How To Choose An LED Taxi Screen That Suits You


In today’s ever-changing fields of advertising and information dissemination, LED taxi screens have gradually become a beautiful sight on urban streets with their advantages such as high brightness, long life, and low energy consumption. 

For taxi drivers and advertisers, choosing a suitable LED taxi screen can not only provide a convenient information display for passengers but also effectively enhance brand image and market competitiveness. So, how do you choose an LED taxi screen that suits you? Here are some suggestions.

1. Clarify usage requirements and scenarios

LED taxi screens play an important role in the taxi industry due to their unique location and high visibility. Before purchasing, we need to analyze its needs based on specific usage scenarios.

  • Advertising display:

LED taxi screen is an important carrier of taxi advertising, so advertising displays are one of its core functions. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the brightness, resolution, and color performance capabilities of the screen to ensure that the advertising content can be clearly and eye-catchingly displayed to passers-by during the day and night.

Considering the frequency and diversity of advertising updates, it will be more convenient and flexible to choose an LED taxi screen that supports remote updates and multiple advertising formats.

  • Real-time information updates (such as weather, traffic conditions, etc.):

LED taxi screens can also be used to display real-time information, such as weather forecasts, traffic reminders, etc. This information is important for passengers and pedestrians alike. Therefore, when choosing, you need to ensure that the screen supports a network connection and can receive and display relevant information in real-time.

At the same time, considering the update speed and accuracy of information, it will be more important to choose a stable and reliable network connection method and an LED taxi screen with strong data processing capabilities.

  • City image display:

On some special occasions, such as city festivals, event celebrations, etc., LED taxi screens can also be used to display city images, promotional slogans, etc. At this time, you need to pay attention to the customization capabilities and design sense of the screen to ensure that the required information and atmosphere can be accurately conveyed.

1). Determine screen size, shape, and mounting location

  • Screen size:

The size of the roof LED taxi screen needs to be determined according to the taxi model and roof space. Generally speaking, the size should not be too large so as not to affect the driving stability of the vehicle, nor should it be too small so as not to affect the advertising effect and visibility.

  • Screen shape: 

The shape of LED taxi screens is mostly rectangular or rectangular to better adapt to the roof space and display advertising content.

  • Installation location: 

The LED taxi screen needs to be installed at the center or rear position of the taxi roof to ensure that the advertising content can be seen by pedestrians and passengers to the maximum extent. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the installation is firm and reliable to avoid shaking or falling off during driving.

2). Consider power supply and stability issues.

  • Power supply: 

LED taxi screens require a stable and reliable power supply. Generally speaking, you can choose to use the vehicle battery or external power supply. When choosing, you need to ensure that the power supply is stable and reliable to avoid problems such as power outages or unstable voltage during driving.

  • Stability: 

Since LED taxi screens need to withstand the test of harsh environments such as wind, rain, sunlight, etc., it is necessary to choose an LED taxi screen with good stability and weather resistance. This ensures that the screen can still operate stably and maintain good display effects in harsh environments.

At the same time, certain protective measures need to be taken during installation, such as waterproofing, dustproofing, etc., to improve the durability and stability of the screen.

2. Pay attention to display effect and quality

When purchasing LED taxi screens, display effect and quality are crucial considerations. They directly determine the presentation effect and service life of advertising content, which in turn affects the viewing experience and return on investment of passengers and pedestrians.

  • Resolution

Resolution is one of the important indicators used to measure the effect of LED displays. High-resolution screens can present more detailed and clear images and text, making advertising content more attractive and readable. Therefore, when choosing LED taxi screens, you should prioritize products with higher resolution to ensure that advertising content can be presented to passengers and pedestrians with the best effect.

  • Brightness

Brightness is a key factor in whether an LED display can display clearly in an outdoor environment. LED taxi screens need to withstand the test of various light conditions such as direct sunlight and dim light at night. Therefore, when choosing, you should ensure that the screen has enough brightness to be clearly visible in various light conditions. Generally speaking, the brighter the screen, the better the display effect will be in outdoor environments.

  • Contrast

Contrast refers to the difference in brightness between the lightest and darkest parts of the screen. High-contrast screens can present richer colors and deeper blacks, making advertising content more vivid and three-dimensional. Therefore, when choosing a roof LED taxi screen, you should pay attention to its contrast performance and choose high-contrast products to obtain better color performance.

  • Perspective

Viewing angle refers to the maximum angle at which screen content can be clearly seen from the front of the screen. For LED taxi screens, viewing angle is also an important consideration since passengers and pedestrians may view the screen content from different angles. 

Generally speaking, screens with larger viewing angles are better able to ensure that passengers and pedestrians can see clear images from all angles. Therefore, when choosing, you should pay attention to the viewing angle performance of the product and choose products with larger viewing angles to obtain a better viewing experience.

  • Quality

Quality is a factor that cannot be ignored when choosing an LED display. Choosing products from well-known brands usually ensures product stability and durability. Well-known brands have higher standards and requirements in terms of material selection, production technology, quality control, etc., and can provide better product quality and after-sales service.

 Therefore, when purchasing LED taxi screens, you should choose products from well-known brands to ensure that their stability and durability can meet the requirements of long-term use. At the same time, you can also pay attention to the user reviews and word-of-mouth status of the product to obtain more authentic product information and usage experience.

3. Consider the convenience of installation and maintenance

When installing and using LED taxi screens, the convenience of installation and maintenance is a factor that cannot be ignored. This not only affects the efficiency of initial installation but also affects the ease and cost of subsequent maintenance. Here are a few key points to consider:

1). Install

  • Portability: Choosing a lightweight LED taxi screen can reduce the burden and difficulty of installation. At the same time, the lightweight design also helps reduce the load on the vehicle and improve driving stability.

  • Easy to install: Choosing products with reasonable design and easy installation can greatly reduce installation time and costs. For example, some products may have a modular design, making the installation process easier and faster.

1). Maintain

  • Maintenance cycle and cost: Understanding the maintenance cycle and cost of the product will help to formulate a reasonable maintenance plan to ensure long-term stable operation of the equipment. At the same time, lower maintenance costs also reduce overall operating costs.

  • Remote maintenance and fault diagnosis: Give priority to LED taxi screens that support remote maintenance and fault diagnosis functions. In this way, even when equipment fails, it can be quickly diagnosed and repaired through remote operation, reducing downtime and repair costs.

3). Waterproof and dustproof

  • Waterproof function: Since LED taxi screens are often exposed to outdoor environments, they must have good waterproof functions. Choosing products with a waterproof design can ensure that the equipment operates normally in rainy or humid environments and avoid damage caused by moisture intrusion.

  • Dustproof: In addition to being waterproof, dustproof is also an important consideration. Dust and dirt may affect the device’s cooling performance and display. Therefore, choosing products with dustproof design can reduce the impact of dust on the equipment and extend its service life.

4. Compare prices and cost-effectiveness

When choosing LED taxi screens, price and cost-effective considerations are indispensable. Here’s detailed advice on how to compare prices and value for money:

  • Understand the market price range

First of all, it is necessary to conduct sufficient research on the market to understand the price range of LED taxi screens. A price that is too low may mean a product of poor quality or poor after-sales service, while a price that is too high may not be cost-effective.

Therefore, by comparing the prices of products of different brands and models, we can initially judge whether the price of the product is reasonable.

  • Careful consideration of price, quality, functionality, and other factors

When choosing a product, don’t base your decision solely on price. Factors such as quality, functionality, and service life are equally important. For example, high-quality LED displays usually have better display effects, higher brightness and contrast, and longer service life.

At the same time, some products may have more functions, such as remote updates, support for multiple advertising formats, etc. These functions can also improve the product’s cost performance.

  • Be careful not to pursue only low prices and ignore product quality and after-sales service

Low-priced products may attract some consumers, but they are often accompanied by problems of unstable quality and inadequate after-sales service. 

When purchasing LED taxi screens, you should choose a brand with a good reputation and credibility to ensure product quality and after-sales service. If a product breaks down or needs repair, timely after-sales service can greatly reduce inconvenience and losses in operations.

In short, when choosing an LED taxi screen, you need to comprehensively consider multiple factors such as price, quality, functionality, and after-sales service to choose a product with high-cost performance. At the same time, you also need to pay attention to avoid price traps and choose products within a reasonable price range.

5. Consider installation and compatibility

Installation and compatibility are two critical factors when considering installing LED taxi screens. Below is a detailed discussion of these two factors:

1). Install

  • Simplicity: Choosing an easy-to-install LED taxi screen can greatly reduce installation time and costs. Some products may have a modular design or come with quick installation tools to make the installation process easier and faster.

  • Adaptability: Make sure the selected LED taxi screen can adapt to your taxi model. Roof shapes, sizes, and available space may vary between vehicle models, so you’ll want to choose one that perfectly fits your vehicle.

  • Installation location: The installation location of the LED taxi screen should ensure that the advertising content is clearly visible and will not affect the driving safety of the vehicle. Typically, it will be installed in the center or rear of the car roof so that pedestrians and passengers can easily see the advertising content.
  • Fixing method: The LED taxi screen needs to be firmly fixed on the roof to prevent it from shaking or falling off during driving. Fixing methods may include bolt fixing, clip fixing, etc., depending on the design of the product and your vehicle model.

2). Compatibility

  • Power compatibility: LED taxi screens require a stable power supply. You need to ensure that the power requirements of the product you choose are compatible with your vehicle’s power system. Some products may be powered by a car battery, while others may require an external power source.

  • System compatibility: If you plan to integrate the LED taxi screen with other systems in the taxi (such as meter, GPS, etc.), then you need to ensure that the selected product has corresponding system compatibility. This may require the product to have specific interfaces or communication protocols.

  • Software compatibility: If you plan to use a specific software or system to manage and update the content of your LED taxi screen, then you need to ensure that the product you choose is compatible with that software or system. This avoids compatibility issues during subsequent use.

In general, when choosing an LED taxi screen, you need to carefully consider the two factors of installation and compatibility. Choose a product that is easy to install, adaptable, and secure, and make sure it is compatible with your vehicle’s power system, other systems, and software to ensure smooth installation and normal use.

6. Understand after-sales service and support

When choosing an LED taxi screen, in addition to paying attention to the quality and performance of the product itself, it is also important to understand after-sales service and support. Below is a detailed discussion of this aspect:

1). After-sales service policy

  • Warranty period

Understand the warranty period of a product, which usually reflects the manufacturer’s confidence in the quality and reliability of the product. A longer warranty means you can get free repairs or replacements if anything goes wrong for a longer period of time.

Pay attention to the terms of the warranty and make sure they meet your needs and expectations.

  • Maintenance response time

Ask the manufacturer about their repair response time in the event of a malfunction or problem. Quick response ensures issues are resolved promptly and reduces the impact on your operations.

Find out if the repair service covers your area and whether there will be additional shipping or installation costs.

2). Technical support and training services

  • Technical Support

Find out whether the manufacturer provides technical support services, including telephone consultation, online help, or remote technical support. These services can provide timely help and solutions when you encounter technical problems.

Make sure technical support services are available when you need them and have the capabilities to resolve any issue.

  • Training Services

Ask the manufacturer if it provides training services to help you become familiar with the operation and maintenance of the product. This ensures you get the most out of your product’s features and extends its lifespan.

Training services can include product operation training, troubleshooting training, and system update training.

3). Accessories supply and upgrade services

  • Accessories supply

Find out if the manufacturer provides parts supply services so that you can get the parts you need when you need to replace or upgrade parts. This ensures that your LED taxi screen always maintains optimal performance.

Ask about the supply cycle and price of accessories to ensure you get what you need in a timely manner.

  • Upgrade service

Find out whether the manufacturer provides product upgrade services to improve the function or performance of the LED taxi screen in the future. This ensures your equipment always keeps pace with industry developments.

Ask about the upgrade service process and requirements to ensure you have a smooth product upgrade.


In short, when choosing an LED taxi screen that suits you, you need to consider a number of factors, including usage needs and scenarios, display effects and quality, convenience of installation and maintenance, price and cost-effectiveness, and after-sales service and support. 

By comprehensively considering these factors, choosing a cost-effective, reliable, and fully functional LED taxi screen will bring better results to your advertising information dissemination and brand image enhancement.

Finally, if you want to know more about LED taxi screens, please get in touch with us.

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