LED 광고 화면을 소유하면 얼마나 많은 수입을 얻을 수 있습니까?


In today’s digital age, the advertising industry is undergoing unprecedented changes. With its unique advantages, such as high brightness, high definition, and dynamic display, LED 광고 화면 have become an indispensable part of the urban landscape and are also a high-quality medium that advertisers are vying to choose.

However, for individuals or companies with LED advertising screens, how to maximize their income potential and realize commercial value has become a topic worthy of in-depth discussion. This article will focus on the theme of “How much income can you get from owning an LED advertising screen?” and understand it from multiple aspects, such as income sources, influencing factors, and strategies to maximize income. Let’s take a look.

1. Income sources of LED advertising screens

1). Advertising rental income

One of the main sources of income for LED advertising screens is advertising rental income. This mainly comes from the fees paid by advertisers to display advertising content on their advertising screens. These fees are usually determined based on the following key factors:

  • Location factors: The geographical location of the advertising screen has an important impact on its income. Advertising screens located in busy commercial areas, traffic arteries, or crowded areas often receive higher rental fees due to their high exposure and wide audience coverage.

  • Size factors: The size of the advertising screen is also one of the important factors that determine the rental fee. Larger advertising screens can accommodate more advertising content and attract more viewers, so they often receive higher rental fees.

  • Display quality: The display quality of advertising screens directly affects the audience’s viewing experience. Advertising screens with high definition, high brightness, and bright colors can present more vivid and realistic advertising content, thereby attracting more viewers’ attention, improving advertising effects, and thus increasing rental income.

In addition, different types of advertising content (such as videos, pictures, text, etc.) may also have an impact on rental rates. Some complex advertising content that requires special technical support (such as dynamic videos) may require higher rental fees.

2). Value-added service income

In addition to basic advertising rental income, LED advertising screens can also increase their revenue sources by providing value-added services. These value-added services include:

  • Data analysis services:

Using the data collection and analysis functions of advertising screens, advertisers will be provided with detailed data and analysis reports on advertising effects, helping them to place advertisements more accurately and improve advertising effects.

This service can provide advertisers with valuable references, thereby increasing their dependence on and investment in advertising screens.

  • Customized advertising content:

Customize unique advertising content according to the specific needs of advertisers to meet their brand communication and promotion needs. This service can increase the attractiveness of the advertising screen, improve the advertising effect, and thus increase revenue.

  • Joint advertising service:

Cooperate with other media or brands to provide joint advertising services. For example, cooperate with TV stations, radio stations, and other media to play their advertising content on the advertising screen; or cooperate with well-known brands to jointly launch joint advertising activities. This cooperation can expand the influence of the advertising screen, attract more advertisers’ attention, and thus increase revenue.

3). Additional income

In addition to the above two main sources of income, LED advertising screens can also obtain additional income in the following ways:

  • Public service advertisements or city information display:

Provide publicity services for the government or public institutions by displaying public service advertisements or city information on the advertising screen. This service can obtain funding or subsidies from the government or public institutions, bringing additional income to the advertising screen.

  • Event or exhibition rental:

Rent the advertising screen space to hold events or exhibitions, and provide venue support for the event organizers. This rental method can obtain venue fees and bring additional sources of income to the advertising screen. At the same time, the holding of events or exhibitions can also attract more people and attention, and increase the popularity and influence of the advertising screen.

2. Factors affecting the income of LED advertising screens

1). Geographic location

Geographic location is one of the important factors affecting the income of LED advertising screens. The following is a specific analysis of geographical locations:

  • Busy commercial areas and transportation hubs:

Advertising screens located in these areas can usually attract a large number of people and vehicles, so the advertising exposure rate is high, which can naturally attract more advertisers and obtain higher advertising rental income.

  • Crowded areas:

Such as shopping malls, pedestrian streets, parks, and other crowded places, advertising screens have a wide audience base and significant advertising effects, so they can also bring considerable income.

  • Regional market demand and competition:

The advertising market demand and competition conditions in different regions are different, which will also affect the income of advertising screens. In cities or regions with fierce competition, advertisers may be willing to pay higher fees to ensure that their ads are displayed on high-quality advertising screens.

2). Advertising screen quality

The quality of advertising screens is directly related to the audience’s viewing experience and advertising effects, which in turn affects the income of advertising screens. The following is a specific analysis of the quality of advertising screens:

  • High resolution and high brightness:

High-resolution and high-brightness LED advertising screens can present clearer and more vivid advertising content, attract the audience’s attention, and improve advertising effects.

  • 밝은 색:

Brightly colored advertising screens can bring a stronger visual impact to the audience, making the advertising content more eye-catching.

  • Stable operation and low failure rate:

Stable operation and the low failure rate can ensure that the advertising screen continues to provide services to advertisers and avoid advertising interruptions or losses caused by equipment failure.

3). Market demand

Market demand is another important factor affecting the revenue of LED advertising screens. The following is a specific analysis of market demand:

  • Development trend of the advertising industry:

With the continuous development of the advertising industry, the market demand for advertising screens as a new type of advertising medium is also increasing. This will directly drive the growth of advertising screen revenue.

  • Specific industry or brand demand:

Some specific industries or brands may have a higher demand for advertising screens, such as fast-moving consumer goods, electronic products, etc. The advertising demand of these industries or brands will directly affect the revenue of advertising screens.

4). Advertising content

Advertising content is another key factor affecting the revenue of LED advertising screens. The following is a specific analysis of advertising content:

  • Creativity and fun:

Creative and interesting advertising content can attract the attention of the audience and improve the advertising effect. Therefore, advertisers are more willing to pay higher fees for creative and interesting advertising content.

  • Relevance to the audience:

Advertising content related to the audience is more likely to resonate with and pay attention to the audience, thereby improving the advertising effect. Therefore, understanding the preferences and needs of the target audience and producing advertising content related to the audience will help increase the revenue of advertising screens.

  • Regular updates:

Regularly updating advertising content can keep the audience fresh and increase the attractiveness of advertising. Therefore, regularly updating advertising content is also one of the important means to increase advertising screen revenue.

3. How do we calculate the return on investment of LED advertising screens?

Calculating the return on investment (ROI) of LED advertising screens is a process of evaluating its economic benefits, which usually involves a comparison of investment costs and advertising revenue. The following is a clear step to calculate the return on investment of LED advertising screens:

1). Determine the investment cost

First, the total investment cost of the LED advertising screen needs to be clarified. This usually includes the following parts:

  • Advertising screen purchase or rental Cost: This is the Cost required to purchase or rent an LED advertising screen, depending on factors such as the size, quality, and brand of the advertising screen.

  • Installation cost: Includes costs such as installation, commissioning, and testing of the advertising screen.

  • Operating cost: Includes electricity costs, maintenance costs, insurance costs, etc., to ensure the normal operation and maintenance of the advertising screen.

Other costs May also include other expenses related to the LED advertising screen, such as marketing costs and personnel costs.

Assume that the total investment cost is C (Cost).

2). Determine advertising revenue

Next, the advertising revenue of the LED advertising screen needs to be calculated. This usually comes from the rental fee of the advertiser, and the rental rate can be set according to the geographical location, size, display quality, and other factors of the advertising screen.

Assume that the annual advertising revenue is R (Revenue), which can be a fixed annual rental fee or a fee based on variables such as the number of advertisements played or the time.

3). Calculate ROI

According to the definition and calculation formula of ROI (return on investment):

ROI = [(Revenue – Cost) / Cost] * 100%.

Here, revenue is advertising revenue R, and Cost is total investment cost C.

Therefore, the ROI calculation formula for LED advertising screens is:

ROI = [(R – C) / C] * 100%

If ROI is a positive number, it means that the advertising screen is profitable during operation; if ROI is a negative number, it means that the advertising screen is losing money during operation.

4). Example

Assuming that the total investment cost of the LED advertising screen is 1 million yuan (C=1 million), and the annual rental fee from advertisers is 300,000 yuan (R=300,000), the ROI calculation is as follows:

ROI = [(300,000 – 1 million) / 1 million] * 100% = -70%

This means that under the current circumstances, the ROI of the LED advertising screen is negative 70%; that is, there is a 70% loss. This may be due to high investment costs or advertising revenue failing to reach the expected level. In order to improve ROI, it may be necessary to consider measures such as reducing investment costs, increasing advertising revenue, or optimizing operating strategies.

It should be noted that the above calculations are only examples, and the parameters and values ​​need to be adjusted according to the specific situation in the actual calculation. At the same time, the calculation results of ROI only represent the economic benefits of the advertising screen in a certain period of time, and it is necessary to consider a variety of factors to evaluate its long-term benefits and potential.

4. Strategies to maximize LED advertising screen revenue

1). Precisely locate the target market

  • Determine the target market and advertiser type:

According to the geographical location of the LED advertising screen (such as commercial areas, transportation hubs, crowded areas, etc.) and its own characteristics (such as size, display quality, etc.), clarify the target market and potential advertiser types.

  • Develop marketing strategies:

Develop effective marketing strategies for the target market, such as increasing the visibility and attractiveness of the advertising screen through social media, local media, outdoor advertising, and other channels. At the same time, establish connections with potential advertisers and provide customized advertising solutions.

2). Improve the quality of advertising screens.

  • Adopt advanced technology: Select high-quality LED display technology and hardware equipment to ensure that the advertising screen has stable operation and excellent display effects.

  • Regular maintenance and care: Regularly maintain and care for the advertising screen, including cleaning, checking the hardware and software status, etc., to extend the service life and reduce the failure rate.

  • Update technology: With the development of technology, continuously update the software and hardware of the advertising screen to maintain its technological advancement and competitiveness.

3). Innovate advertising content and form.

  • Cooperate with advertisers: Work closely with advertisers to jointly develop creative, interesting, and relevant advertising content and forms for the target audience.

  • Utilize big data: Through big data analysis technology, understand the preferences and behavior patterns of target audiences, provide advertisers with accurate advertising suggestions, and improve advertising effects.

  • Creative competition: Hold creative advertising competitions to encourage advertisers and creative personnel to submit innovative advertising plans and attract more excellent advertising content.

4). Expand value-added services

  • Provide data analysis services: Provide advertisers with detailed data analysis reports to help them understand advertising effects and optimize advertising strategies.

  • Customized advertising content: Provide customized advertising content creation and production services according to the needs of advertisers.

  • Joint advertising activities: Cooperate with other media or brands to carry out joint advertising activities to increase the exposure and influence of advertising screens by sharing resources and audiences.

5). Flexibly adjust pricing strategies.

  • Market research: Conduct market research regularly to understand market demand and competition conditions and provide a basis for the formulation of pricing strategies.

  • Differentiated pricing: Formulate differentiated pricing strategies based on factors such as the geographical location, size, display quality of the advertising screen, the type of advertiser, and the characteristics of the advertising content.

  • Dynamic adjustment: Flexibly adjust pricing strategies based on market changes and advertiser feedback to ensure the maximization of the rental rate and revenue of the advertising screen.


Through the discussion in this article, we can easily see that the revenue potential of LED advertising screens is huge, but they also face many challenges and uncertainties.

In order to maximize its commercial value, we need to start from multiple aspects, including accurately positioning the target market, improving the quality of advertising screens, innovating advertising content and forms, expanding value-added services, and flexibly adjusting pricing strategies.

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to market trends and technological developments and constantly adjust and optimize our business strategies to adapt to the ever-changing market environment.

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얻다 2023년 새 가격 지금 LED 화면용