Quels sont les accessoires nécessaires pour les écrans LED extérieurs ?


As an important carrier for modern urban information display, the stability and display effect of écrans d'affichage LED extérieurs is directly related to the effect of information transmission and user experience.

In order to ensure that the outdoor LED display screen can operate normally and efficiently and meet the use requirements under various complex environmental conditions, it is essential to equip it with a series of necessary accessories.

This article will explore the necessary accessories and their importance from the perspective of the accessories of outdoor LED display screens.

1. What are the accessories of LED display screens?

The accessories of LED display screens refer to a series of auxiliary equipment and materials required to ensure its normal operation, precise installation, efficient commissioning and daily maintenance in addition to its core display panel.

These accessories play an indispensable role throughout the life cycle of LED display screens, and they are the key to ensuring the stable, efficient and safe operation of the display screen.

Tout d'abord, the accessories of LED display screens begin to play a role in the preparation stage before installation. For example, the design and selection of the mounting structure need to be accurately calculated according to the size, weight, and expected installation environment of the display screen to ensure that it can be installed firmly and safely in the designated location.

At the same time, the selection and preparation of the connecting wires are also crucial. They need to have sufficient stability and durability to cope with various environmental challenges that may occur.

Deuxièmement, in the daily use of LED display screens, accessories also play an important role. The power supply system, as the “heart” of the display screen, needs to provide power support for the display screen continuously and stably to ensure its normal operation. The heat dissipation system is responsible for dissipating the heat generated inside the display screen in time to prevent it from being damaged by overheating.

In addition, protective equipment such as waterproof covers and dustproof nets can also effectively protect the display screen from the external environment.

En outre, when the LED display screen needs to be debugged or maintained, the importance of accessories becomes more prominent. Accessories such as sending cards and receiving cards in the control system are the key to debugging the display effect of the display screen. The detection instrument can help us quickly and accurately locate the fault point of the display screen so as to carry out targeted repairs.

Enfin, when the LED display screen needs to be upgraded or replaced, some accessories, such as mounting structures and connecting cables, may need to be adjusted or replaced accordingly to adapt to the new display screen.

2. Essential accessories for LED outdoor display screens

  • Power supply system

The power supply system is the basis for the normal operation of LED outdoor display screens. It is responsible for providing stable and reliable power support for the display screen to ensure that the display screen can work continuously and stably in various environments.

When choosing a power supply system, it is necessary to fully consider factors such as the power demand, voltage stability, and lightning protection of the display screen. Only a suitable power supply system can ensure the stable operation of the display.

Recommended accessories: UPS uninterruptible power supply, lightning arrester, etc. These devices can provide continuous power support for the display in the event of power fluctuations or sudden power outages, and effectively prevent lightning from damaging the display.

  • Système de contrôle

The control system is the brain of the LED outdoor display and is responsible for receiving, processing, and sending display information. An efficient and stable control system can ensure real-time updates, fast responses, and stable display operation.

The control system usually includes components such as sending cards, receiving cards, and control software.

The sending card is responsible for sending signals from the computer or other control device to the receiving card, which then converts the signal into data that the display can understand and manages and controls the display through the control software.

  • Cooling system

The LED outdoor display generates a lot of heat during operation. The role of the cooling system is to dissipate the heat in time to ensure the normal operating temperature of the display.

The cooling system usually includes components such as fans and heat sinks. These components are configured according to the size and power requirements of the display to ensure that the display can still maintain stable operation under long-term and high-load work.

  • Installation structure

The installation structure is the basis for supporting and fixing the LED outdoor display, which determines the stability and safety of the display.

It is crucial to choose a suitable installation structure according to the size, weight, and installation environment of the display. Common installation structures include steel structures, aluminum profiles, stainless steel frames, etc. These structures are not only stable and durable but also adaptable to various complex installation environments.

  • Protective equipment

Due to the long-term exposure of LED outdoor display screens to the natural environment, they are easily affected by various factors, such as rain, dust, lightning, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to equip them with corresponding protective equipment.

Common protective equipment includes waterproof covers, dustproof nets, lightning arresters, etc. The waterproof cover can effectively prevent rain from eroding the display screen; the dustproof net can prevent dust and insects from entering the interior of the display screen; the lightning arrester can effectively prevent lightning from damaging the display screen.

  • Connecting wires

The connecting wires are used to connect various components of the display screen, including power cables, data cables, signal cables, etc. Selecting high-quality, wear-resistant, waterproof, and dustproof connecting wires can ensure the stable operation and long-term use of the display screen.

When selecting connecting wires, factors such as their conductivity, wear resistance, waterproof, and dustproof performance need to be considered. Only by selecting suitable connecting wires can the stable operation and long-term use of the display screen be ensured.

  • Auxiliary equipment

Auxiliary equipment includes a remote control, control software, testing instruments, etc., which provide convenience for the installation, debugging, and maintenance of LED outdoor display screens.

The remote control and control software can realize remote operation and control, which is convenient for users to manage the display screen anytime and anywhere; the testing instruments are used to detect the performance and troubleshoot the display screen, helping users to find and solve problems in time.

3. The importance of accessory selection

When choosing accessories for LED outdoor display screens, their importance cannot be ignored. Suitable accessories can not only ensure the stable operation of the display screen but also improve the display effect and extend its service life. The following is a detailed explanation:

  • Ensure the stable operation of the display screen

Suitable accessories are the basis for the stable operation of LED outdoor display screens. For example, a high-quality power supply system can ensure that the display screen can obtain stable and reliable power support in various environments, reducing failures caused by power fluctuations.

Similarly, an efficient and stable control system can also ensure real-time updates, fast responses and stable operation of the display screen.

Choosing suitable accessories can greatly reduce the failure rate of the display screen, reduce downtime and maintenance costs caused by failures, and thus improve the overall performance and reliability of the display screen.

  • Improve the display effect of the display screen

High-quality accessories can improve the display effect of LED outdoor display screens. For example, using high-resolution display panels and high-quality image processing chips can make the images on the display clearer, more delicate, and the colors more vivid and realistic.

In addition, a suitable heat dissipation system can also ensure that the display can still maintain stable operation under long-term and high-load work, avoiding the decline of the display effect due to overheating.

  • Extend the service life of the display

Suitable accessories can protect the LED outdoor display from damage by the natural environment, thereby extending its service life. For example, the heat dissipation system can dissipate the heat generated inside the display in time to prevent performance degradation or damage caused by overheating.

At the same time, protective equipment such as waterproof covers, dustproof nets, lightning arresters, etc., can also effectively prevent natural factors such as rain, dust, and lightning from invading the display, ensuring its long-term stable operation.

Choosing suitable connecting cables can also ensure stable connection between the components of the display, avoiding failures and damage caused by connection problems.

4. How do you choose high-quality accessories?

When choosing high-quality LED outdoor display accessories, you need to consider multiple aspects comprehensively. Here are some key points and suggestions:

  • Power supply system

Consider the power requirements of the display and ensure that the power of the power supply system matches the display.

Pay attention to voltage stability. The power supply system should be able to provide stable voltage output to avoid voltage fluctuations affecting the display screen.

Consider lightning protection capabilities, especially in areas prone to lightning, and choose a power supply system with a lightning protection function.

Recommended accessories: UPS uninterruptible power supply, lightning arrester, etc. These devices can provide continuous and stable power support for the display screen in the event of power fluctuations or sudden power outages.

  • Système de contrôle

According to the scale and needs of the display screen, select a suitable control system to ensure that it can receive, process, and send display information in real-time and accurately.

Consider the stability and reliability of the control system, and choose brands and models that have been verified by the market and have good user reviews.

The control system usually includes a sending card, a receiving card, and control software. Ensure the compatibility and stability between these components.

  • Cooling system

Based on the power and working environment of the display screen, select a suitable cooling system. The cooling system includes components such as fans and heat sinks. Ensure that its heat dissipation performance meets the needs of the display screen.

Choose heat sinks made of high thermal conductivity materials, such as aluminum alloy or copper, which have better heat dissipation effects.

Consider the air volume and noise of the cooling fan to ensure that while providing good heat dissipation effects, it will not cause discomfort to users.

  • Mounting structure

Choose a suitable mounting structure according to the display’s size, weight, and installation environment. Common mounting structures include steel structures, aluminum profiles, stainless steel frames, etc.

Ensure the stability and reliability of the mounting structure, and that it can withstand the weight of the display and the influence of the external environment.

Consider the seismic and wind resistance of the mounting structure, especially in earthquake-prone areas and areas with strong winds.

  • Protective equipment

Choose suitable protective equipment according to the use environment and needs of the display, such as waterproof covers, dustproof nets, lightning arresters, etc.

Ensure that the protective equipment can effectively prevent damage from natural factors such as rain, dust, and lightning to the display.

Regularly check and maintain the protective equipment to ensure that it is in good working condition.

  • Connecting wire

Choose high-quality, wear-resistant, waterproof, and dustproof connecting wires. Ensure that the connecting wires have good conductivity and stability.

Choose the appropriate type and specification of connecting wires according to the scale and needs of the display.

Regularly check the connection status and wear of the connecting wires, and replace damaged connecting wires in time.

  • Brand and after-sales

Choose accessories from well-known brands, which usually have stricter quality control and more complete after-sales service.

Consider the supplier’s reputation and service quality, and choose a supplier that can provide timely, professional technical support and after-sales service.


As an important tool for modern urban information display, the accessories equipped with LED outdoor display screens are of great significance for improving display effects, ensuring stable operation, and extending service life.

When choosing an LED outdoor display screen, you should fully consider the quality and performance of its accessories to ensure that the display screen can meet the use requirements in various complex environments.

Enfin, si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les écrans d'affichage LED, veuillez nous contacter. 

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