Knowledge: Analysis Of The Advertising Benefits Of Taxi LED Display Screens


With the rise of digital advertising, taxi LED display screens have become a new advertising star in the urban landscape with their unique mobility and wide coverage. This article will explore the benefits of this advertising medium, analyze its role in modern advertising and its future development.

1. Overview of the taxi LED display advertising market

Taxi LED display screens, as the name suggests, refer to LED display screens installed on taxis.

This display screen uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as display elements and controls the on and off and color changes of semiconductor light-emitting diodes to display text, images, animations, and other information.

LED display screens are widely used in various display scenarios due to their high energy efficiency, strong monochromaticity, small size, and long life, while their application in taxis is mainly focused on advertising display.

1). Application of taxi LED display screens in the advertising field

In the advertising field, taxi LED display screens have become an important part of the urban advertising market due to their unique mobility and wide audience coverage.

Through LED display screens installed on the top or side of taxis, advertisers can publish various advertising information in real-time, including brand promotion, product promotion, event notifications, etc.

This advertising information shuttles through the streets and alleys of the city with the driving of taxis, covering a large number of mobile people, with extremely high exposure and publicity effects.

2). Advantages of taxi LED display advertising

LED display screens have the characteristics of high brightness and can maintain clear display effects even under direct sunlight during the day.

This allows taxi LED display advertising to effectively attract the attention of passers-by under various lighting conditions.

  • Intelligent asynchronous control:

Modern LED display screens usually adopt intelligent asynchronous control systems, which can achieve remote control and real-time content updates.

Advertisers can upload advertising content remotely through the Internet without manually changing the advertising screen, which greatly improves the efficiency and flexibility of advertising releases.

  • Real-time update:

Due to the support of intelligent asynchronous control, the advertising content of taxi LED display screens can be updated in real-time.

Advertisers can adjust the advertising content at any time according to market demand and marketing strategies to ensure the timeliness and pertinence of advertising information.

  • Mobile communication:

As an important part of urban transportation, taxis have high mobility and wide coverage. Taxi LED display advertising moves with the car, which can cover more potential audiences and increase the exposure and influence of advertising.

  • Low cost and high efficiency:

Compared with traditional media advertising, taxi LED display advertising has the advantages of low cost and high efficiency. Advertisers can flexibly choose the time, area, and quantity of advertising according to their own budget and need to achieve precision marketing and cost control.

2. Taxi LED display advertising efficiency analysis

1). Wide advertising coverage and a large audience

Taxi LED display advertising is like a mobile billboard in the city. Wherever the taxi goes, the advertisement is there. They shuttle in every corner of the city, from bustling commercial streets to quiet residential areas. You can see them.

In this way, the advertisement can cover more people, whether they are office workers, students or housewives, they have the opportunity to see these advertisements.

The target audience of these advertisements is also very clear: those who take taxis and those who see taxis on the road. Imagine that when you are walking on the road or waiting for the traffic light, you can look up and see an advertisement for a taxi. Isn’t it very eye-catching?

2). The content of the advertisement must be interesting to catch the eye

In order to make passengers and passers-by notice the advertisement, the content must be creative and attractive. Advertisements cannot be just a few simple words or a picture; they must be a bit innovative.

For example, you can use animations, flashing text, or interesting pictures to attract everyone’s attention. Advertisement information must also be concise and clear so that people can understand it at a glance and leave a deep impression.

Just like when you watch TV commercials, are those creative and interesting advertisements easier for you to remember? The same is true for taxi LED display ads.

3). Change ads frequently to keep freshness

If you see the same ads every day, everyone will definitely feel bored. Therefore, advertisers need to change the content of ads regularly to keep the ads fresh. Just like you change clothes every day, ads also need to “change clothes” to attract everyone’s attention.

It is recommended that advertisers change ads once a week or a month, especially when encountering important holidays or when new products are released; they should update the content of ads in a timely manner.

This will not only attract the attention of passengers and passers-by but also make the ads more in line with current hot spots and trends.

4). Increase interaction to make ads more interesting

Although taxi LED displays cannot directly allow people to click or operate, advertisers can still increase the interactivity of ads through some methods.

For example, put a QR code or website link on the advertisement so that everyone can scan it with their mobile phone or click to see more information or participate in the event.

You can also combine social media to launch some topic discussions or challenges and other activities to encourage everyone to share their views or experiences. In this way, advertising is no longer a one-way communication, but a topic and interaction that everyone can participate in.

Such advertisements are not only more interesting, but also allow more people to know and pay attention to the brand or product.

3. Taxi LED display advertising market forecast

1). Market size forecast

LED display screens are particularly popular in the advertising industry because they are bright, clear, and durable. When you walk on the street, you can often see various large-screen advertisements, right?

So, the LED display screen advertisements on taxis are like small mobile screens. Wherever the taxi goes, the advertisements follow. It is super convenient!

According to some experts’ predictions, as cities become larger and more taxis become more and more, the market for taxi LED display screen advertisements will also become larger and larger.

Advertisers have found that this advertising method can allow more people to see their products or services, and the effect is great! Therefore, in the next few years, we can expect this market to continue to be “hot” and become bigger and stronger.

2). Technology Development Trends

Speaking of technology, it is changing with each passing day! In the field of LED display advertising, there are also some new technologies that are quietly changing our world.

  • Mini/MicroLED technology:

Imagine if the LED display on the taxi becomes super small, but the picture is super clear, just like the high-definition screen of our mobile phone. This is the magic of Mini/MicroLED technology!

It can make the advertising picture more delicate and the color more vivid, making people unforgettable at first sight. In the future, this technology may make taxi LED display advertising even cooler!

  • Intelligence and Internetization:

The world today is a smart world, and everything can be connected to the Internet. Taxi LED display advertising is no exception.

In the future, advertising may change according to weather, time, or passengers’ interests and hobbies, just like having a smart “little assistant” to help. In this way, advertising will be more accurate and easier for everyone to accept.

  • Customization and personalization:

Everyone has different preferences, right? Future advertising will also understand this better. For example, a restaurant can put an advertisement of “Tonight’s Specials” on the taxi LED display, and only display it in the nearby area, so as to attract more nearby customers.

This customized and personalized advertising method will make the advertising more intimate and effective.

4. Taxi LED display advertising: Challenges and opportunities coexist

1). Challenges faced

  • Market competition is fierce.

There are too many ways to advertise now, and LED display advertising is becoming more and more common.

If taxi LED display advertising wants to stand out, it has to compete with many other forms of advertising. It’s like in a busy market, every stall is shouting loudly, you have to find a way to make your voice louder and more attractive.

  • Fast technology update

Science and technology are constantly advancing, and the technology of LED displays is also changing with each passing day. If you don’t keep up with it in time, you may be eliminated. It’s like your mobile phone.

If you don’t change it for a new one, you will feel that it is not so smooth to use. Therefore, taxi LED display advertising must also constantly upgrade technology to remain competitive.

  • Many policy changes

The government’s management of advertising is becoming more and more strict, and policies are often changing.

Taxi LED display advertising must always pay attention to these policy changes to ensure that its advertising content is legal and compliant. This is like playing a game, you must abide by the rules of the game, otherwise you will be eliminated.

2). Opportunities ushered in

Now cities are becoming more and more intelligent, and many cities are building smart cities. Taxi LED display advertising can take advantage of this opportunity and use intelligent technology to make advertising more accurate and interesting.

For example, different advertising content can be played according to weather changes or traffic conditions, so that the information seen by passengers is more practical and more intimate.

  • Expansion of transportation network

With the development of cities, transportation networks are becoming more and more developed. Taxis can go to more places, and taxi LED display advertising has more opportunities to display.

It’s like you opened a small shop, but the location of the shop is very good, the flow of people is large, and your business will naturally get better and better.

  • Continuous technological innovation

New display technologies such as Mini/MicroLED are constantly emerging. These technologies can make the pictures of taxi LED display advertising clearer and more colorful. It’s like you changed to a new mobile phone: the screen is clearer, the colors are more colorful, and it looks more comfortable.

Therefore, technological innovation will also bring more development opportunities for taxi LED display advertising.

5. BIBILED taxi screen case sharing


With high coverage and interactivity, taxi LED display advertising provides new possibilities for brand communication. In the face of market competition and technological innovation, continuous innovation and strategy optimization will be the key to maintaining its competitiveness.

With the development of smart cities, this form of advertising is expected to become an important link between brands and consumers.

Finally, if you want to know more about LED displays, please get in touch with us.

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