The Purpose Of Interactive LED Floor Tile Screen: 3 Minutes To Quickly Understand


Stepping into the threshold of future technology, a visual and interactive feast is waiting for you! This article will take you directly to the core charm of interactive フロアLEDスクリーン.

In just 3 minutes, you will unlock the infinite possibilities of this innovative display technology. From the dreamy interaction on the stage to the creative breakthrough of commercial publicity to the dazzling embellishment of the urban landscape, we will reveal one by one how floor LED screen brings unprecedented experience and change to all walks of life.

Get ready; let us explore this wonderful journey of technology and art together and discover how it can add an unrepeatable bright color to your world!

1. Technical principles and characteristics of interactive floor LED screen

1). Technical principle

The interactive floor LED screen is a comprehensive product that integrates advanced display technology, interactive sensing technology, intelligent control and processing systems, and innovative interactive software. Its technical principles mainly cover the following aspects:

  • LEDディスプレイ画面:

As a display unit, the floor LED screen uses high-density, small-pitch LED lamp beads as pixels and achieves ultra-high-resolution image display through precise circuit layout and driving technology. These LED lamp beads can emit light of different colors, combining them into colorful pictures.

  • Interactive sensing technology:

In order to achieve human-computer interaction, floor LED screens are built with a variety of sensors, such as pressure sensors, infrared sensors or cameras, etc., to capture human movements, location information, or other environmental parameters.

These sensors transmit data to the control system in real-time to trigger corresponding display changes or interactive effects.

  • Processor and control system:

The powerful processor is responsible for receiving sensor data and performing rapid analysis and processing. The control system precisely controls each pixel on the floor LED screen according to the instructions of the processor to achieve dynamic updates and interactive effects of the picture.

The video synchronization control method ensures the smoothness and real-time performance of the picture, while ensuring the display effect of high resolution and soft colors.

  • Interactive software:

The specially designed interactive software is the soul of the interactive floor LED screen. It provides a wealth of interactive scenes, effect templates, and custom tools, allowing users to create unique interactive experiences as needed.

The software also supports remote control and monitoring functions for easy maintenance and management.

2). Product Features

The interactive floor LED screen stands out among many display products with its unique performance advantages. Its main features include:

  • Flexible installation:

The floor LED screen adopts a modular design, which is easy to install and disassemble quickly. Whether it is an indoor or outdoor venue, it can easily adapt to and meet various complex installation requirements.

  • 簡単なメンテナンス:

Each module can be disassembled and replaced independently, which greatly reduces the maintenance cost and difficulty. At the same time, the intelligent control system can monitor the operating status of the equipment in real time and promptly discover and deal with potential problems.

  • Impact resistance and high load-bearing capacity:

For the special application scenarios of floor tile screens (such as バー, 展示 halls, etc.), the product design fully considers the need for impact resistance and high load-bearing capacity. Ensure that it can still maintain stable operation under conditions such as people stepping on it and vehicles driving.

  • Ultra-high protection:

It adopts high-level protection designs such as waterproof, dustproof, and anti-corrosion to ensure that the equipment can still work normally in harsh environments.

High contrast, excellent low-brightness, and high-gray effect:

Even in low-brightness environments, the floor LED screen can present clear and delicate picture effects. High contrast enhances the layering and three-dimensional sense of the picture, making the interactive experience more realistic.

  • 強力なカスタマイズ性:

Users can customize the size, shape, layout, and interactive effects of LED floor tiles according to specific needs. Whether it is a large-scale exhibition, performance event, or commercial display space, you can find the most suitable solution.

2. Stage performance and entertainment experience application

1). Improved stage effect

The application of LED floor tiles in ステージ performances has greatly enriched the stage performance form and brought an unprecedented visual feast to the audience. The following is a detailed description of its specific application and how to enhance the stage performance:

  • Live broadcast and special effects display:

LED floor tiles can display stage backgrounds, special effects or live broadcasts in real time, seamlessly connecting with the performance content on the stage.

For example, in a dance performance, the floor tile screen can simulate backgrounds such as flowing rivers and twinkling stars, making the dancers seem to be in another world, enhancing the immersiveness of the performance.

Through the slow motion playback function, the floor tile screen can also capture and display every detail of the actor’s movements, allowing the audience to appreciate the artistic charm of the performance under slow motion and deepen their understanding and feelings of the performance content.

The application of close-up shots allows the audience to focus on the actor’s facial expressions, hand movements, and other details, further narrowing the distance between the actor and the audience and enhancing emotional resonance.

  • Real-time interaction and creative effects:

The real-time interaction between the floor LED screen and the actor is a highlight of the stage performance.

For example, using footprint tracking technology, the floor tile screen can display different patterns or colors as the actor’s steps change, such as leaving gorgeous footprints, triggering hidden mechanisms, etc., adding mystery and fun to the performance.

The application of effects such as water ripples and flower blooming has pushed the interactive experience to a new height. When the actor touches the floor tile screen, layers of ripples may appear on the screen, or gorgeous flowers may bloom.

These vivid effects not only make the stage more vivid and interesting but also stimulate the audience’s imagination and sense of participation.

2). Entertainment interactive games

In entertainment venues, game areas and theme parks, floor LED screens also play an important role, providing tourists with novel and interesting interactive experiences.

  • Interactive games:

Various interactive games can be designed using the touch and sensing functions of floor LED screens.

For example, players can stand on the floor tile screen to participate in a dancing game, and the screen will display the corresponding game screen and score according to the player’s movements and rhythm, or players can participate in a treasure hunt game to find hidden clues and treasures on the floor tile screen.

These games not only test the player’s reaction speed and coordination ability but also increase the participation and fun of entertainment activities.

  • Interactive Art:

floor LED screens can also be used as a carrier of interactive art to bring visitors a unique artistic experience. For example, a large floor LED screen is set up in a theme park, and visitors can trigger different artistic effects by touching the patterns or colors on the screen, such as unpredictable light and shadow shows, dynamic pattern changes, etc.

These interactive works of art not only beautify the environment, but also inspire the creativity and imagination of visitors.

3. Commercial promotion and advertising display applications

1). Brand promotion and advertising display

The application of floor LED screens in the commercial field provides a new perspective and powerful tools for brand promotion and advertising display. Its unique display characteristics and interactivity enable stores, exhibitions, and event venues to convey product information and brand concepts more vividly and efficiently.

  • Application in stores and exhibitions:

In stores, LED floor screens can be used as a display window or part of the in-store decoration to display the latest product lines, discount information, or brand stories. Through the high-definition and high-color saturation display effect, product details can be perfectly presented, attracting customers’ eyes and stimulating their desire to buy.

At the same time, the floor screen can also play brand promotional videos or interactive advertisements to enhance customers’ recognition and memory of the brand.

展示会, LED floor screens have become a powerful tool for brand promotion. It can be used as the core display area of ​​the booth to attract visitors’ attention through dynamic pictures and sound effects.

Companies can use floor screens to display product features, technical advantages or success stories, provide visitors with an immersive visiting experience, and deepen their impression of the brand.

  • Enhance brand image and advertising effect:

The high definition and high color saturation of LED floor screens make the advertising content more vivid and can accurately convey the core value and product characteristics of the brand.

This high-quality display effect not only enhances the brand image but also enhances the visual impact and appeal of the advertisement, making the advertising information easier for customers to accept and remember.

Interactivity is also a major advantage of LED floor screens. Through touch screens or sensing technology, floor screens can interact with customers in real-time, such as by providing product introductions, demonstrating usage effects, or collecting customer feedback.

This interactive method not only increases the fun and participation of advertising but also improves the conversion rate and effectiveness of advertising.

2). Mall drainage and promotion

LED floor screens also play an important role in mall drainage and promotion activities. Its unique interactivity and visual impact make it an effective means to attract customer attention and increase customer flow.

  • Mall drainage:

Malls can set up LED floor screens at the entrance or main channel to attract customers into the mall by playing attractive, dynamic pictures and sound effects. Floor screens can also display navigation information, floor distribution, or promotional activities of the mall so that customers can quickly find the goods or services they need.

During holidays or special periods, malls can also use floor screens to play pictures of holiday themes or special events to create a strong festive atmosphere and shopping environment and further attract customers’ attention and participation.

  • プロモーション活動:

LED floor screen malls can attract customers’ attention to promotional activities and improve their performance. They are customized through participation. For example, interactive shopping mall content, such as games and lucky draws, can design a game that interacts with the floor tile screen.

Customers can participate in the game by touching the screen and have the opportunity to get coupons, discount codes, and other rewards, or set up a lucky draw session so that customers can participate in the lucky draw through the floor tile screen after shopping, which increases the fun and expectation of shopping.

4. Urban landscape and tourism applications

1). City image enhancement

As a combination of modern technology and urban aesthetics, floor LED screens play an increasingly important role in urban landscape decoration, significantly improving the image and modernity of the city.

  • Urban landscape decoration applications:

floor LED screens are widely used in public areas such as urban buildings, curtain walls, and squares. Through dynamically changing pictures and colors, they add infinite charm to the city’s night scene.

On the building, the floor LED screen can form a unique light show to show the prosperity and vitality of the city; on the curtain wall and square, the floor tile screen can blend with the surrounding environment to create a fantastic visual effect.

This high-tech display method not only beautifies the urban environment but also enhances the city’s sense of technology and future so that the city can also glow with charming brilliance at night.

  • Function of city landmarks:

As an important part of city landmarks, floor LED screens not only attract the attention of citizens and tourists but also become a business card for the city’s external publicity. Through unique display effects and creative content, floor LED screens can show the characteristics and cultural heritage of the city and enhance the city’s popularity and reputation.

Installing floor LED screens on some important city nodes and landmark buildings can form a strong visual impact and appeal, making the city stand out among many cities and become a must-visit place in the hearts of tourists.

2). Tourism experience

In tourist attractions, floor LED screens also play an important role, providing tourists with a “shocking” and “super value” sightseeing experience.

  • Application of tourist attractions:

In tourist attractions such as red education bases, villas, and parks, floor LED screens are widely used to display historical culture, natural scenery, and other content.

Through high-definition and high-color saturation display effects, floor tile screens can vividly present the characteristics and cultural connotations of the attractions, making tourists feel as if they are in the long river of history or in the embrace of nature.

For example, in the red education base, the floor tile screen can play simulated scenes of historical events or touching deeds of heroes; in the villa and park, it can show the natural scenery of the changing seasons or the ecological pictures of rare animals and plants.

  • Enhance the sense of participation and satisfaction of tourists:

The interactivity of the floor LED screen provides tourists with a richer experience. Through touch screen or sensing technology, tourists can interact with the floor tile screen, such as participating in games, answering questions or obtaining information about scenic spots.

This interactive method not only increases the sense of participation and fun of tourists, but also improves the satisfaction and loyalty of tourists to the scenic spots.

For example, in some theme parks, tourists can trigger different scene changes or get game rewards by touching the virtual buttons on the floor tile screen; in 博物館 and exhibition halls, they can obtain detailed information about exhibits or participate in virtual exhibitions through the guide system of the floor tile screen.

These interactive experiences not only allow tourists to have a deeper understanding of the cultural connotation and historical background of the scenic spots but also improve their visiting experience and satisfaction.


In summary, the interactive floor LED screen, with its unique interactivity and powerful expressiveness, has shown great potential and value in many fields such as stage performances, entertainment experience, commercial promotion and urban landscape.

It not only brings an unprecedented visual feast and interactive experience to the audience, but also provides a new display and marketing method for all walks of life.

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