is more obvious, making advertising content more eye-catching. This high exposure rate not only improves the visibility of the ad but also enhances its memorability, thereby improving its effectiveness.

  • Live Update

Taxi LED displays have the ability to update in real-time and can change advertising content at any time according to market demand and advertisers’ requirements. This flexibility allows advertisers to adjust advertising strategies in a timely manner according to market changes and marketing activity needs, ensuring the timeliness and relevance of advertising content.

At the same time, real-time updates can also attract passengers’ continuous attention and improve the interactivity and participation of advertisements.

  • Highly targeted

The placement of taxi LED displays can be accurately positioned based on driving routes and time periods. Advertisers can choose taxi routes and time periods for advertising based on the travel habits and activity areas of the target audience. 

This precise positioning can not only improve the effectiveness of advertising but also reduce advertising costs and maximize advertising benefits. At the same time, advertisers can also design more targeted advertising content for specific audience groups in different regions and time periods to improve the attractiveness and conversion rate of advertising.

2. Sources of revenue from taxi LED displays

1). Advertising rental fees

  • Advertising space rental fees paid by advertisers:

This is the main source of revenue for taxi LED displays. Advertisers pay a certain fee to obtain the right to display advertisements on LED displays. The cost of advertising rental depends on many factors, such as the specifications, location, coverage, exposure, etc., of the LED display.

1.1). Pricing strategies and influencing factors of leasing fees

  • Geographical location: LED displays located in bustling business districts or densely populated areas have relatively high rental costs due to their high exposure rate and significant advertising effects.

  • Display specifications: The higher the size, resolution, brightness, and other specifications of the display screen, the better the display effect, and the rental fee will increase accordingly.

  • Time of placement: Rental fees will also increase if ads are placed during peak hours or during specific events.

  • Advertising content: Customized advertising content is often more engaging than generic advertising content, so the rental fee may also be higher.

2). Value-added service revenue

  • Data analysis services: 

Provide advertising effect data to advertisers to help them understand key indicators such as advertising exposure, clicks, and conversion rates. This data can help advertisers evaluate advertising effectiveness, optimize advertising strategies, and improve advertising effectiveness. The cost of data analysis services is usually priced based on the service content and the amount of data.

  • Customized advertising services: 

Customize exclusive advertising content according to the needs of advertisers. This kind of service can meet advertisers’ personalized needs for advertising content and improve the pertinence and attractiveness of advertising. The cost of customized advertising services is usually priced based on factors such as the complexity of the advertising content, design difficulty, and production cycle.

  • Cross-platform cooperation: 

Cooperate with other advertising platforms or merchants for promotion and maximize advertising benefits by sharing resources and exchanging needs. Cross-platform cooperation can expand advertising coverage and increase advertising exposure, thereby increasing revenue. Cooperation fees are usually negotiated based on the cooperation method and the value of the cooperation content.

3. Strategies to increase revenue from taxi LED displays

  • Precise delivery:

Through big data analysis technology, precise advertising delivery is achieved, thereby improving advertising effectiveness and revenue.

  • Analyze passengers’ travel habits:

Use big data technology to analyze passengers’ travel routes, time, frequency, and other habits to provide advertisers with more accurate advertising suggestions. Ensure that your ads can reach your target audience by optimizing your advertising routes.

  • Real-time adjustment of advertising content: 

Adjust advertising content in real-time according to market changes, weather conditions, holidays, and other factors to ensure the timeliness and pertinence of advertising information. This helps increase ad appeal and conversion rates, which in turn increases revenue.

  • Innovative advertising forms:

Design novel and interesting advertising content to attract passengers’ attention and interest.

  • Utilize dynamic images, videos, and other elements:

Display dynamic images, videos, and other multimedia content on the LED display to make the advertisement more attractive and visually impactful. This helps increase your ad’s visibility and memorability.

  • Integrate regional characteristics:

Combine the culture, customs, festivals, and other elements of different regions to design advertising content with regional characteristics. This helps to enhance the resonance of the advertisement with passengers and improve the acceptance and communication effect of the advertisement.

  • Strengthen cooperation and alliances: 

Establish cooperative relationships with other advertising platforms and merchants to jointly promote advertising and achieve resource sharing and mutual benefit.

  • Expand advertising resources: 

By cooperating with other advertising platforms and merchants, we expand the source and quantity of advertising resources and increase the exposure and coverage of advertising. This helps attract more advertisers to place ads, thereby increasing revenue.

  • Shared data resources: 

All partners can share user data, market data, and other resources, jointly analyze market trends and user needs, and provide advertisers with more accurate advertising suggestions. This helps improve advertising effectiveness and conversion rates, thereby increasing revenue.

  • Improve service quality: 

Ensure the stable operation and clarity of the LED display to provide passengers with a good visual experience.

  • Regular inspection and maintenance: 

Regular inspection and maintenance of the LED display screen to ensure the normal operation and stability of the display screen. This helps avoid advertising interruptions or quality degradation caused by equipment failure and ensures advertising effectiveness.

  • Optimize display technology: 

Use advanced display technology and equipment to improve the clarity and color reproduction of advertising images. This helps improve passengers’ viewing experience and enhances the attractiveness and communication effect of advertisements. At the same time, optimizing display technology can also reduce energy consumption and operating costs and increase overall revenue.

4. Challenges and solutions

1). Regulatory restrictions

  • Challenge: 

Some cities have strict regulations on the use of LED displays, which may limit advertising content, playback time, volume, etc.

  • Solution:

Comply with local regulations: Ensure that all advertising campaigns strictly comply with local government and regulatory agency regulations.

Maintain good communication with government departments: Understand and pay attention to the latest developments in regulations, adjust advertising strategies in a timely manner, and establish good cooperative relationships with government departments to receive timely information and support when regulations change.

2). Passengers disgusted

  • Challenge: 

Some passengers are disgusted with the advertising on the roof LED display, which may affect the advertising effect and passenger experience.

  • Solution:

Control the playback time and volume of advertisements: Reasonably arrange the playback time and volume of advertisements and avoid playing loud advertisements late at night or in the morning to reduce disruption to passengers.

Improve the quality of advertising: Design interesting and attractive advertising content, avoid using advertising forms that are too glaring or harsh, and improve the viewing and acceptance of advertising.

Collect passenger feedback: Collect passenger feedback on advertising through questionnaires, online comments, etc., and adjust advertising strategies and content in a timely manner to meet the needs and expectations of passengers.

3). Technical challenges

  • Challenges: 

Technical issues such as display maintenance and updates may affect the normal playback and display effects of advertisements.

  • Solution:

Strengthen technology research and development: invest more research and development resources to improve the stability and reliability of the display and reduce the failure rate.

Introduce an intelligent management system: Use an intelligent management system to remotely monitor and manage the display screen, discover and solve problems in a timely manner, and ensure the normal playback of advertisements.

Establish a professional maintenance team: Establish a professional maintenance team to regularly inspect and maintain the display to ensure the normal operation and display effect of the equipment.


To sum up, as an emerging advertising medium, taxi LED displays have significant advantages such as wide coverage, high exposure, real-time updates and strong pertinence. 

Through reasonable pricing strategies, value-added services, precise placement, innovative advertising forms, and strengthening cooperation and alliances, the revenue of taxi LED displays can be further improved.

If you want to know more about LED displays, please get in touch with us.

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