ما هو الكاثود المشترك لشاشة LED؟


ومع التطور السريع للعلوم والتكنولوجيا، عرض الصمام technology, as an important medium for modern information dissemination, has become ubiquitous in our lives.

From the bustling streets of the city to the display screens in indoor conference rooms, LED displays have become an indispensable part of advertising, media, culture, and entertainment with their advantages of high brightness, high contrast, and wide viewing angle.

Among the many technical details of LED display screens, common cathode technology, as one of the key technologies, is of great significance for improving the display effect of the display screen and reducing energy consumption.

1. Detailed analysis of common cathode technology

Common cathode technology is a driving method for LED display screens, in which the cathode (negative pole) of the LED lamp beads is connected together, while the anode (positive pole) is independently controlled by different driving circuits. This structure allows independent voltage and current control of the three colors of red, green, and blue (RGB) LED lamp beads, thereby achieving more refined brightness and color adjustment.

1). Advantages of common cathode structure:

  • Low power consumption: Since common cathode technology can be independently powered according to the actual needs of RGB lamp beads, unnecessary energy consumption can be avoided, and overall power consumption can be reduced.

  • Uniform brightness: By independently controlling each LED bead, the brightness of the display screen can be ensured to be more uniform, avoiding local over-brightness or over-darkness.

  • Strong color expression: Through precise voltage and current control, common cathode technology can achieve richer color levels and more accurate color reproduction.

2). Limitations of common cathode structure:

  • High complexity: Since each LED bead needs to be independently controlled, the circuit design is relatively complex, which increases the difficulty and cost of manufacturing.

  • High requirements for driver chips: In order to achieve precise voltage and current control, high-performance driver chips need to be selected, which also increases the cost.

3) The implementation method of common cathode technology

3.1). Hardware design:

  • Circuit design: According to the specifications and requirements of the LED display screen, design a suitable circuit structure to ensure that the cathode of each LED bead can be connected together while the anode can be controlled separately.

  • Driver chip selection: Select a high-performance driver chip to achieve independent control of RGB lamp beads and precise voltage and current regulation.

3.2). Software design:

  • Driving strategy: Formulate a suitable driving strategy to ensure that the LED display screen can work stably and reliably.

  • Brightness adjustment algorithm: According to the actual application scenario, design a suitable brightness adjustment algorithm to meet different brightness requirements.

2. Application of common cathode technology in different types of LED display screens

Due to the high requirements of brightness and color in indoor environments, common cathode technology can achieve richer color levels and more accurate color reproduction through precise voltage and current control, thus meeting the high-quality display requirements of indoor LED display screens.

Outdoor LED display screens need to withstand the influence of various harsh environments, such as high temperature, low temperature, humidity, etc. Common cathode technology can improve the stability and reliability of the display screen by reducing power consumption and reducing heat generation, thereby ensuring that the outdoor LED display screen can operate stably for a long time.

The flexible LED display screen has the characteristics of bendability and foldability, which can adapt to various complex installation environments. Common cathode technology can ensure that the flexible LED display screen can still maintain a stable display effect in a bent or folded state through precise voltage and current control.

3. Performance analysis and optimization of common cathode technology

1). Performance parameter evaluation

  • توحيد السطوع:

Brightness uniformity is one of the important indicators for evaluating the display effect of LED display screens. Common cathode technology can achieve precise brightness adjustment of each pixel through independent RGB lamp bead control, thereby improving the brightness uniformity of the display screen.

In practical applications, the brightness of the display can be measured using a uniformity test instrument, and calibration and optimization can be performed based on the test results.

  • Energy efficiency:

Common cathode technology can reduce the power consumption of LED displays through precise voltage and current control. Improved energy efficiency not only helps reduce energy consumption but also reduces the operating cost of the display.

When evaluating energy efficiency, the power consumption of the display at different brightness can be measured, and its power efficiency ratio can be calculated.

  • Reliability:

The reliability of common cathode technology is mainly reflected in the stability and life of the display. The reliability of the display can be improved by optimizing the drive circuit, improving the brightness adjustment algorithm, and enhancing the heat dissipation system. In practical applications, methods such as long-term operation tests and temperature cycle tests can be used to evaluate the reliability of the display.

2). Optimization measures

  • Optimization design of the drive circuit:

The drive circuit is the core part of the common cathode technology, and its design directly affects the performance of the display. Optimization of the drive circuit can be achieved by using high-performance drive chips, reducing impedance and noise in the circuit, and improving the circuit’s anti-interference ability.

These optimization measures can improve the efficiency and stability of the drive circuit, thereby improving the display performance.

  • Improvement of brightness adjustment algorithm:

The brightness adjustment algorithm is a key factor affecting the brightness and color performance of the display. By improving the brightness adjustment algorithm, more precise brightness control and richer color levels can be achieved.

For example, an adaptive brightness adjustment algorithm can be used to automatically adjust the brightness of the display according to changes in ambient light, or a color management algorithm can be used to calibrate and optimize the color of the display.

  • Enhancement of the heat dissipation system:

The heat dissipation system is crucial to ensure the stable operation of the LED display. The heat dissipation system can be enhanced by using efficient heat dissipation materials, optimizing the heat dissipation structure, and adding heat dissipation fans.

These optimization measures can reduce the operating temperature of the display and improve its reliability and life. At the same time, it can also reduce problems such as brightness attenuation and color distortion caused by high temperatures.

4. Market application and development trend of common cathode technology

1). Market application status

  • Advertising media:

Common cathode technology is widely used in the field of advertising media due to its high brightness and excellent color performance. In shopping malls, commercial blocks, transportation hubs, and other places, LED displays using common cathode technology can present high-definition and bright advertising content to attract more audience attention.

  • أحداث رياضية:

In sports events, common cathode technology provides audiences with a more shocking viewing experience. The LED display screens in large stadiums use common cathode technology, which can display game images, scores, athlete information, etc., in real time while supporting high-definition and smooth playback effects, making the audience more immersive.

  • Stage performances:

Common cathode technology also plays an important role in stage performances. Stage backgrounds, props, costumes, etc. can be decorated with LED display screens. The common cathode technology can achieve precise brightness and color control, presenting a more colorful visual effect to the audience.

2). Technology development trend

  • High resolution and high refresh rate:

With the continuous advancement of display technology, common cathode technology is also developing in the direction of high resolution and high refresh rate. High-resolution display screens can present more delicate pictures, while high-refresh-rate display screens can ensure the smoothness and stability of the pictures. This will further enhance the display effect and viewing experience of LED display screens.

  • Intelligence and networking:

With the continuous development of technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing, LED display screens are also developing in the direction of intelligence and networking. Common cathode technology can be combined with these technologies to realize remote monitoring, intelligent control, data analysis, and other functions of the display screen.

This will make the application of LED display screens in advertising media, sports events, stage performances, and other fields more intelligent and convenient.

  • Green environmental protection and energy saving:

In terms of green environmental protection and energy saving, common cathode technology has also shown great potential. Through precise voltage and current control, common cathode technology can reduce the power consumption and heat generation of LED display screens, and reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution.

At the same time, the use of environmentally friendly materials and energy-saving design is also one of the important directions for the development of common cathode technology. This will help promote the sustainable development of the LED display industry.

5. Comparison of common cathode technology with other technologies

1). Comparison with common anode technology

1.1). Structural differences:

  • Common cathode technology: The cathode (negative pole) of the LED lamp beads is connected together, while the anode (positive pole) is independently controlled by different driving circuits.

  • Common anode technology: The anode (positive pole) of the LED lamp beads is connected together, while the cathode (negative pole) is independently controlled by different driving circuits.

1.2). Performance comparison:

  • Power consumption: Common cathode technology has relatively low power consumption because it can be independently powered according to the actual needs of RGB lamp beads. Common anode technology has relatively high power consumption.

  • Brightness and color: The two are not much different in brightness and color performance, and both can achieve relatively uniform and rich display effects.

  • Stability: Since the driving circuit design of common cathode technology is relatively complex, more consideration may be required to improve stability and reliability. Common anode technology may show higher stability in some applications.

1.3). Application scenarios:

  • Common cathode technology is more suitable for scenarios with high requirements for power consumption and brightness uniformity, such as outdoor billboards, stadiums, etc.

  • Common anode technology may be more suitable in some special applications, such as some scenarios that require high brightness and high contrast.

2). Comparison with other display technologies

2.1). Features of technologies such as OLED and LCD:

  • OLED (organic light-emitting diode): It has the characteristics of self-luminescence, which can achieve higher contrast and deeper black performance, as well as a wider viewing angle and faster response speed. However, the manufacturing cost of OLED technology is high, and there may be life problems.

  • LCD (liquid crystal display): It achieves display effects by controlling the deflection of liquid crystal molecules, and has the advantages of low power consumption and relatively low manufacturing cost. However, it may not be as good as OLED in terms of contrast, viewing angle, and response speed.

2.2). Competitive advantages of LED display:

  • High brightness: The brightness of LED displays is much higher than that of LCD and OLED, and it is suitable for outdoor and indoor high-brightness environments.

  • Strong color expression: The color expression ability of LED display is strong, which can achieve richer color levels and more accurate color reproduction.

  • Good stability: LED display has high stability and reliability, and can operate stably for a long time in various harsh environments.

  • Strong scalability: LED display screens can be spliced ​​in any size through modular design and are suitable for various large-scale display occasions.

  • Energy saving and environmental protection: LED display screens have relatively low power consumption and are made of environmentally friendly materials, which is in line with the development trend of green environmental protection.


Through the discussion in this article, we can see that common cathode technology plays a pivotal role in LED display screens. It not only improves the display effect of the display screen and reduces energy consumption but also provides strong technical support for the application of LED display screens in multiple fields.

In the future, with the continuous advancement of science and technology and the growing market demand, we have reason to believe that common cathode technology will continue to be optimized and improved, injecting new vitality into the development of LED display screen technology.

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يحصل 2023 السعر الجديد لشاشة LED الآن