New Discovery! LED Display Screens “Enter” Tourist Attractions


The moment you step into a tourist attraction, do you want to immediately immerse yourself in the rich cultural atmosphere and beautiful scenery?

발광 다이오드 표시 스크린, the shining pearl of modern technology, are quietly changing our travel experience. From navigation guidance to cultural display, from atmosphere creation to the interactive experience, LED display screens, with their unique charm, give new life to every corner of tourist attractions.

This article will take you to explore the innovative application of LED display screens in tourist attractions, revealing how they use high-definition picture quality, dynamic effects, intelligent interaction and other technical means to make every trip of tourists a feast of vision and soul.

1. What benefits can LED display screens bring when installed in scenic spots?

1). Improve tourist satisfaction and loyalty

  • Convenient information acquisition:

The wide application of LED display screens in tourist attractions provides tourists with real-time and intuitive channels for information acquisition.

Whether it is weather forecast, scenic area guide, activity arrangement or traffic guidance, tourists can quickly obtain the information they need, avoiding the inconvenience and trouble caused by information asymmetry.

This immediacy and convenience greatly enhance the tourists’ tour experience and enhance their satisfaction.

  • Enriching cultural experience:

LED display screens are not only a tool for information transmission but also a carrier of cultural communication.

By playing the historical and cultural introduction of the scenic spot, folk customs display, special art performances, and other contents, LED display screens create a visual feast for tourists and enrich their cultural experience.

This immersive cultural experience not only deepens tourists’ impression of the scenic spot but also stimulates their interest in local culture and promotes the dissemination and inheritance of culture.

  • Word-of-mouth communication and revisit rate:

When tourists have a good experience and satisfaction in the scenic spot, they are more likely to share their experiences through social media, word of mouth, etc., forming a positive word-of-mouth effect.

This positive evaluation can attract more potential tourists to visit, and at the same time increase the revisit rate of existing tourists, bringing continuous popularity and revenue to the scenic spot.

2). Promote the integrated development of cultural tourism

  • Cultural inheritance and innovation:

As a product of the combination of modern technology and traditional culture, LED display screens provide a new platform for the inheritance and innovation of local culture.

Through carefully designed display content, LED display screens can vividly show the unique charm of local culture, allowing tourists to feel the influence of culture while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

At the same time, with the innovative application of technical means, such as the combination of AR/VR technology and LED display screens, a more colorful cultural experience form can be created to promote the innovative development of local culture.

  • Integration of the cultural tourism industry:

The application of LED display screens has promoted the deep integration of the cultural tourism industry.

On the one hand, it enhances the cultural connotation and attractiveness of tourist attractions, allowing tourists to understand and experience local culture more deeply during the tour.

On the other hand, it also drives the development of related cultural industries, such as cultural and creative products, cultural performances, etc., bringing more economic benefits and employment opportunities to scenic spots.

3). Assisting scenic spot management and operation

  • Emergency evacuation and crowd control:

In an emergency, LED display screens can quickly issue evacuation instructions and escape routes, guide tourists to evacuate in an orderly manner, and effectively avoid the occurrence of safety accidents such as trampling.

At the same time, by displaying the crowd density information of various areas in the scenic area in real time, managers can adjust the tour routes and opening hours in time, effectively control the distribution of crowds, and improve the carrying capacity of the scenic area and the comfort of tourists.

  • Ticket management:

LED display screens can also be used for the display and management of ticket information.

By displaying information such as the remaining number of tickets, ticket purchase channels, and entrance instructions, tourists can complete the ticket purchase process conveniently and quickly, reducing the waiting time in line.

At the same time, managers can monitor ticket sales in real time through the system background, adjust sales strategies in time, and respond to emergencies.

  • 관리 효율성 향상:

In summary, the application of LED display screens not only improves the emergency response capabilities of scenic spots in emergency evacuation and crowd control but also optimizes daily operating processes such as ticket management and improves the management efficiency and overall service level of scenic spots.

This helps scenic spots establish a good brand image and word-of-mouth effect, attract more tourists to visit, and promote the sustainable development of scenic spots.

2. What are the applications of LED display screens in scenic spots?

1). Information announcement and navigation guidance

In tourist attractions, LED display screens play a vital role in information announcements and navigation guidance.

They are cleverly set up at key locations such as scenic spot entrances, visitor centers, and major traffic nodes to provide tourists with comprehensive and timely information services.

  • Scenic spot announcements:

LED display screens can publish the latest announcements of scenic spots in real-time, including opening hours adjustments, special event notifications, safety warnings, etc., to ensure that tourists can obtain important information the first time and arrange their itineraries reasonably.

  • Weather information:

By accessing meteorological data, the LED display screen can display the weather conditions of the scenic area in real time, including temperature, humidity, wind direction and speed, and weather forecasts for the next few hours, providing travel references for tourists and enhancing the safety of the tour.

  • Guide map:

The high-definition LED display screen can display the guide map of the scenic area, marking the location information of major attractions, service facilities, toilets, etc., to help tourists quickly locate and plan tour routes.

  • Real-time traffic guidance:

In areas with heavy traffic, the LED display screen can display traffic conditions in real-time, including road congestion, parking lot vacancy information, etc., to guide tourists in choosing appropriate transportation methods and routes and improve travel convenience.

2). Cultural display and storytelling

The LED display screen has become an excellent platform for cultural display and storytelling in scenic spots with its high-definition picture quality and dynamic effects.

  • Historical and cultural display:

By playing historical documentaries, cultural introduction short films, etc., the LED display screen can vividly display the historical and cultural background of the scenic area, allowing tourists to deeply understand the local historical origins and cultural heritage during the tour.

  • Folk customs display:

Combined with the characteristics of the scenic spot, the LED display screen can display the local folk customs, such as traditional festivals, ethnic costumes, handicrafts, etc. so that tourists can feel the strong cultural atmosphere and regional characteristics.

  • Presentation of natural wonders:

For scenic spots with natural wonders, LED display screens can present the magnificent scenery of nature to tourists through high-definition pictures, videos, etc., to enhance tourists’ viewing experience.

  • Storytelling:

Through carefully arranged story content, LED display screens can guide tourists into the long history of the scenic spot, feel the unique charm of each scenic spot and the story behind it, making the tour process more vivid and interesting.

3). Event promotion and atmosphere creation

In festivals, theme exhibitions, night tours and other occasions, LED display screens have become a powerful tool for creating a festive atmosphere, attracting tourists’ attention, and promoting special activities.

  • Event promotion:

LED display screens can scroll and play event previews, wonderful moments, participation methods and other information in real time to attract tourists’ attention and participation, and enhance the popularity and influence of the event.

  • Atmosphere creation:

By changing colors, patterns, and dynamic effects, LED display screens can create a strong festive atmosphere or theme atmosphere, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in a specific situation and enjoy a unique tour experience.

  • Promotion of special activities:

For the special activities of scenic spots, such as night light shows, theme performances, etc., LED display screens can be promoted and publicized to attract more tourists to watch and participate and enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of scenic spots.

3. Cases of LED display screens "entering" scenic spots

The application of LED display screens in scenic spots is extensive and diverse. The following specific cases are used to analyze its actual application in tourist attractions:

1). Application of LED light pole screens in Suzhou Humble Administrator’s Garden

In Suzhou Humble Administrator’s Garden, a traditional cultural heritage scenic spot, LED display screens are cleverly applied to light poles to form an LED pole screen system. These pole screens not only have lighting functions but also play an important role in information announcements and navigation guidance. Specifically:

  • Information announcements:

LED pole screens can publish scenic spot announcement information in real-time, such as opening hours, special event notifications, safety warnings, etc., to ensure that tourists can obtain important information the first time and arrange their itineraries reasonably.

  • 탐색 안내:

By displaying scenic area maps, scenic spot introductions, tour routes and other information, LED pole screens provide tourists with convenient navigation guidance services, helping tourists to quickly locate and plan tour routes and improve tour efficiency.

2). Application of LED Sky Screen in Cultural and Tourism Scenic Spots

As a cutting-edge display technology, the LED sky screen has a unique charm in scenic spots of culture and tourism with its excellent 명도, color, and transparency. Specifically:

  • Cultural display:

Through high-definition picture quality and dynamic effects, LED sky screens can vividly display the historical culture, folk customs, natural wonders, etc., of the scenic spot.

For example, when showing the style of the ancient city, the LED sky screen can present the city walls, palaces, and courtyards of the ancient city so that tourists can travel back to ancient times and experience those stories full of legends and mystery.

  • Storytelling:

LED sky screens can also tell historical stories and legends about scenic spots through delicate picture quality and realistic light and shadow effects. This immersive experience not only enhances tourists’ cultural cognition but also enhances their interest in sightseeing.

4. Problems and answers that may arise when LED display screens are installed in scenic spots

Although LED display screens have brought many conveniences and advantages in the application of scenic spots, they also face some challenges, especially in terms of technology, privacy, and security. The following is a specific analysis of these challenges:

1). 명도 adjustment:

In outdoor environments, light conditions are complex and changeable, especially during the day when the sun is strong. The brightness of the LED display may need to be very high to ensure that the information is clearly visible.

However, a brightness that is too high will not only increase energy consumption but may also cause light pollution, affecting the surrounding environment and the experience of tourists.

  • 솔루션 제안:

Use an intelligent brightness adjustment system to automatically adjust the brightness of the display according to changes in ambient light to achieve a clear and energy-saving effect.

2). Energy consumption control:

LED displays, especially large-size, high-brightness displays, consume more energy when running for a long time. This not only increases operating costs but also goes against the goal of environmental protection.

  • 솔루션 제안:

Select high-efficiency LED lamp beads and energy management systems, and reduce energy consumption by optimizing circuit design and adopting energy-saving drive technology. At the same time, reasonably arrange the opening and closing time of the display to avoid unnecessary energy waste.

3). Tourist personal information security:

When using the smart guide system, tourists’ personal information may be collected and processed. If this information is not properly protected, there is a risk of leakage.

  • 솔루션 제안:

Strengthen the security protection of the smart guide system and use encryption technology to protect the security of data transmission.

At the same time, a strict information management system must be established, information collection, use, and storage specifications must be clarified, and the safety of tourists’ personal information must be ensured.

4). Safety protection of LED display screens:

LED display screens in outdoor environments may face various security risks, such as malicious destruction, natural disasters, etc.

  • Solution suggestions:

Physically reinforce and protect the LED display screen, such as installing a protective cover, strengthening the fixed structure, etc.

At the same time, safety inspections and maintenance on the display screen should be regularly conducted to ensure its normal operation and safe use.

In addition, you can also consider installing security equipment, such as surveillance cameras around the display screen, to improve security prevention capabilities.


In summary, the application of LED display screens in tourist attractions is not only a technological innovation but also a cultural feast.

It tells the historical stories of the scenic spot with a unique visual language, showing the magnificent natural landscape, and also brings unprecedented interactive experience and information acquisition convenience to tourists.

With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous deepening of application, the potential of LED display screens in tourist attractions will be further explored, injecting new vitality into the innovative development of the tourism industry.

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얻다 2023년 새 가격 지금 LED 화면용