2 minutes pour apprendre comment fonctionne l'affichage LED de fenêtre de voiture


Avec le développement rapide de la science et de la technologie, Écrans d'affichage LED have become an indispensable part of our lives. Especially in the field of transportation, car window LED display screens are gradually emerging with their unique advantages, such as the real-time nature of information dissemination, the efficiency of advertising promotion, and the clarity of vehicle identity identification.

These display screens not only provide convenience for our travel but also inject new vitality into the development of urban image shaping and the advertising industry.

1. Composition of car window LED display screen

1). Hardware part

  • LED dot matrix:

LED dot matrix is ​​the basic unit of the display screen, which is composed of multiple LED lamp beads arranged according to a certain rule. Each LED lamp bead is a light-emitting diode, which emits light when current passes through it. By controlling the on and off of each LED lamp bead, display effects such as text, pictures, and animations can be formed.

Luminescence principle: The luminescence principle of LED is based on the electroluminescent effect of semiconductor materials. When the forward current passes through the PN junction, electrons and holes recombine, release energy, and radiate in the form of light. The luminous color of the LED depends on the type of semiconductor material and the doping element.

  • Circuit de commande :

The drive circuit is the key part of controlling the on and off of the LED dot matrix. It is mainly composed of a row drive circuit and a column drive circuit. By controlling the on and off of the selection switch, each row or column of the LED is selectively driven to control the on and off of the LED.

Grayscale display technology: In order to achieve a more delicate display effect, the drive circuit usually uses PWM (pulse width modulation) technology to adjust the brightness of the LED, thereby realizing a multi-level grayscale display.

  • Manette:

The controller is the core component of the car window LED display and is responsible for receiving, processing, and sending display information. It receives display instructions from external devices or systems, converts them into control signals suitable for the drive circuit, and controls the on and off of the LED matrix through the drive circuit.

  • Power supply system:

The power supply system provides a stable operating voltage for the display. Due to the particularity of the vehicle environment, the power supply system needs to have good stability and anti-interference ability to ensure that the display can work normally in various environments.

  • Window integration:

The window LED display needs to be closely integrated with the window for seamless installation. This is usually achieved through a specific mounting structure and sealing technology to ensure the stability and safety of the display on the window.

2). Software part

  • Display content editing software:

Display content editing software is used to edit and design display content. Users can input text, pictures, animations, and other information through the software, and set parameters such as display mode and playback speed. After editing, the software will generate corresponding display instructions and send them to the control system software.

  • Control system software:

The control system software is a bridge connecting the display content editing software and hardware. It receives display instructions from the editing software, converts them into control signals suitable for the drive circuit, and controls the on and off of the LED dot matrix through the drive circuit. The control system software is also responsible for managing the working status, fault diagnosis, and communication protocol of the display screen.

  • Communication protocol:

The communication protocol is the communication rule between the display screen and the external device or system. It specifies parameters such as data format, transmission mode, communication rate, etc., to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data during transmission. Common communication protocols include RS232, RS485, TCP/IP, etc.

2. Working principle of car window LED display screen

1). Information display process

The external device or system sends display information to the controller of the car window LED display screen through a specific communication protocol (such as RS232, RS485, TCP/IP, etc.).

After receiving the information, the controller first performs decoding processing to convert the received data into a control signal that can be recognized by the display screen.

The driving circuit controls the on and off of each LED bead in the LED dot matrix according to the instructions issued by the controller so as to present the preset text, pictures, animations, and other contents on the display screen.

2). Display effect control

  • Réglage de la luminosité :

Brightness is one of the key parameters of the display effect. The brightness of the LED can be precisely controlled by adjusting the current flowing through the LED or using PWM (pulse width modulation) technology. PWM technology achieves brightness adjustment by changing the on and off-duty cycle of the LED bead, which is more energy-saving and stable.

  • Fréquence de rafraîchissement:

The refresh rate refers to the number of times the display screen updates the display per second. A high refresh rate means that the display content is smoother and reduces visual fatigue. Modern car window LED displays usually have a high refresh rate, such as 60Hz or higher, to ensure a good viewing experience.

  • Grayscale display:

Grayscale display refers to the number of different brightness levels that the display screen can present. A multi-level grayscale display can make the image more delicate and the color richer. Multi-level grayscale display can be achieved by controlling the on-and-off combination of LED beads and brightness adjustment.

3). Energy-saving and environmentally friendly design

  • Technologie d'économie d'énergie :

Use low-power LED beads to reduce the overall power consumption of the display screen. At the same time, the intelligent energy-saving algorithm is used to automatically adjust the brightness and working time of the display screen according to the needs of ambient light and display content, further reducing energy consumption.

  • Matériaux respectueux de l'environnement :

In the production process of the display screen, environmentally friendly materials such as recyclable plastics and non-toxic and harmless coatings are selected to reduce pollution to the environment. In addition, the production process is optimized to reduce energy consumption and waste emissions during the production process.

  • Conception de dissipation thermique :

Since LEDs generate heat when working, heat dissipation design is essential to maintain the stability of the display screen and extend its service life. By adopting efficient heat dissipation devices such as heat sinks and fans, ensure that the display screen can maintain a low temperature when working.

3. Is the power of the car window LED display screen provided by the vehicle?

The power of the car window LED display screen is indeed provided by the vehicle, and the specific provision method is as follows:

  • Car battery power supply:

When the vehicle engine is not started, the power used by the car window LED display screen is mainly provided by the battery equipped with the car itself. This is because, at this stage, the generator is not working, and the electronic equipment in the car cannot be powered.

  • Car generator power supply:

Once the vehicle engine is started, the generator starts to work and provides power to the electronic equipment in the car. Therefore, at this time, the power of the car window LED display screen is provided by the car’s generator. This method ensures that the display screen works continuously and stably during the vehicle’s driving process.

  • Consommation d'énergie et efficacité :

The power consumption of the car window LED display depends on many factors, such as its type, brightness, area, and display content. For example, outdoor LED screens are usually more power-consuming because brighter screens are needed to resist sunlight. In addition, displaying a dark background may use less electricity, while displaying a colorful image consumes more electricity.

4. Application scenarios of car window LED display screens

  • Traffic information prompts:

Installing car window LED display screens on public transportation vehicles (such as buses, subways, etc.) can display traffic information such as routes, stations, and arrival times in real-time, providing passengers with convenient travel guides. This not only improves the travel experience of passengers, but also helps to improve the efficiency and accuracy of public transportation.

  • Publicité et promotion:

The application of car window LED display screens on the windows of taxis, private cars, etc., provides a new channel for advertising promotion. The advertising content displayed on the car window LED display screen can attract the attention of passers-by during driving and achieve widespread dissemination of advertising.

This form of advertising has the characteristics of strong visual impact and wide coverage and is suitable for all kinds of merchants to carry out brand promotion, product promotion, and other marketing activities.

  • Emergency rescue:

Under special circumstances, emergency rescue vehicles such as police cars and ambulances can be equipped with window LED displays to display emergency information, such as “Please give way” and “Emergency rescue,” so that the public can identify and avoid them.

This application can improve the traffic efficiency of emergency rescue vehicles, shorten the rescue time, and provide strong support for saving lives and reducing property losses.

At the same time, the window LED display can also be combined with equipment such as on-board cameras and GPS positioning systems to achieve more intelligent and efficient emergency rescue services.

5. Future development trend of window LED display

  • Intelligence:

With the rapid development of onboard intelligent systems, window LED displays will be deeply integrated with them to achieve more intelligent functions. For example, by connecting to the onboard navigation system, the display can display navigation information in real-time, including route planning, traffic congestion, etc., to provide drivers with a more convenient and intelligent driving experience.

In addition, the intelligent window LED display can also cooperate with on-board sensors, cameras and other equipment to realize advanced functions such as automatic driving assistance and vehicle status monitoring. For example, when the vehicle detects that a collision is about to occur, the display can immediately display a warning message to remind the driver to take timely measures.

  • La flexibilité:

Flexible LED display technology brings new opportunities for the development of window LED displays. Compared with traditional rigid displays, flexible displays have higher flexibility and plasticity and can adapt to window designs of different shapes and sizes.

In the future, flexible window LED displays will be able to better integrate into the vehicle appearance, achieving more beautiful and flexible installation methods. For example, they can be designed to blend seamlessly with the window glass or installed on the door or roof as a bendable decorative strip.

  • Personnalisation :

With the increase in consumer personalized needs, window LED displays are moving towards customization and differentiation. Different vehicles and different car owners may require different display content and styles, so window LED displays need to have higher customizability.

In the future, window LED displays will support more personalized setting options, such as customizing display content, adjusting display brightness, changing display style, etc. This will enable car owners to customize their window LED displays according to their preferences and needs and achieve a more personalized driving experience.

In summary, window LED displays are playing an increasingly important role in the transportation field with their unique advantages.


From hardware to software, from working principles to application scenarios, every link reflects the wisdom and power of modern technology. In the future, with the continuous advancement and innovation of technology, car window LED displays will make greater breakthroughs in intelligence, flexibility, and customization, bringing more convenience and surprises to our lives.

Enfin, si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les écrans LED, veuillez nous contacter.

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