Quelle est la visibilité de l’écran d’affichage LED les jours de pluie ?


Faced with changeable weather conditions, especially rainy days, the visibility of Écrans d'affichage LED has become an issue that cannot be ignored. Rainy days not only affect the visual effect of the display screen but also may cause potential damage to the hardware equipment of the display screen.

Therefore, exploring the visibility of LED display screens on rainy days is not only related to the efficiency of information dissemination but also involves the maintenance and service life of the display screen.

1. Basic principles and characteristics of LED display screen

The basic principle of LED display screens is based on the characteristics of light-emitting diodes (LEDs); that is, when LEDs are excited by current, they emit light.

The display screen is composed of thousands of such LEDs arranged in a certain array, and each LED can control its brightness and color individually. Through the control system, which precisely controls the LED, the light and color of pixels at any position on the display screen can be turned on and off, and color changes can be achieved, thus presenting colorful images and texts.

This technology makes the LED display screen have the characteristics of high brightness, high definition, bright colors, etc., and is widely used in various indoor and outdoor display occasions.

Characteristics of LED display screen

  • High brightness: LED display screen uses ultra-high brightness LEDs, which can be clearly seen even at a long distance. It can provide a viewing effect of 10 meters indoors and 50 meters outdoors.

  • Rich colors: The full-color LED display screen is composed of three primary colors (red, green, and blue) display unit boards. Red, green, and blue each have 256 levels of grayscale, which constitute 16,777,216 colors, enabling the display screen to achieve high saturation, high resolution, and high display frequency dynamic images.

  • Strong durability: The LED display screen adopts distributed scanning technology and modular design technology, which has higher reliability and stability. At the same time, its light-emitting module is guaranteed for ten years; the mask is non-reflective, UV-resistant, and does not fade for five years.

  • Green and environmentally friendly: LED display screens do not generate electronic radiation and electromagnetic radiation and are harmless to the human body. At the same time, its high energy efficiency also means low energy consumption.

  • High contrast and resolution: Compared with ordinary CRT monitors, LED display screens have higher contrast and a resolution of up to 1280*1024 pixels, providing clearer and more delicate display effects.

  • Wide viewing angle: Each light-emitting diode of the LED display screen can be regarded as a small screen with an extremely high viewing angle, which can provide better visual effects.

  • Simple maintenance: The maintenance of LED display screens is relatively simple. In case of failure, it is generally only necessary to replace the faulty diode.

  • These characteristics make LED display screens perform well in various environments and become an ideal choice for information dissemination and advertising.

2. The impact of rainy days on the visibility of LED display screens

  • Light refraction and scattering

On rainy days, rain refracts and scatters light, which has a significant impact on the visual effects of LED display screens. When raindrops fall on the surface of the display screen, the light is refracted inside and on the surface of the raindrops, causing the direction of light propagation to change.

At the same time, raindrops also scatter the light, causing the light to leave the raindrops at different angles, forming diffuse reflection. These refraction and scattering effects make the light emitted by the LED display screen scattered and blurred, reducing the clarity of the displayed content.

The difference in light refraction and scattering will also vary under different rainfall intensities. In heavy rainfall, the raindrops are dense and large, and the degree of light refraction and scattering is more serious, resulting in a further decline in the visual effect of the LED display screen.

In light rain or drizzle, because the raindrops are small and scattered, the degree of light refraction and scattering is relatively light, and the impact on the visual effect of the display screen is also small.

  • Brightness and contrast of the display screen

On rainy days, the brightness and contrast of the LED display screen will be affected to a certain extent. As raindrops fall on the surface of the display screen, a layer of water film is formed. This layer of water film absorbs and reflects part of the light, resulting in a decrease in the brightness of the display screen.

At the same time, raindrops will also form water stains and reflective light spots on the surface of the display screen, further reducing the contrast of the display screen.

These changes will affect the audience’s recognition of the content of the display screen. On rainy days, due to the decrease in brightness and contrast of the display screen, it may be difficult for the audience to clearly see the text and images on the display screen.

Especially at a long distance or poor viewing angle, the audience is more likely to feel visual fatigue and discomfort.

  • Angle de vision et distance de vision

The viewing angle and viewing distance of the audience on rainy days will also affect the visibility of the LED display screen. Due to the water film and reflective light spots formed by raindrops falling on the surface of the display screen, the audience will see different display effects at different viewing angles and distances.

At a smaller viewing angle and a closer viewing distance, the audience can see the content on the display screen more clearly. However, at a larger viewing angle and a longer viewing distance, due to the influence of light refraction and scattering and the reduction in brightness and contrast of the display screen, the audience may find it difficult to see the content on the display screen.

In addition, the water stains and reflected light spots formed by raindrops falling on the surface of the display may also cause the audience to see different display effects at different viewing angles.

3. Strategies to improve the visibility of LED display screens on rainy days

1). Technical improvements

  • New brightness and contrast technology:

The use of high-brightness LED lamp beads and advanced driving technology can significantly improve the brightness and contrast of LED display screens on rainy days.

For example, using high-brightness RGB LED lamp beads combined with PWM (pulse width modulation) technology can dynamically adjust the brightness of the LED to ensure that the display effect remains clearly visible on rainy days.

  • Waterproof materials and designs:

Selecting LED display screen materials and designs with waterproof functions can effectively improve the stability of the display screen on rainy days. For example, waterproof boxes, waterproof rubber rings, etc., will be used to ensure that the interior of the display screen will not be eroded by rain.

At the same time, waterproof treatment of the circuit boards and electronic components of the display screen, such as coating with waterproof paint, can also improve its durability on rainy days.

2). Environmental adaptability optimization

  • Installation environment parameter adjustment:

According to the installation environment of the LED display screen, adjust its parameters to improve visibility on rainy days. For example, on rainy days with dim light, the brightness and contrast of the display screen can be appropriately increased to ensure that the audience can clearly see the display content.

In addition, the brightness and color temperature of the display can be automatically adjusted according to the weather conditions to meet different environmental requirements.

  • Set up shielding:

Setting shielding around the display, such as awnings and canopies, can effectively reduce the direct impact of rain on the display and the impact of light refraction. These shielding objects can prevent raindrops from falling directly on the display, while reducing the interference of surrounding light on the display and improving the display effect on rainy days.

3). Entretien et soins

  • Nettoyage et entretien réguliers :

Regular cleaning and maintenance of LED display screens are important measures to improve their visibility on rainy days. Regularly cleaning dust, water stains, and other debris on the surface of the display screen can keep the surface of the display screen clean and smooth and improve light transmittance and display effect.

At the same time, regularly checking whether the circuit board and electronic components of the display screen are intact and replacing damaged parts in time can also ensure the stable operation of the display screen on rainy days.

  • Post-rain inspection and repair:

After rainy days, it is also necessary to conduct a comprehensive inspection and repair of the LED display screen. Check whether there are water stains, water drops, and other residues on the display screen, and clean and deal with them in time.

At the same time, check whether the circuit board and electronic components of the display screen are damp or damaged and replace or repair them if necessary. This ensures that the display screen will still maintain good display effects on the next rainy day.

4. What kind of LED display screens are generally visible on rainy days?

The most visible on rainy days are all-outdoor LED displays, especially those that have been specially designed and treated for waterproofing. The following are several key factors that make all-outdoor LED displays have high visibility on rainy days:

  • Waterproof design:

All outdoor LED displays are designed with waterproof performance in mind at the beginning. They usually adopt a box structure to fix the LED module on the box and wrap it with waterproof materials (such as iron materials) around it, thereby effectively preventing rain from entering the interior of the display screen.

This design ensures that the display screen can still operate normally on rainy days and will not be damaged by water ingress.

  • Haute luminosité et contraste :

All outdoor LED displays need to be able to maintain a clear and visible display effect under various light conditions, so they usually have high brightness and contrast. On rainy days, even if the light conditions are poor, all-outdoor LED displays can ensure clear visibility of the content through high brightness and high contrast.

  • Lamp bead treatment:

For LED displays used outdoors, the lamp beads are usually specially treated to enhance their waterproof performance. These treatment methods include lamination and glue filling, among which glue filling is more thorough.

It directly adds a layer of glue on the surface of the LED lamp beads to achieve complete sealing, which is not only waterproof but also can prevent water vapor from entering.

  • Waterproof power supply:

The power supply equipment supporting the display screen usually has a waterproof function to ensure a stable power supply on rainy days and avoid affecting the normal operation of the display screen due to power failure.

  • Installation method and location:

During installation, the full outdoor LED display screen will also consider waterproof measures, such as adding waterproof equipment or installing it in a location with shelter to reduce the direct impact of rain on the display screen.

In summary, the full outdoor LED display screen has high visibility on rainy days due to its special waterproof design, high brightness and contrast, lamp bead processing, waterproof power supply, installation method, and location.


In summary, rainy days do have a significant impact on the visibility of LED display screens, but through technical improvements, environmental adaptability optimization, and regular maintenance, we can effectively improve the performance of LED display screens on rainy days.

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, I believe that more innovative technologies will be applied to LED display screens in the future so that they can maintain excellent display effects even in severe weather conditions.

Enfin, si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les écrans LED, veuillez nous contacter.

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