New Knowledge: New Secrets Of LED Advertising Screens’ Profitability Under The Fan Economy


In the ever-changing field of commercial advertising, we are witnessing a marketing revolution led by the “fan economy.”

As the commercial advertising market transforms towards digitalization and precision, LED広告スクリーン, with their unique charm and powerful information dissemination capabilities, have become a bridge connecting brands and fans.

This article goes straight to the core and will explore in depth how LED advertising screens can be cleverly integrated into the fan economy, opening up new profit growth points for advertisers through innovative marketing strategies and precision delivery technologies.

We will reveal how LED advertising screens can attract and retain fans’ attention with their stunning visual effects and flexible playback content. Let’s take a look.

1. The core elements and influence of the fan economy

1). What is the fan economy?

The fan economy is like a group of people who like a star, brand, or thing very much. They are willing to spend money because they like it. This economic effect generated by liking is the fan economy. For example, if you like a singer, you will buy his album, watch his concert, and tell your friends how great he is. This is the embodiment of the fan economy.

2). The three magic weapons in the fan economy

  • Emotional bond

First, it is the emotional bond. This is like the deep feelings between you and your good friends. You have a special feeling for a certain star or brand because you like them. This feeling makes you feel that it is worth supporting them and makes you willing to pay for them.

  • Community power

Second, it is the power of the community. Imagine getting together with a group of people who also like a certain star or brand. You share information and exchange feelings. Isn’t this a great feeling? This is the power of the community. It can make you more united and make the voice of the star or brand spread further.

  • Consumer enthusiasm

Finally, it is consumer enthusiasm. Because you like it, you are willing to pay for the products of that star or brand, even if the price is a little higher than others. This consumer enthusiasm not only makes the star or brand make money but also makes you feel that your support has practical significance.

3). The power of fan economy

  • Brands become popular

Fan economy can make brands quickly popular. When a group of fans crazily support a brand, the brand will attract more attention, and its popularity will naturally increase.

  • Products sell well

With the support of fans, there is no need to worry about product sales. They will buy your products and recommend them to others so that the products can sell better.

  • The wide spread of culture

Fan economy can also help spread culture. Fans will create some cultural elements related to stars or brands, such as songs, videos, pictures, etc. These elements will be widely spread on the Internet, allowing more people to understand and like the star or brand.

2. Advantages of LED advertising screens in an economy

1). Eye-catching superstars

LED advertising screens are like superstars in the city. With their high-definition picture quality and shocking dynamic effects, they instantly become the focus of the crowd.

Whether it is the shining debut of celebrity endorsements or the wonderful preview of brand activities, large LED screens can quickly catch the eyes of fans in their unique way, making information transmission more efficient and direct.

2). New ways of interaction and participation

LED advertising screens are not just static display boards. They can also use advanced technical means to achieve rapid content replacement and diversified display.

More importantly, combined with innovative methods such as code scanning interaction and AR experience, LED large screens provide fans with a new sense of participation and experience. Fans can participate in interactive games by scanning the QR code on their mobile phones or experiencing close contact with idols through AR technology.

This immersive interactive method will undoubtedly greatly enhance fans’ enthusiasm for participation and brand loyalty.

3). Precisely positioned scene marketing

The flexible layout of LED advertising screens enables precise marketing according to different scenes.

Whether it is a bustling business district, a subway station with a large flow of people, or a passionate スタジアムLED大型スクリーン can display targeted content according to the characteristics of the location.

This scene-based marketing method can not only effectively reach the target fan group but also allow advertising information to blend with the surrounding environment to form a more harmonious visual experience.

4). Data-driven intelligent optimization

In the fan economy, data is a valuable resource. Combining LED advertising screens with big data technology can deeply analyze fans’ behavior habits and preferences, thereby optimizing advertising content, delivery time, and location.

This data-driven intelligent optimization method can greatly improve the conversion rate and delivery effect of advertising, allowing brands to reach target fan groups more accurately and maximize commercial value.

3. New profit strategies for LED advertising screens under the fan economy

In today’s fan economy, LED screens, as an efficient communication medium, can achieve significant profit growth by cleverly utilizing the fanaticism and loyalty of idol fans. The following are strategies for obtaining benefits through the idol fan effect from the perspective of LED screens:

1). Idol birthday support cooperation

On the special day of the idol’s birthday, the LED screen can actively seek cooperation with the idol studio, fan club, etc., and become part of its birthday support activities.

Playing the idol’s birthday support video, blessing words, or specially planned light shows celebrates the idol’s birthday and attracts a large number of fans.

  • Implementation method:

Negotiate with relevant parties to determine the details of the cooperation, including the content, time, and location of the broadcast.

Carefully produce or customize the birthday support content to ensure that it is consistent with the idol’s image and incorporates brand elements.

Select LED screens for playback in areas with high traffic to maximize exposure.

  • Profit point:

Attract fans to watch on-site, drive surrounding commercial activities, such as catering, retail, etc., and indirectly increase revenue.

Increase the visibility and influence of LED screens through social media dissemination, laying the foundation for future advertising cooperation.

Cooperate with brands to launch joint products or services and use the purchasing power of idol fans to achieve direct profits.

2). Fan meetings and event sponsorship

Use LED display screens as part of the event background or interactive links to sponsor or cooperate in fan meetings, autograph sessions and other activities of idols. Through on-site display and interaction, deepen fans’ impression of LED display brand.

  • Implementation method:

Consult and cooperate with the event organizer to determine the use method and time of the LED display screen.

Design creative display content and interactive links, such as on-site lottery, fan message screen, etc., to increase fan participation.

Set up a brand display area at the event site, provide product experience or preferential activities, and attract fans to buy.

  • Profit point:

Directly obtain income through event sponsorship fees.

Increase brand awareness and reputation, and create more opportunities for future advertising cooperation.

Direct sales revenue from on-site sales and promotional activities.

3). Social media interaction and topic marketing

Use social media platforms to establish interactive relationships with idol fan communities and guide fans to pay attention to and share relevant content of LED display screens by launching topic support activities.

  • Implementation method:

Create an official account on social media and regularly publish content related to idols and LED display screens.

Initiate topic challenges or support activities related to idol birthdays, new work releases, etc., and encourage fans to participate and share on their own social media.

Cooperate with fan communities to jointly plan online interactive activities, such as live broadcasts, fan Q&A, etc.

  • Profit points:

Increase brand exposure through social media interaction and attract potential advertisers.

Use word-of-mouth communication from fans to enhance brand image and trust.

Direct income from advertising promotion and cooperation on social media.

4). Customized content services and advertising cooperation

Provide customized content services for idol fans, such as exclusive video production, support item design, etc., and use this as an opportunity to cooperate with brands to launch customized advertising content.

  • Implementation method:

Understand fan needs and provide high-quality customized content services.

Cooperate with brands to integrate brand elements into customized content to achieve a win-win situation.

Play these customized advertising contents on LED display screens to attract fans’ attention and promote consumption.

  • Profit points:

Direct charges for customized content services.

Advertising revenue from cooperation with brands.

Enhance fan stickiness through customized content, laying the foundation for more cooperation in the future.

4. Challenges and coping strategies

1). Content homogeneity

That is, the advertisements or support content played on many LED screens are similar, with no novelty. Fans will not feel anything after watching them for a long time, and naturally, they will not pay much attention to them.

Coping strategies:

  • Innovative gameplay: You can try some new creative and interactive methods, such as using animations, small games or on-site interactions to attract fans.

  • Customized content: Understand what fans like, and then tailor content for them so that they feel that this advertisement is made for them.

  • Continuous updates: Change content regularly to keep it fresh, and don’t always put the same thing.

2). Cost Control

While ensuring that the advertisements are beautiful and attractive, you must also find ways to save money and make more money.

Coping strategies:

  • Improve efficiency: Use more advanced technology and equipment to produce and play advertisements, so that the work can be completed faster and waste can be reduced.

  • Large-scale cooperation: Cooperate with multiple advertisers and sponsors so that the cost of each advertisement can be shared and the cost of a single advertisement can be reduced.

  • Fine management: Manage well internally to ensure that every penny is spent on the right things and reduce unnecessary expenses.

3). Data privacy and security

When collecting and using fan data for advertising, ensure that the data is not stolen or abused by bad people.

Response strategies:

  • Encryption protection: Password the data so that only authorized people can see and use the data.

  • Legal and compliant: Comply with laws and industry regulations, clearly tell fans how we use their data and obtain their consent.

  • Regular inspection: Regularly check whether data protection measures are effective and promptly discover and repair possible problems.


Through an in-depth analysis of the integration and development of fan economy and LED advertising screens, it is not difficult to find that this innovative combination has opened up a new profit path for the commercial advertising market.

With its unique visual advantages, flexible playback formats, and accurate data analysis capabilities, LED advertising screens have successfully attracted the attention and participation of a large number of fans, greatly improving the exposure and conversion rate of advertising.

Driven by the fan economy, LED advertising screens have not only become an important platform for brand and fan interaction but also maximized commercial value, demonstrating their important position in the future commercial advertising market.

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