لماذا أصبحت شاشة LED تاكسي P2.5 خيارًا للعديد من الأشخاص؟


With the advancement of technology and the diversification of passenger needs, the taxi industry is undergoing unprecedented changes. Among them, the P2.5 taxi LED screen has also become the new favorite of taxis.

So, what makes the P2.5 taxi LED screen stand out among many display technologies and become the first choice of many taxi companies? This article will take you to explore the unique charm of the P2.5 taxi LED screen in-depth, revealing the technical secrets and market value behind it.

1. Advantages of P2.5 taxi LED display screen over other LED taxi roof screens

Compared with other LED taxi roof screens, the P2.5 taxi LED display screen has many advantages. The following is a detailed analysis of these advantages:

1). Pixel density and clarity

  • High pixel density:

The dot pitch of the P2.5 taxi LED display screen is 2.5mm, which means that it can accommodate more pixels in the same area. In contrast, LED display screens such as P3, P4, and P5 have larger dot pitches and lower pixel density. Therefore, the P2.5 taxi LED display screen has a more delicate display effect and can present clearer images and text.

  • دقة عالية:

High pixel density directly leads to a high-resolution display effect. This allows the P2.5 taxi LED display screen to show richer and more vivid details when playing advertising content, thereby enhancing the attractiveness and memorability of the advertisement.

2). Visual experience

  • Rich colors:

The P2.5 taxi LED display screen can cover more than 75% of the colors of the naked eye, up to more than 16 million colors. This makes its color performance richer and fuller and can present a more realistic image effect.

  • زاوية عرض واسعة:

Due to its high density and high resolution, the P2.5 taxi LED display screen can provide clear images while ensuring a wide viewing angle. This allows passengers to clearly see the content on the roof screen at different positions.

3). Technical performance

  • High refresh rate:

The P2.5 taxi LED display screen has the characteristics of high refresh rate, which can reduce or eliminate image delay and smearing when playing dynamic content, and improve the viewing experience.

  • الاستقرار الجيد:

In view of the particularity of the outdoor use environment, the P2.5 taxi LED display screen adopts a variety of technical means to ensure its stability. For example, the use of high-gas-tight packaging tax to manufacture lamp beads, adding anti-aging, anti-ultraviolet, fire-retardant additives, etc., to ensure that it can still work normally under extreme weather conditions.

2. Application value of P2.5 taxi LED display screen

As a specific type of LED display screen, the P2.5 taxi LED display screen has unique application value in the taxi industry and other related fields. The following is its specific application value analysis:

1). High definition and strong visual impact

  • High pixel density: The dot pitch of the P2.5 taxi LED display screen is only 2.5mm, and it can contain up to 160,000 pixels in one square meter, which makes its display effect extremely delicate and can present clear and vivid images and text.

  • Strong visual impact: The high-definition display effect enables the P2.5 taxi LED display screen to quickly attract the attention of pedestrians and passengers during driving, enhance the visual impact of advertising, and improve the communication effect of advertising.

2). Flexible and diverse advertising display

  • Double-sided display: Some P2.5 taxi LED display screens are designed for double-sided display, which can display different advertising content both inside and outside the car to meet the needs of different audiences.

  • Customizable content: P2.5 taxi LED display screens support video, pictures, text, and other forms of advertising content display, and the content can be flexibly customized and updated as needed to meet the publicity needs of different brands and products.

3). Adapt to complex environments and have strong stability

  • Good weather resistance: P2.5 taxi LED display screens are specially designed for outdoor use environments, such as using high-gas-tight packaging to make lamp beads, adding anti-aging, anti-ultraviolet, fire-retardant additives, etc., to ensure that they can still work normally under extreme weather conditions.

  • Strong earthquake resistance: Taxi driving will produce certain vibrations and bumps. The P2.5 taxi LED display screen has strong earthquake resistance through optimized design and can maintain a stable display in complex driving environments.

4). Enhance brand image and advertising value

  • High-end image: With its high definition and stable display effect, the P2.5 taxi LED display has brought a new advertising display method to the taxi industry and improved the overall image of taxis.

  • High advertising value: Since the P2.5 taxi LED display can attract more attention from pedestrians and passengers, and the advertising content can be customized and updated conveniently, it has a high advertising value and provides advertisers with a more effective publicity channel.

5). Promote information dissemination and commercial cooperation

  • Information dissemination: The P2.5 taxi LED display can be used as an important carrier for information dissemination, used to publish public information, emergency notices, etc., to improve the speed and efficiency of information dissemination.

  • Commercial cooperation: Taxi companies can cooperate with advertisers to display advertising content on the P2.5 taxi LED display to achieve commercial cooperation and profitability.

3. Market competitiveness of P2.5 taxi LED display

1). Cost-effectiveness

1.1). Price and performance balance:

  • High-cost performance:

The P2.5 taxi LED display has achieved a good balance between price and performance. Although its initial investment may be slightly higher than some other models of LED taxi screens, its high definition, high stability, and rich functions make its cost-effectiveness particularly outstanding.

In the long run, the P2.5 taxi LED display can significantly improve passenger satisfaction and increase advertising revenue, thus bringing more considerable economic benefits.

  • Economic return:

Taking the taxi industry as an example, the P2.5 taxi LED display can attract more advertisers to cooperate and make profits by playing with advertising content.

At the same time, its high-quality display effect and stable performance can also help improve passengers’ riding experience, increase passenger satisfaction and loyalty, and bring more customers and revenue to taxi companies.

2). Brand and technology advantages

2.1). Well-known brand investment and technological innovation:

  • Brand effect:

Well-known brands have invested a lot of R&D resources and market promotion efforts in the field of P2.5 taxi LED displays, and their products have high guarantees in terms of quality, performance, and service.

This helps to enhance users’ confidence in the product and increase the product’s market competitiveness.

  • الابتكار التكنولوجي:

Well-known brands continue to launch new technologies and new products to meet the special needs of taxi companies.

For example, in response to the vibration and bumping problems during taxi driving, well-known brands may adopt more advanced anti-seismic technology and stability design to ensure that the P2.5 taxi LED display can still work normally in complex environments.

2.2). Customized service and technical support:

  • Customized service:

Well-known brands usually provide customized services and design and produce products according to the specific needs of taxi companies. This helps to meet the special needs of taxi companies and improve the applicability and market competitiveness of products.

  • Technical support:

Well-known brands have a complete after-sales service system and technical support team, which can provide timely technical support and solutions during the use of products. This helps to reduce the operating costs and risks of taxi companies and improve the market competitiveness of products.

3). Market demand and trend

3.1). Taxi industry demand growth:

  • Efficient, convenient, and intelligent information display demand:

With the continuous development of the taxi industry, taxi companies have a growing demand for efficient, convenient, and intelligent information display technology. The P2.5 taxi LED display, with its high definition, high stability, and rich functional characteristics, just meets this demand of taxi companies.

  • Improve service quality and passenger experience:

Taxi companies can significantly improve service quality and passenger experience by introducing advanced equipment such as a P2.5 taxi LED display. This will help attract more passengers to choose taxis and increase the customer base and revenue of taxi companies.

3.2). Future development potential and wide application prospects:

  • Huge market potential:

With the continuous development of the taxi industry and the acceleration of the intelligent trend, the application prospects of advanced equipment such as P2.5 taxi LED display in the taxi industry are very broad.

In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and the further reduction of costs, the P2.5 taxi LED display is expected to be more widely used and promoted in the taxi industry.

  • Multi-field application:

In addition to the taxi industry, P2.5 taxi LED display can also be widely used in other transportation fields such as private cars and buses, as well as commercial advertising, stage performances, radio and television media, and other fields. This brings it a broader market space and development opportunities.

4. BIBILED's P2.5 taxi LED screen display

Taxi LED display has gradually changed from a relatively niche LED display type to a popular LED display, and P2.5 is the most popular pixel pitch in this taxi LED display. The following is the display effect of the P2.5 taxi LED display exported by BIBILED to Kuwait. Let’s take a look!


In summary, the P2.5 taxi LED screen has stood out in the taxi industry with its significant advantages, such as high-definition display effect, compact design and easy installation, stability, and durability, and has become the first choice of many taxi companies.

It not only improves the riding experience of passengers, brings additional advertising revenue to taxi companies, but also promotes the intelligent and information development of the taxi industry.

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يحصل 2023 السعر الجديد لشاشة LED الآن