مركز الملكية، مكان تطبيق جديد لشاشة LED


ومع التطور السريع للعلوم والتكنولوجيا، شاشات عرض LED, as an efficient, energy-saving, and diversified information display tool, have been widely used in various fields.

Especially in the property center, the core area of ​​community management, LED displays can not only meet the needs of traditional announcements and safety promotions but also have more new application potential.

1. Benefits of using the LED display in a property center

The use of LED displays in property centers has brought many significant benefits, which are not only reflected in the efficiency and effect of information dissemination but also involve the convenience of community management and the richness of residents’ lives. The following are the main benefits of using LED displays in property centers:

  • Efficient information dissemination:

LED display screens can quickly and accurately display information in the form of high brightness and high definition, such as community announcements, event notifications, safety tips, etc. This instant information dissemination method greatly improves the coverage and dissemination efficiency of information, ensuring that residents can keep abreast of community developments.

  • Flexible display content:

LED display supports content display in multiple formats, including text, pictures, videos, etc. This diversified display method allows the property center to flexibly adjust the display content according to different needs, such as displaying a festive atmosphere, promoting community culture, playing educational videos, etc., enriching the visual experience of residents.

  • Improve community image:

Modern LED displays not only have powerful information dissemination functions but can also serve as part of the community image. Well-designed LED displays can not only enhance the image of the property center but also enhance residents’ sense of belonging and identification with the community.

  • Easy management and maintenance:

LED displays have lower energy consumption and longer service life, reducing the cost of property management. At the same time, through the intelligent control system, the property center can remotely monitor and manage the operating status of the LED display, discover and solve problems in a timely manner, and improve the convenience and efficiency of management.

  • Improve residents’ quality of life:

LED displays can play weather forecasts and provide health knowledge, life tips, and other practical information to provide residents with convenient life services. At the same time, displaying community activities, cultural performances, and other content enriches residents’ spare time life and improves their quality of life.

2. Traditional applications of LED displays in property centers

LED display screens play a vital role in property centers, especially in traditional applications. Their diverse functions and efficient communication methods have been widely used. The following are several main traditional applications of LED displays in property centers:

  • Announcement Release:

The LED display screen is an important tool for the property center to issue various announcements. Through the display screen, the property management company can publish community notices, activity information, property announcements, etc., in real-time to ensure that residents can understand the latest developments in the community in a timely manner.

Whether it is an emergency notification about water and power outages or publicity about community activities, LED displays can be displayed to residents in a clear and eye-catching way.

  • Safety promotion:

Safety is one of the top priorities of property management. LED displays play an important role in safety promotion. It can be used to display safety knowledge, fire and disaster prevention tips, etc., to improve residents’ safety awareness and emergency response capabilities.

During special periods, such as periods of high fire incidence or before severe weather, the property can issue early warning information through LED displays to guide residents to take precautions.

  • Environment creation:

LED displays can also be used to create a festive atmosphere and showcase community culture. During important festivals or celebrations, properties can use LED displays to play festival blessings, festive music, and other content to add a strong festive atmosphere to the community.

At the same time, displaying the community’s cultural activities, historical traditions, and other content can enhance residents’ sense of identity and belonging to the community and promote the harmonious development of the community.

3. Exploration of new application places for LED display screens in property centers

With the continuous advancement of technology and the growing demand for property management, the application of LED displays in property centers is also constantly expanding and innovating. The following is an exploration of some new application places for LED displays in property centers:

1). Parking lot management

  • Display of available parking space information: Use the LED display to update available parking space information in the parking lot in real-time, helping car owners quickly find parking spaces and improve parking efficiency.

  • Publish parking charging rules, preferential activities, and other information: Use LED displays to display parking charging rules, preferential activities, and other information to car owners to increase transparency and convenience.

  • Linkage with the smart parking system: The LED display can be linked with the smart parking system to achieve quick payment and entry and exit, reduce manual operations, and improve the operating efficiency of the parking lot.

2). Elevator waiting area

  • Display the elevator operating status: Use the LED display to display the elevator operating status, such as rising, falling, stopping at a certain floor, etc., so that passengers can understand the real-time situation of the elevator.

  • Play safe elevator prompts and emergency evacuation guidelines: Use the LED display to play safe elevator reminders and emergency evacuation guidelines to improve passengers’ safety awareness and emergency response capabilities.

  • Display community news, weather forecasts, and other practical information: Set up an LED display in the elevator waiting area to play community news, weather forecasts, and other practical information to provide convenience to residents.

3). Visitor reception area

  • Display the visitor registration process and precautions: Set up an LED display in the visitor reception area to display the visitor registration process and precautions to help visitors quickly understand the registration process.

  • Play community promotional videos and introduction videos: Play community promotional videos, introduction videos, etc. through the LED display to allow visitors to better understand the community’s environment and facilities.

  • Real-time updates of community activities, meeting schedules, and other information: The LED display can update community activities, meeting schedules, and other information in real time to facilitate visitors’ understanding of community dynamics.

4). Gyms and sports venues

  • Play fitness tutorials and sports music: Set up LED displays in gyms and sports venues to play fitness tutorials and sports music to provide guidance and entertainment for fitness enthusiasts.

  • Display instructions and safety tips for sports equipment: Use the LED display to display the instructions and safety tips for sports equipment to help bodybuilders use the equipment correctly and avoid accidents.

  • Real-time updates of information on sports events, fitness activities, etc.: The LED display can update information on sports events and fitness activities in real-time, attracting fitness enthusiasts to participate.

5). Green landscape area

  • Display plant science knowledge and maintenance skills: Set up LED displays in green landscape areas to display plant science knowledge and maintenance skills and improve residents’ awareness of plants and their ability to care for them.

  • Play videos of natural scenery, bird observation, etc.: Play videos of natural scenery, bird observation, etc. through the LED display, allowing residents to increase their understanding and love for nature while appreciating the beautiful scenery.

  • Integrated with intelligent irrigation system: LED display can be combined with an intelligent irrigation system to display real-time greening data and irrigation status, improving the intelligent level of greening management.

4). Children’s play area

  • Play children’s animations, children’s songs, and other entertainment content: Set up LED displays in the children’s play area to play children’s animations, children’s songs, and other entertainment content to provide children with a rich and colorful play experience.

  • Display safety education, parent-child activity, and other information: Display safety education content and parent-child activity information through the LED display to improve the safety awareness and participation of parents and children.

  • Real-time update of the opening status and precautions of amusement facilities: The LED display can update the opening status and precautions of amusement facilities in real time to ensure that children play safely in the play area.

4. Implementation strategies and precautions

When implementing a new application of LED display in the property center, multiple aspects need to be considered comprehensively to ensure the smooth progress of the project and maximize the effect. The following are implementation strategies and considerations:

  • Comprehensively consider the actual situation and needs

When selecting the application site and displaying the LED display content, the actual situation and needs of the property center should be fully considered.

Different areas and places have different functions, so the information that needs to be displayed is also different. At the same time, the needs and interests of residents should be considered, and content that will capture their attention should be selected.

  • Selection and stability of installation location

Ensure that the installation position of the LED display is reasonable and stable to avoid potential safety hazards. Before installation, the installation location should be evaluated to ensure that the structure is stable and can bear the weight of the display.

At the same time, avoid installing in locations that are susceptible to impact or wind and rain to ensure the safety and stable operation of the display.

  • Regular maintenance updates

The software and hardware facilities of the LED display require regular maintenance and updates to ensure its normal operation and display effect.

A maintenance plan should be developed to regularly check the power supply, signal lines, control board, and other components of the display screen to detect and repair problems in a timely manner. At the same time, attention should be paid to updating the display content to keep the content timely and attractive.

  • Respect privacy and information security

When using LED displays, respect the privacy rights of owners and residents and avoid publishing sensitive information on the displays. For example, do not publish sensitive content such as residents’ personal information and home addresses.

At the same time, information security management must be strengthened to ensure that the control system of the display screen is not maliciously attacked or tampered with.

  • User feedback and continuous improvement

After the LED display project is implemented, user feedback should be actively collected to understand residents’ satisfaction, opinions and suggestions on the display. Based on the feedback results, display content, layout optimization and technology updates are adjusted in a timely manner to meet the needs and expectations of residents.

  • Integrate with community culture.

When designing the display content of the LED display, it can be combined with community culture to show the characteristics, history, and culture of the community. This can not only improve residents’ sense of identity and belonging to the community but also enrich residents’ spiritual and cultural life.

  • Comply with relevant regulations and standards.

When implementing LED display projects, relevant regulations and standards must be followed to ensure the legality and standardization of the project. For example, it is necessary to comply with regulatory requirements in urban planning, environmental protection, fire safety and other aspects to ensure the smooth implementation and operation of the project.


Through the exploration of new application places for LED displays in property centers, we can see its huge potential in improving community management efficiency and enriching residents’ life experiences.

In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, LED displays will play an even more important role in property centers.

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يحصل 2023 السعر الجديد لشاشة LED الآن