LED 디스플레이 검사 가이드


Due to the complexity of LED 디스플레이 technology and the uncertainty in the production process, it is particularly important for buyers to carry out strict inspections after receiving the product.

Inspection is not only a key step to ensure the quality, performance, and expected effect of LED display but also a test of the supplier’s product quality control system. Through inspection, we can find the problems and shortcomings of the product in time, avoid unexpected situations in the process of use, and affect the effect and safety of use.

1. Preparation before inspection

  • Check the purchase contract and shipping list.

Before inspecting the goods, the first thing to do is to check the purchase contract in detail. This contract is an agreement between the buyer and the seller, which details the model, specifications, quantity, price, and list of accessories for the purchased LED display.

By carefully checking the content of the contract, you can ensure that you have a clear understanding of the purchased LED display screen and provide clear guidance for subsequent inspection work.

Next, you need to check the shipping list. The shipping list is provided by the supplier, which details the quantity, specifications, model, and other information about the shipped goods.

By comparing the shipping list and the purchase contract, it can be ensured that the items shipped by the supplier are consistent with the agreement in the contract and there are no omissions or errors. If you have any questions or inconsistencies, you should communicate with the supplier in time to ensure that the problem is solved before inspection.

  • Prepare the necessary inspection tools.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the inspection, you need to prepare some necessary inspection tools. These tools include but are not limited to measuring tools (such as rulers, cursor calipers, angular meters, etc.), which are used to measure the size, angle, and other parameters of LED displays.

Test instruments (such as voltmeters, ammeters, signal generators, oscilloscopes, etc.) to test the performance parameters of LED displays; and power lines and signals. Wire and other connection devices are used to connect the LED display and test its display effect.

When preparing the inspection tool, you need to pay attention to its quality and accuracy. Choosing high-quality inspection tools can ensure the accuracy of measurement and test results and avoid misjudgment caused by tool problems.

At the same time, you also need to ensure that the number of inspection tools is sufficient so that you can work efficiently during the inspection process.

  • Determine the inspection site.

Choosing a suitable inspection site is essential to ensure the smooth progress of the inspection. First of all, the inspection site should ensure environmental safety and avoid accidents caused by site problems.

Secondly, the site should be kept dry and dust-free to avoid damage to the LED display caused by moisture and dust. In addition, the inspection site should also have appropriate lighting conditions so that the appearance and display effect of the LED display can be clearly observed during the inspection process.

When choosing the inspection site, we also need to consider the size and layout of the site. The inspection site should be spacious enough to accommodate the purchased LED display screen and related inspection equipment and tools.

At the same time, the layout of the site should be reasonable, which is convenient for the inspection and the operation of personnel. If necessary, you can also set up corresponding signs and warning signs at the inspection site to remind personnel to pay attention to safety and comply with operating procedures.

2. Appearance inspection

The appearance inspection is a crucial part of the inspection of the LED display. Through the appearance inspection, you can preliminarily determine whether the LED display has been damaged during transportation and whether there is a quality problem in the production process. The following are the detailed steps for appearance inspection:

  • Packaging inspection

First of all, you need to carefully check the packaging of the LED display. Packaging is the first protective barrier of the product during transportation, and its integrity directly affects the safety of the product.

You should check whether the packaging is intact and free of damage, deformation, water stains, etc. If it is damaged or deformed, you should check further to see whether the internal product is damaged and communicate with the supplier in time.

  • Surface flatness check

Next, you need to carefully observe the surface of the LED display. The surface of the display screen should be flat without obvious scratches, dents, or stains. These defects not only affect the appearance and beauty of the product but also may affect the performance and service life of the product. Therefore, you should pay special attention to these details during the inspection process.

  • Inspection of structural components

In addition to the surface flatness, you also need to check the structural components of the LED display. These components include frames, brackets, etc., and their firmness directly affects the stability and safety of the product. You should check whether these parts are firm and not loose, deformed, etc. If loose or deformed are found, you should communicate with the supplier in time to avoid potential safety hazards during use.

When conducting an appearance inspection, you should make full use of the changes in light and viewing angle to observe the product from multiple angles to ensure the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the inspection. At the same time, you should also record the problems found during the inspection so that you can communicate with the supplier later.

3. Functional test

Functional testing is a key step in ensuring product performance and quality during the inspection of the LED display.

Through a series of functional tests, you can comprehensively evaluate key indicators such as display effect, color performance, grayscale level, resolution, brightness, and contrast of the LED display to ensure that it meets the contract requirements and practical application requirements. The following are the detailed steps for functional testing:

  • Power test

First, carry out the power test and connect the power cord and signal line to ensure that the display screen is powered on normally. During the power-on process, you should carefully observe whether the display screen has abnormal sounds, smells, etc. If there is any abnormality, you should immediately cut off the power supply and check the cause.

  • Display test

Next, the display test is performed, and the test patterns of different colors and brightness are played. During the test, you should carefully observe whether the display effect is uniform, with no bad points, bright spots, etc. Bad points and highlights are common quality problems of LED display screens, which will affect the overall display effect. If you find any bad points or highlights, you should record their location and quantity and communicate with the supplier to deal with them.

  • Grayscale test

The grayscale test is an important step in evaluating the grayscale level and transition effect of the LED display. Play the grayscale test pattern and observe the display effect at different grayscale levels. The ideal grayscale test should show rich grayscale levels and natural transition effects. If there is any problem, it should be recorded and communicated with the supplier.

  • Resolution test

The resolution test is used to evaluate the clarity and fineness of the LED display. Play high-resolution pictures or videos and observe whether the display effect is clear and delicate. High-resolution images can show more details and textures and improve the viewing experience. If the resolution is not up to standard, it should be recorded and communicated with the supplier.

  • Brightness and contrast test

Professional instruments are used to measure the brightness, contrast, and other parameters of the LED display to ensure that they meet the contract requirements. Brightness and contrast are one of the key factors affecting the display effect. Appropriate brightness and contrast can provide a better viewing effect and a more comfortable viewing experience.

If the parameters do not meet the requirements, they should be recorded and communicated with the supplier.

When conducting functional testing, you should ensure that the test environment is stable and interference-free and follow the relevant test standards and processes. Testers should be familiar with the use of test equipment and instruments to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results.

At the same time, the data and results in the test process should be recorded for subsequent analysis and processing.

4. Software and control system inspection

During the inspection of the LED display, the inspection of software and control system is an important part of ensuring that the display can run stably and meet the needs of users.

As the “brain” of the LED display, the stability and functionality of the control system directly affect the overall performance of the display. The following are the detailed steps for software and control system inspection:

  • Verify that the software matches the control system.

First of all, it is necessary to verify whether the control system software matches the display hardware. This includes checking whether the software version, driver, etc., are compatible with the model and specifications of the display. By installing and configuring the software, test whether it can control the display content of the display normally, including text, pictures, videos, etc.

During the testing process, it is necessary to ensure that the software can run stably without stuttering, crashing, and other phenomena.

  • Check the software operation interface.

Next, check whether the operation interface of the software is friendly and easy to use. The operation interface should be clear, the layout of each functional module should be reasonable, and it should be easy to identify and operate.

During the test, you can try various operations, such as adding, editing, deleting display content, etc., to evaluate the ease of use and stability of the software. At the same time, you should check whether the help documents or user manuals of the software are complete so that users can quickly find solutions when they encounter problems in the process of use.

  • Verify advanced functions

In addition to the basic display control functions, the control system should also have some advanced functions, such as remote operation, timed playback, fault alarm, etc. During the inspection process, it is necessary to verify whether these functions are effective and reliable. For the remote operation function, its remote control ability and stability can be tested through a network connection.

For the timed playback function, different playback times and content can be set to check whether it can be automatically played according to the set time; for the fault alarm function, it can be tested by simulating the fault situation. Issue an alarm signal in time and display the corresponding fault information.

When checking the software and control system, the test environment should be stable and interference-free, and the relevant test standards and processes should be followed. At the same time, the test results should also be recorded and analyzed to facilitate subsequent installation and debugging. If you find a problem or do not meet the requirements, you should communicate with the supplier in time and seek a solution.

5. Performance test

In the inspection process of LED displays, performance testing is a key link to ensure the stable and efficient operation of the product in practical applications. The following are the detailed steps for several important performance tests for LED displays:

  • 안정성 테스트

The stability test is an important test to evaluate whether the LED display can maintain stable operation under long-term continuous operation. During the test, you need to select a high-quality video or picture material, set it to loop playback mode, and observe whether the display has flashing, a black screen, a flower screen, or other faults during continuous playback.

The test time should usually last for more than a few hours to ensure that the display can maintain stable operation in various work scenarios.

  • Heat dissipation performance test

Heat dissipation performance is one of the key factors for the continuous and stable operation of the LED display. During the test, it is necessary to observe the work of the cooling fan or heat sink of the display under normal working conditions.

The heat dissipation effect can be detected by touching the temperature of the cooling components or using professional temperature measuring instruments. If the heat dissipation is poor, it may cause the temperature of the display to rise, which will affect its performance and life.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the heat dissipation system of the display can effectively dissipate heat and maintain the normal operating temperature of the display.

  • Protection performance test

The protection performance test is a key test to evaluate whether the LED display can work normally in various harsh environments. During the test, it is necessary to check whether the display screen is waterproof, dustproof, corrosion-proof, and other protective measures, as well as verify its effectiveness.

The protective performance of the display screen can be tested by simulating different environmental conditions, such as water, sandstorms, corrosive gases, etc.

At the same time, you can also check whether the waterproof interface, dustproof mesh, and other components of the display screen are in good condition to ensure that they can effectively resist the erosion of various harsh environments in practical applications.

When performing performance testing, it is necessary to ensure that the test environment is similar to the actual use scenario to simulate the real use. At the same time, it is also necessary to record the data and results during the testing process for subsequent analysis and evaluation.

If the test results show that the LED display has performance problems or does not meet the requirements, it is necessary to communicate with the supplier in time and seek a solution.


In short, LED display inspection is an important and complex task that requires buyers to have professional knowledge and skills. Through the sharing of this article, I hope to provide you with useful references and help so that you can be smarter and more calm when buying LED displays.

Finally, if you want to know more about LED, 우리에게 연락해주세요.

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얻다 2023년 새 가격 지금 LED 화면용