Application de l'écran d'affichage à LED dans la construction de la culture du campus


With the rapid development of science and technology, LED display screens, as an efficient and flexible information dissemination medium, have gradually penetrated into all aspects of our lives. Especially in the field of education, school LED display screens have become not only a new teaching aid but also an important carrier of campus culture construction. 

Its unique visual effects and real-time updated information content make LED displays play an increasingly important role in campus culture construction and education.

1. Information board at the school entrance

The school entrance, as the only place that parents and students must pass through every day, is not only an important channel for the school to communicate with the outside world but also a key window to display the school’s style and image.

Setting up an LED display in this area not only provides parents and students with a convenient way to obtain school news, announcements, notices, and other important information in real-time but also becomes an effective tool for the school to display its brand image and school philosophy.

Tout d'abord, the real-time update function of the LED display allows it to quickly convey the latest developments in the school. Whether it is the school’s important activities, examination arrangements, students’ honorary commendations, parent meeting notifications, etc., they can be displayed to parents and students in real time through the LED display.

This instant information transmission method greatly improves the efficiency of information dissemination and reduces misunderstandings and inconveniences caused by information lag.

Deuxièmement, the dynamic display function of the LED display provides strong support for the school’s brand image construction. Schools can vividly present the school’s educational philosophy, cultural characteristics, educational achievements, etc., in front of parents and students through beautifully designed display content. 

This intuitive and vivid display method not only enhances the school’s brand image but also allows parents and students to have a deeper understanding of the school.

En outre, the LED display at the school entrance can also serve as an interactive platform between the school, the community, and parents. Schools can publish questionnaires, solicit opinions, etc., through LED displays to collect feedback and suggestions from parents and communities on school work.

This interactive communication method not only enhances the connection and communication between the school, the community, and parents but also provides a valuable reference for the school to improve its work and improve the quality of education.

In short, the real-time interaction and brand display function of the LED display screen, the information bar at the school entrance, not only facilitates parents and students to obtain school information but also enhances the school’s brand image and school philosophy communication effect.

In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, LED displays will play a more important role in the construction of campus culture and education.

2. Activities held in the school auditorium

When various activities are held in the school auditorium, LED display screens add rich colors and strong atmosphere to the activities with their diverse application functions and unique visual effects. Whether it is academic lectures, theatrical performances, or graduation ceremonies, LED displays can be used as event backgrounds or auxiliary display tools, providing comprehensive visual support for events.

Tout d'abord, the LED display screen can be used as the background of the event, and playing videos or pictures related to the event theme can create a visual effect that is consistent with the atmosphere of the event. This kind of background display can not only attract the attention of the audience but also add more colors and elements to the event, making it more lively and interesting.

Deuxièmement, the LED display screen can be used as an auxiliary display tool to display event procedures, guest introductions, program lists, and other content. Through scrolling playback or split-screen display, the audience can have a clearer understanding of the progress and arrangements of the event, improving the professionalism and transparency of the event. 

At the same time, the LED display can also display the sponsor’s information, provide sponsors with better brand display opportunities, and increase the commercial value of the event.

More importantly, the LED display can update activity progress and on-site interaction in real-time. Whether it is the score of the game, voting results, or interactive messages from the audience, it can be displayed to all participants in real-time through the LED display.

This real-time interaction not only enhances the sense of participation and interactivity of the event but also allows participants to be more involved and enjoy the process of the event.

In short, when events are held in school auditoriums, the diverse applications and real-time interactive functions of LED displays can enhance the professionalism and attractiveness of the event and bring a more colorful visual experience to participants.

At the same time, LED displays can also provide sponsors with better brand display opportunities and increase the commercial value of the event. In future activities, LED display screens will continue to play an important role and contribute more to campus culture construction and education.

3. Indoor and outdoor gymnasiums

The gymnasium is an important place for school sports activities. Whether it is daily physical education courses, school team training, or grand sports events, it is a stage for students to show their sportsmanship.

In such places, the introduction of LED displays undoubtedly adds a touch of brightness to sports activities, greatly improving the viewing and interactivity of the activities.

In indoor stadiums, LED displays are particularly widely used. During the game, it can be used as a scoreboard to update the score in real-time, ensuring that the audience can grasp the progress of the game the first time; at the same time, it can also play the introduction video of the athletes, allowing the audience to have a deeper understanding of the characteristics and achievements of each contestant.

In addition, the LED display can also play game videos and replay exciting moments repeatedly, leaving the audience with endless aftertaste. These features not only add an exciting atmosphere to the game but also allow the audience to participate more deeply.

In outdoor stadiums, LED displays also play an indispensable role. It can display the game results in real-time, ensuring that even in a wide venue, the audience can clearly see the game results. 

At the same time, the LED display screen can also play live commentary to allow the audience to have a deeper understanding of the rules and tactics of the game; combined with the playing of background music, it can create a warm and exciting atmosphere for watching the game. 

This all-around audio-visual enjoyment makes the audience feel as if they are actually there, greatly improving the viewing experience.

In addition, whether in indoor or outdoor stadiums, LED displays can be flexibly adjusted according to the needs of the competition. For example, during games or breaks, it can play the school’s promotional videos or cultural display content so that the audience can feel the school’s cultural atmosphere and characteristics while waiting.

This versatile application makes LED displays an indispensable part of the stadium.

4. School cafeteria

The school cafeteria is not only an important place for students to have daily meals but also a position that cannot be ignored in the construction of school culture. Here, while enjoying delicious food, students can also feel the cultural atmosphere and humanistic care of the school. With the development of science and technology, the introduction of LED display screens has injected new vitality into the canteen, making the canteen not only a place to eat but also an information center integrating healthy food culture display, campus news release, and cultural program broadcast. Platform.

Tout d'abord, LED displays can be used to broadcast healthy eating knowledge. An LED display screen is set up in the canteen to regularly broadcast popular science videos about healthy eating, nutrition knowledge, and other content, which can help students understand the nutritional content of food, the importance of healthy eating, and how to properly mix food.

 This not only helps to improve students’ awareness of healthy eating but also promotes students to develop good eating habits and lays a solid foundation for their healthy growth.

Deuxièmement, the LED display can also be used as a campus news release platform. By updating the school’s news, announcements, event information, and other content in real time, the LED display allows students to understand the latest developments and campus culture of the school while dining.

This relaxed and pleasant way can not only relax students’ minds but also enhance their sense of belonging and identification with the school.

En outre, the LED display screen can also play cultural programs. Playing some relaxed and enjoyable cultural programs in the cafeteria, such as music, dance, movie clips, etc., can create a relaxed and enjoyable dining environment for students. 

This will not only improve students’ dining experience but also allow them to feel the influence of culture while enjoying delicious food.

Enfin, the LED display can also be used as a guidance tool for selecting dishes and drinks. By displaying pictures, prices, nutritional values, and other information about various dishes and drinks on the display, students can choose their favorite foods and drinks more conveniently and quickly. 

This intuitive approach not only improves students’ dining efficiency but also allows them to be more clear about their dietary needs and preferences.

5. Small meeting room

Setting up LED displays in small conference rooms has become one of the standard features of modern conference rooms. It not only provides a more convenient and efficient presentation tool for meetings but also greatly enriches the content and form of meetings, allowing participants to understand and participate in discussions more intuitively.

Tout d'abord, LED display screens have significant advantages in playing PPT and video materials. Traditional projection methods may be affected by factors such as light and projection angle, resulting in poor display results. The LED display screen has the characteristics of high definition, high brightness, and high contrast, which can ensure image clarity and color reproduction even in dark conference rooms. 

This allows participants to understand the meeting topics and discussion content more intuitively and improves meeting efficiency.

Deuxièmement, the LED display’s real-time function also brings great convenience to meetings. During the meeting, the LED display can display the meeting agenda, time, voting results, and other information in real-time. This not only allows attendees to keep abreast of the progress and arrangements of the meeting but also allows them to obtain important information and data in the meeting in a timely manner.

For meetings that require voting or voting, the LED display can display the voting results in real time, allowing participants to understand the voting situation more intuitively and improve the transparency and fairness of the meeting.

En outre, the LED display can also be seamlessly connected with conference software or systems to achieve more advanced functions. For example, participants can interact with the LED display through mobile phones or tablets to achieve remote participation, online questions, real-time feedback, and other functions. 

This not only increases the interactivity of the meeting but also improves meeting participation and satisfaction.


School LED displays are widely used in campus culture construction and education. They can not only enhance the school’s brand image and influence but also provide teachers and students with more convenient and efficient information services. Therefore, schools should pay attention to the construction and application of LED displays and give full play to their important role in campus culture construction and education.

Enfin, si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les écrans LED, veuillez nous contacter.

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