Les écrans LED aident les banques intelligentes


Today, as the wave of digitalization sweeps the world, the banking industry is also facing unprecedented transformation challenges. As an important direction for the banking industry to cope with this challenge, intelligent banking aims to reshape banking service processes and improve customer experience and business efficiency by using advanced technology.

As an indispensable part of intelligent banking, Affichage LED screens are becoming a bridge of communication between banks and customers with their unique advantages, injecting new vitality into the development of the banking industry.

1. Application scenarios of LED display screens in intelligent banks

LED display screens play multiple roles in intelligent banks. They not only provide a platform for information display but also greatly improve the service quality and customer experience of banks through their interactivity and real-time characteristics. The following are several main application scenarios of LED display screens in intelligent banks:

  • Lobby information display

As an important tool for lobby information display, LED display screens can update bank product information, financial trends, etc., in real-time to ensure that customers can get the latest financial information the first time. At the same time, by providing interactive functions such as inquiry and appointment, LED display screens can also provide customers with more convenient services.

Customers can quickly query the information they need and make appointments for related services by touching the screen or scanning the QR code.

  • Business handling guidance

In the bank business hall, the LED display can help customers quickly find the required business handling area by displaying different area distribution maps or arrow guidance.

In addition, when customers are waiting in front of a business window, the LED display can display the current progress of business handling so that customers can understand how long they have to wait, thereby effectively reducing the customer’s waiting time and improving customer satisfaction.

  • Self-service area

With the popularization of bank self-service, the application of LED display screens in self-service areas is becoming more and more extensive. By cooperating with self-service equipment, LED display screens can provide operation guides and prompts to help customers complete self-service more quickly and accurately.

At the same time, LED display screens can also display the advantages and function introductions of self-service, attract more customers to use self-service, and reduce the work pressure of bank counters.

  • Advertising and brand promotion

As an important carrier of bank advertising, LED display screens can play bank image advertisements, financial product advertisements, etc., to enhance the bank’s brand awareness and reputation.

At the same time, by conveying the bank’s brand concept and values, LED display screens can also enhance customers’ trust and sense of belonging to the bank. In addition, LED display screens can also be customized according to holidays or special events to create a more warm and harmonious atmosphere for the bank.

  • Emergency notifications and safety tips

In an emergency, LED display screens can quickly issue notifications to remind customers and employees to pay attention to safety and take corresponding measures. For example, in the event of emergencies such as fires and earthquakes, LED display screens can display emergency evacuation routes and precautions to help customers and employees evacuate safely.

In addition, LED display screens can also play financial security knowledge to remind customers to guard against risks such as financial fraud and protect the safety of customers’ funds.

2. How LED display screens help intelligent banks improve customer experience

The application of LED display screens in intelligent banks not only improves the service level of banks but also greatly enhances customer experience. The following are several aspects of how LED display screens help intelligent banks improve customer experience:

1). Provide personalized services

  • Achieve precision marketing and personalized recommendations:

By collecting and analyzing customer data, LED display screens can display financial product and service information that is highly matched with customer needs to achieve precision marketing.

At the same time, based on customer preferences and historical behaviors, LED display screens can also provide personalized recommendations to help customers discover more financial products and services that suit them.

  • Provide customized service information:

LED display screens can display customized service information according to the different needs of customers. For example, for high-net-worth customers, exclusive financial products and services can be displayed; for customers who travel frequently, travel-related financial services can be displayed. This customized service information can enhance customers’ sense of belonging and satisfaction.

2). Enhance interactivity and participation.

  • Introduce interactive elements:

LED display screens can introduce interactive elements, such as touch screens and voice recognition so that customers can interact with banks more conveniently. Customers can query information, make appointments, participate in interactive games, etc., through the touch screen to increase their enthusiasm for participation.

  • Encourage customers to make comments and suggestions:

LED display screens can set up suggestion boxes or online feedback functions to encourage customers to make comments and suggestions on bank services. Banks can adjust service strategies in a timely manner based on customer feedback, improve service quality, and increase customer satisfaction.

3). Improve information communication efficiency.

  • Update information in real-time:

LED display screens can update bank product information, financial trends, etc., in real-time to ensure that customers can obtain the latest information. This real-time nature can reduce customer misunderstandings and dissatisfaction caused by information lags.

  • Display information in a graphic and textual way:

LED display screens can display information in a graphic and textual way so that customers can more intuitively understand the characteristics and advantages of bank products and services. This display method can improve customers’ reading efficiency and reduce the difficulty of customers obtaining information.

4). Create a comfortable and professional environment.

  • Through carefully designed LED display content:

Banks can carefully design the content of LED displays according to their own brand image and service concept. By displaying warm greetings, professional financial knowledge, beautiful pictures, etc., a comfortable and professional banking environment can be created. This environment can enhance customers’ trust and satisfaction with the bank.

  • Enhance customers’ trust and satisfaction with the bank:

A comfortable and professional banking environment can not only enhance customers’ trust but also increase customers’ satisfaction with the bank. When customers enjoy professional financial services in a comfortable environment, they will be more willing to establish long-term relationships with the bank and recommend more friends and family to the bank for business.

3. What are the benefits of using LED display screens for banks?

  • Increased advertising revenue:

LED display screens can be used as an additional advertising platform for banks to play the bank’s own product advertisements or cooperate with other companies to play advertisements, thereby bringing additional advertising revenue.

Through the advertising broadcasting of LED display screens, banks can convert advertising costs into direct economic income and improve profitability.

  • Enhance brand value:

The high-quality visual display of the LED display can enhance the overall image and brand value of the bank and attract more customers to choose the bank for business.

The high-quality brand image helps to enhance customers’ trust in the bank and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Enhance customer stickiness:

The LED display can update financial information, product information, and other content in real time so that customers can obtain valuable information when handling business and increase the time customers stay in the bank.

By providing useful information and interactive experience, the LED display can enhance customer stickiness to the bank and promote long-term relationships between customers and banks.

  • Optimize business processes:

LED display can be used for business handling guidance, queuing information display and other scenarios to help customers quickly find the required service area and understand the progress of business handling.

By optimizing business processes, LED displays can improve the work efficiency of the bank, reduce customer waiting time, and improve customer satisfaction.

  • Reducing operating costs:

LED displays have lower energy consumption and longer service life, which can reduce the operating costs of banks compared to traditional displays.

At the same time, the maintenance cost of LED displays is relatively low, which reduces the bank’s later investment.

4. Challenges and countermeasures of LED display screens in intelligent banks

1). Défis techniques et solutions

  • Challenges:

Technical requirements of high definition and high refresh rate: As customers’ requirements for visual experience increase, LED display screens need to achieve higher definition and refresh rate to meet customer needs.

  • Solutions:

Strengthen technology research and development and innovation: Banks should continue to invest in research and development funds, encourage technological innovation, and cooperate with LED display screen manufacturers to jointly develop display screens with higher performance indicators.

Adopt advanced display technology, such as 4K, 8K, and other high-definition display technologies, as well as high refresh rate technology, to ensure that LED display screens can provide clear pictures while achieving smooth dynamic effects.

2). Content management and update challenges

  • Challenges:

Quick content update and effective management: Banks need to ensure that the content on LED display screens can be updated in a timely manner, and content management should be efficient and convenient.

  • Solutions:

Establish a complete content management system: By introducing an advanced content management system (CMS), remote updating, editing and publishing of content can be achieved to improve content update efficiency.

Train professional managers: Banks should train professional display screen content managers to ensure that they are proficient in the operation of the CMS system and can quickly update content according to business needs.

3). Energy and environmental challenges

  • Challenges:

Reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions of LED display screens: With the improvement of environmental awareness, banks need to pay attention to the energy consumption and carbon emissions of LED display screens.

  • Solutions:

Use energy-saving technology: Choose LED display screens with high-efficiency energy-saving technology, such as intelligent brightness adjustment, energy-saving drive circuits, etc., to reduce the overall energy consumption of the display screen.

Use green materials: In the manufacturing process of LED display screens, environmentally friendly materials are used to reduce the generation of waste and reduce pollution to the environment.

Optimize display strategy: According to the bank’s business hours and customer needs, reasonably set the opening time and brightness of the LED display screen to avoid unnecessary energy waste.


With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous changes in the market, the application of LED display screens in intelligent banks will be more extensive and in-depth. It is not only an important tool for the banking industry to improve service levels and competitiveness but also a key force in promoting the transformation of the banking industry to digitalization and intelligence.

Enfin, si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les écrans d'affichage LED, veuillez nous contacter.

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