وحدات شاشة العرض LED P10 و P5 إلى كوريا.

P10 & P5 LED Display Screen

Pixel Pitch: 5mm

LEDs: Nationstar SMD2727

Total number of modules: 1664 pcs

Modules size: 160 x 160mm

IC: ICN2153

Pixel Pitch: 10mm

LEDs: Nationstar SMD3535

Total number of modules: 272 pcs

Modules size: 320 x 160mm

IC: ICN2153

Novastar MCTRL300: 5 pcs

Novastar MRV336: 102 pcs

Novastar MFN300: 3 sets

Novastar NSO60: 3 sets

Spare LEDs: 1100+600 pcs

Spare IC: 200+80 pcs

Spare mask: 100+40 pcs

Spare waterproof rubber ring: 1800+300 pcs

Spare colorful ribbon cable+white card buckle: 1800+300 pcs

Spare power line: 1800+300 pcs

Spare mask screw: 600+200 pcs

Spare line pipe IC: 80+100 pcs

Package: plywood case

Shipping destination: Korea

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يحصل السعر الجديد لعام 2025 لشاشة LED الآن