Quelles sont les exigences relatives aux écrans de diffusion LED dans les sports électroniques ?


In the wave of the digital age, e-sports, as an emerging sports industry, is sweeping the world at an astonishing speed and becoming a bridge connecting hundreds of millions of young people.

With the advancement of technology and the increasing demand of the audience, the broadcast quality of e-sports events has become one of the key factors that determine its success.

Behind this visual feast, the LED broadcast screen has become an indispensable part of e-sports broadcasting with its excellent display effect, high flexibility, and strong technical support.

1. The importance of LED broadcast screens to e-sports competitions

The importance of LED broadcast screens to e-sports competitions is self-evident. It is not only the core of the visual presentation of the game scene but also a key bridge connecting the live audience with the online audience and improving the overall viewing experience. The following are several aspects of the importance of LED broadcast screens in e-sports competitions:

  • Enhance visual shock:

E-sports competitions are often accompanied by fierce confrontations and wonderful moments. The LED broadcast screen, with its large size, high resolution, and excellent color reproduction ability, can show these wonderful moments to the audience with shocking visual effects.

Whether it is delicate game pictures, a tense competition atmosphere, or an exciting victory celebration, LED broadcast screens can present them perfectly, making the audience feel as if they are on the scene.

  • Ensure the immediacy of information transmission:

In e-sports competitions, the instant transmission of information is crucial. LED broadcast screens can not only display the game pictures in real-time but also quickly transmit important content such as game data, player information, and competition rules through split screens, scrolling subtitles, etc. This immediacy not only improves the audience’s viewing experience but also ensures the fairness and transparency of the competition.

  • Enhance on-site interaction and atmosphere:

For on-site audiences, LED broadcast screens are not only a tool for watching the game but also an important medium for participating in interaction and feeling the atmosphere.

By playing audience interactive content, real-time voting results, on-site cheers, etc., LED broadcast screens can greatly enhance the sense of participation and belonging of the on-site audience, creating a more enthusiastic and active viewing atmosphere.

  • Meet diverse viewing needs:

With the popularization of e-sports and the expansion of the audience group, viewing needs are becoming increasingly diverse. With its high flexibility and customizability, LED broadcast screens can meet the viewing needs of different audience groups. Whether professional e-sports enthusiasts or ordinary gamers, they can find a suitable way and angle to watch the game through the LED broadcast screen.

  • Promote the development of the e-sports industry:

As an important part of e-sports competitions, the continuous advancement and innovation of LED broadcast screen technology is also promoting the development of the entire e-sports industry. High-quality broadcast effects can attract more viewers and sponsors to pay attention to e-sports, thereby promoting the commercialization process and market expansion of the e-sports industry.

2. Basic requirements of e-sports for LED broadcast screens

1). Large size and high-definition

  • The importance of large-size screens:

In e-sports competitions, large-size LED broadcast screens can ensure that both live and online audiences can clearly see every detail of the game without using auxiliary tools such as magnifying glasses or additional screens.

The large size not only makes the picture more spectacular but also effectively reduces visual fatigue caused by the small screen and improves the audience’s viewing comfort. In addition, the large screen can better show complex scenes such as teamwork and tactical layouts in e-sports competitions, allowing the audience to understand the progress of the game more comprehensively.

  • Necessity of high definition:

High definition (such as 4K/8K) is essential for e-sports broadcasting. E-sports games themselves have extremely high picture quality and rich details. High definition can ensure that these delicate picture elements are perfectly presented during the broadcast. The audience can clearly see every pixel in the game and feel a more real and realistic game world.

This visual enjoyment not only enhances the viewing experience but also allows the audience to immerse themselves in the game, breathing and sharing their fate with the players.

2). Low latency and fast response

  • Necessity of low latency:

In the field of e-sports, time is the key to victory or defeat. Therefore, low latency is essential for LED broadcast screens.

Low latency means that the picture seen by the audience is almost synchronized with the actual operation of the players, reducing the picture lag caused by transmission delays. This immediacy not only ensures the fairness of the game but also allows the audience to judge the game situation more accurately and enhances the sense of participation and tension of the audience.

  • Response speed of LED display:

The LED display is known for its millisecond-level response speed, which fully meets the real-time requirements of e-sports broadcasting.

In the fast-changing e-sports competition, the LED display screen can quickly capture and present every player’s operation, ensuring that the audience will not miss any exciting moments. This rapid response capability not only improves the broadcast effect but also enhances the audience’s viewing experience.

4). Multi-angle coverage and flexibility

  • The importance of multi-angle coverage:

In order to ensure that viewers from all angles can watch the game comfortably, it is particularly important to set up multiple auxiliary screens.

Through reasonable layout and angle adjustment, the auxiliary screen can cover the blind spots that the main screen cannot reach, providing the audience with a more comprehensive and three-dimensional viewing perspective. This multi-angle coverage not only improves the audience’s viewing experience but also increases the viewing and fun of the game.

  • Flexibility of LED display screen:

The free splicing characteristics of LED display screens enable it to adapt to different venues and competition requirements. Whether it is a large stadium or a small e-sports hall, LED display screens can achieve the best display effect through flexible splicing methods.

In addition, LED display screens also support remote control and real-time adjustment and can quickly switch and adjust according to the progress of the game and the needs of the audience to ensure that the broadcast effect is always kept in the best state. This flexibility not only improves the efficiency of broadcasting but also reduces operating costs and maintenance difficulties.

3. Specific application cases of LED broadcast screens in e-sports

1). LED applications in well-known e-sports venues at home and abroad

  • Hangzhou E-sports Center, China:

As one of the top e-sports venues in China, Hangzhou E-sports Center’s application of LED broadcast screens is exemplary. The venue uses advanced configurations such as multi-sided large screens and bucket screens to provide audiences with a full range of viewing experiences.

Multi-sided large screens are distributed in different locations of the venue, covering audiences from all angles, ensuring that everyone can see the game clearly. The bucket screen is located in the center of the venue, and with its unique shape and excellent display effect, it has become the focus of the game.

These LED broadcast screens not only have large sizes and high definitions but also have the characteristics of low latency and fast response, which can present the dynamics of the game in real-time and accurately, bringing an immersive viewing experience to the audience.

  • Internationally renowned e-sports venues:

Internationally, many well-known e-sports venues also use LED broadcast screens. For example, some large e-sports competition venues will use LED displays with ultra-high-definition resolutions, such as 4K or 8K resolutions, to ensure delicate and colorful images.

These screens are not only used to broadcast live game footage but are also often used to play game previews, advertisements, audience interactions, and other content, greatly enriching the viewing experience. In addition, some venues will customize LED broadcast screens of different shapes and sizes according to the characteristics of the competition and the layout of the venue to meet specific viewing needs.

2). LED broadcast screen practice in large-scale e-sports events

  • PUBG Asia Invitational:

In large-scale e-sports events such as the PUBG Asia Invitational, the application effect of LED broadcast screens has been fully demonstrated. Multiple large LED broadcast screens are usually set up at the event site to broadcast live game footage, display player perspectives, play exciting replays, etc.

These LED broadcast screens not only enhance the viewing experience of the game but also help the audience better understand the game process and tactical layout through multi-angle and multi-screen presentation.

At the same time, high-quality LED broadcast screens can also ensure clear and smooth images, reducing the decline in viewing experience caused by transmission delays or image quality problems.

  • Improved viewing experience and audience attraction:

Through high-quality LED broadcast screens, large-scale e-sports events can significantly improve the viewing experience and attract more audience attention. Audiences can watch the game screens almost synchronized with the scene at home or on the big screen and feel the passion and charm of e-sports. In addition, LED broadcast screens can also bring higher commercial value to the event and attract more sponsors and partners.

These partners can achieve the goals of brand exposure and market promotion by placing advertisements and promoting brands on LED broadcast screens. At the same time, a high-quality viewing experience can also improve audience loyalty and satisfaction, laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of the event.

4. Technical challenges and future trends

1). Défis techniques

In the field of e-sports, LED broadcast screens face a number of technical challenges, which directly affect the broadcast effect and the audience’s viewing experience. The following are some of the main technical challenges and their strategies to overcome them:

  • Brightness control:

E-sports competitions are usually held in indoor venues, but the audience and camera equipment have different requirements for screen brightness. A screen that is too bright may cause visual fatigue to the audience, while a screen that is too dark may prevent the camera equipment from capturing a clear picture.

Therefore, accurately controlling the brightness of the LED broadcast screen to adapt to different environments and needs is an important technical challenge. To overcome this challenge, advanced brightness adjustment technology, and sensors can be used to monitor the ambient light and audience reaction in real-time and dynamically adjust the screen brightness to achieve the best visual effect.

  • Splicing seam processing:

Since e-sports competitions require large-size LED broadcast screens to present the game screen, multiple LED modules are often required to be spliced ​​together. However, the gaps generated during the splicing process will affect the integrity and aesthetics of the picture.

To overcome this challenge, more advanced splicing technology and more sophisticated manufacturing processes can be used to reduce or eliminate splicing seams. At the same time, the splicing seams can also be processed through software algorithms to make the picture smoother and more natural.

  • Heat dissipation problem:

The LED broadcast screen will generate a lot of heat during operation. If the heat dissipation is poor, it will not only affect the stability and life of the screen but may also affect the temperature and humidity in the venue.

In order to overcome the heat dissipation problem, efficient heat dissipation systems and materials such as heat sinks, fans, and thermal conductive adhesives can be used. At the same time, the design and layout of the screen can also be optimized to reduce heat accumulation and transfer.

2). Future Trends

With the continuous advancement of technology and the rapid development of e-sports, the application of LED broadcast screens in e-sports will also usher in a broader development prospect. Here are some predictions for future trends:

  • Smaller spacing:

With the continuous maturity of LED technology and the reduction of costs, the pixel spacing of LED broadcast screens will be further reduced in the future, thereby achieving higher resolution and more delicate picture effects. This will bring a more realistic viewing experience to the audience and promote the further development of the e-sports industry.

  • Définition supérieure :

In addition to smaller spacing, LED broadcast screens will also support higher definition in the future, such as 8K or even higher. This will make the picture clearer and the colors more vivid, further enhancing the audience’s viewing experience. At the same time, high definition will also provide more possibilities and creative space for the production and broadcasting of e-sports events.

  • Système de contrôle plus intelligent :

In the future, LED broadcast screens will be equipped with smarter control systems that can realize functions such as remote monitoring, intelligent adjustment, and automated management.

This will enable venue managers to more conveniently control the operating status of the screen and make real-time adjustments according to the needs of the game. At the same time, the intelligent control system will also support linkage and collaboration with other devices, providing more comprehensive and efficient technical support for the production and broadcasting of e-sports events.


In summary, the rapid development of e-sports has brought unprecedented challenges and requirements to LED broadcast screens. From large size and high definition to low latency and fast response to multi-angle coverage and flexibility, each requirement is driving the continuous innovation and breakthrough of LED broadcast screen technology.

Looking to the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and the increasing maturity of the e-sports industry, LED broadcast screens will play a more important role in the field of e-sports, bringing audiences a more shocking and immersive viewing experience.

At the same time, we also look forward to the deep integration of LED broadcast screens with other cutting-edge technologies, such as VR/AR, and jointly create a new era of e-sports broadcasting.

Enfin, si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les écrans d'affichage LED, veuillez nous contacter.

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