The Detailed Preview Of The ISLE 2023 Forum Is Finally Been Released, And The Excitement Is Not To Be Missed!

ISLE2023 will be held from the 7th to the 9th of this month for a period of 3 days.

In addition to displaying display technology and supporting equipment, LED industry chain products, video fusion applications, LED lighting, digital signage, and other whole industry chain technology system ecology, industry matchmaking meetings and related forum activities will also be held simultaneously. The 2nd AR|VR Education Innovation Summit Forum, “Future Education, Technology Leading,” held on April 8 attracted the attention of many people in the industry because this will be a new change in the future and bring new development momentum to the smart education industry.

Time and location:

  • Event Name: The 2nd AR|VR Education Innovation Summit Forum

  • The event’s theme is “Future Education, Technology Leading.”

  • Event time: April 8, 2023 (Beijing time: 13:00-17:00)

  • Venue: Forum Area, Hall 12, Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center (Baoan New Hall)

  • Sponsor: Shenzhen Augmented Reality Technology Application Association/Guangzhou Fair Advertising Co., Ltd.

Keywords of this forum:

  • Subversion of traditional education, joint business cooperation

It is no longer a simple display but a simulated scene and a three-dimensional multi-dimensional display, making education more vivid and interesting. In this forum, professionals in the AR/VR industry and the education field will have in-depth one-on-one exchanges, discuss the application of AR/VR in the education field, and propose opportunities for business cooperation. 

If you want to participate, it is recommended that foreign buyers bring their translators so that they can better understand the key points and business opportunities discussed in the forum.

  • Industry experts chat about the future

This forum will have industry experts and scholars jointly discuss the opportunities for the development of AR/VR in the education industry and plan the direction of future growth.

bibiled will update the future development trend of AR/VR in the education industry from time to time.

  • On-site experience, precise docking

This forum will invite participants to experience the new AR/VR education model, provide real and effective feedback data in real-time, and accurately analyze data to double the quality of education.

  • Application landing, comprehensive promotion

With the development of AR/VR companies in education, we will jointly promote the progress of global education.

The detailed meeting agenda on April 8 is as follows: (The following time is for reference only)


The above is detailed information about the ISLE2023 forum.

If you want to make an appointment to register for the exhibition, please click to here: بعد 3 سنوات، تم افتتاح ISLE 2023 أخيرًا مرة أخرى

If you have other questions about the exhibition or LED display, you can leave a message below or click to contact us quickly.

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