LED Poster screen: the magic of indoor advertising marketing

If you were running an offline store, what would you be concerned about?

Customer arrival rate? Product sales? A number of repeat customers?

To better improve these indicators, you must be no stranger to below marketing techniques.

Distribution of advertising leaflets – attracting users to stores.

Discount marketing – encouraging users to spend.

Develop new products – improve the user experience.

Behind the above tools, the three biggest pain points for marketers, and the biggest pain points for stores, are revealed below.

Why isn’t it attracting customers to the store?

Why didn’t he purchase after entering the store? Instead, you choose to leave after shopping?

How do I get him to buy?

If these issues are clarified, then it will effectively help your store to be profitable.

First question: how can I attract customers into my store? And make the user pay for it?

First question: how can I attract customers into my store? And make the user pay for it?

In the business difficulty, the ability of users to enter the store is the starting point for profitability.

Because without customers, product discounts, in-store services, and other means cannot be used.

1.1 What are the traditional means of attracting customers to the store?

There are hundreds of stores in the city, the customer has a great choice, and the store is very passive, how to attract him is the key to marketing.

But it is not without solutions, and there are many conventional means.

Hand out leaflets.

The route customers take to the mall determines which stores will be favored and which stores will go unasked for.

The flyer staff can effectively intervene in the customer’s route and increase the rate of arrival at the store.

However, from the customer’s point of view, if you are in a good mood and always receive a flyer when shopping, it is likely to generate “boredom” and “resistance” mentality.

On the other hand, this approach is already very common and does not create differentiation.

Elaborate, posters.

When shopping, it’s a typical seller’s market, with a large number of stores on the street or in the mall, and difficult choices for customers.

To attract customers, some stores put up posters at the door, displaying all the selling points and offers.

For example, in some stores (especially mobile phone stores), the same height as an adult is placed on the door of an Elaborate with an endorsement printed on it.

This makes it easy for customers to feel “face-to-face” with the star, and if customers like the spokesperson, the store visit rate will naturally increase.

Some coffee shops, for example, also label their printed materials with recent new products, hot items, and discounts.

To sum up, there are a number of ways in which a store can direct customers.

Over time, however, other stores have followed suit, and such publicity using “printed materials” has become mediocre.

If traditional methods of marketing are continued, the store is in danger of being eliminated.

So, is there a propaganda material that is both eye-catching and has the above advantages?

Of course, there are, such as the new LED screen products on the shelves of بيبليد – “ملصق LED.”

Easy handling: A thin 33mm body and a light weight of 28.5kg makes it easy to use.

Excellent performance: The small pitch screen is fine and high definition, and the LED display is colorful and high bright.

As an electronic device, its thin and light body does not impose high costs of use on the shop.

The excellent display is far superior to printed objects, such as shining stars that can be seen at a glance.

With the ability to instantly switch between screens and play dynamic videos, it also makes it easy to show your selling points.

1.2 Why didn't the customer purchase after entering the store?

“Customers coming into the store” means success in half.

Because once a customer enters a store, he or she is surrounded by the marketing environment of merchandise, waiters, décor design, etc.

Under heavy “bombardment,” customers are likely to be motivated to spend.

But the truth is often not as good as it should be, with a large number of customers coming into the store and not buying, and this makes the previous publicity meaningless.

What’s the reason for all this?

He was lured in with a lot of publicity, so why did he eventually choose to give up spending?

What didn’t impress customers in the many sessions?

Admittedly, price, quality, discounts, and service are all possible reasons why customers don’t buy.

However, through user interviews and data inquiries, we found that “inadequate in-store promotion” was an important reason for customers to leave, such as.

(a) The advertising is not sufficiently attractive to create an impulse to buy.

Product exhibitions are not new and leave customers uninterested in the product.

(b) The product’s benefits and uses are presented vaguely so that the customer feels distant from the product and cannot imagine its benefits for himself.

The store as a whole lacks scenic design to “immerse” customers and make them “dance”…….

And is this caused by marketers’ laziness?

Not necessarily, because most marketers want to grow performance, and they don’t miss the opportunity to sell their products.

The real reason is that traditional means of communication hinder sales.

The inherent deficiencies in traditional print make it difficult for customers to be drawn in.

After all, “seeing is believing.”

A video introducing a product’s selling point is more intuitive and persuasive than a thousand words about “product benefits.”

 A high-intensity promotional video with dubbing, animation, and color changes will be clearer, easier to understand, and more impactful than the static communication of a “discount event” poster.

Compared to homogeneous store décor, LED poster screens can be combined with interior design to give customers a novel experience through screen changes.

Therefore, we recommend the “شاشة ملصق LED” because it has the advantage of the effect of traditional means of publicity difficult to match.

If you’re on a budget, then it’s a “good helper” that you can’t miss.

On the other hand, standing on a macro view and letting customers know about the store and its products is a prerequisite for all other consumer activities.

Therefore, it is crucial to introduce the product in its entirety, showcase its benefits, highlight its selling points, and promote the store’s activities.

Looking at the complete marketing chain, one “شاشة ملصق LED” is enough for any need you may have, with excellent results

1.3 Can the use of "LED poster screens" really increase sales?

Compared to other traditional marketing methods you use, the answer to this one is yes.

This can be seen in a case study.

Computers and mobile phones are the two most widely used products.

As smart electronics, what do customers focus on when making a purchase?

What kind of communication scenarios and means to impress customers?

Please make an association.

What are the matching characteristic keywords?

Your answers are inseparable – creative, innovative, cutting-edge, technological, future – these are the words that define the style and character of this category of products.

Starting again with the keywords of the product, who do you think is the target audience for this product? What do they value? What are they easily impressed by?

أولاً, there is no doubt that customers are easily impressed by “like-minded” promotional tools.

The “شاشة ملصق LED” can play a variety of cool, sci-fi advertising videos.

This dovetails with the advertising content of smart electronics.

The “LED poster screen” is a small pitch HD display with a crisp and detailed picture.

As such, it has a strong sense of technology in itself, which will be able to give customers a full visual impact.

ثانيًا, customers are concerned about the performance, appearance, new features, and ease of use of the product.

With the “LED poster screen,” stores can showcase the performance and new features of products in just a few seconds.

And, since this is primarily for indoor LED screens, marketers can combine the content of the LED screens to showcase their products.

This makes it possible to advertise to customers on multiple levels, and it’s easier to impress the other person.

Unlike traditional products, the “LED poster screen” can “train” the customer on how to use the product in a short time, quickly and efficiently.

For example, a mug, a bottle of floral dew, a quilt, a cosmetic, you know how to use it without being told specifically.

But if what you are selling is as below:

a) What about a laptop that offers fingerprint unlocking?

b) What about an iPhone with facial recognition technology?

The above products have many special features and use that customers do not understand, are not familiar with, and do not know how to use it.

More importantly, customers don’t know where the benefits of these features lie.

And once you don’t understand what a product’s features can bring to the table, customers won’t spend money on it.

In this case, the video of the “LED poster screen” can be recorded and 3D model in the shortest possible time, so that customers can understand and learn to use the video at a glance.

Of course, even for mugs/flavors/quilts/cosmetics, LED poster screens can better convey the idea of the “good life” and impress consumers.

After all, if you’ve ever seen an ad for “Lancôme” or “Estée Lauder,” then you know that even a product that is known for its use can make customers pay for it willingly through advertising ideas such as videos.

LED Poster screens are an important vehicle for delivering video advertising.

أخيراً, whether the customer spends or not is also related to the below elements.

1) A brand that has been in your favor for a long time.

The market has developed over the years, and some businesses have formed their brands, and customers are loyal to the brands they favor.

For example, when customers buy shoes, clothes, and mobile phones, they prefer their favorite brands.

Therefore, when they enter the mall, they will be the first to scan with their eyes to see if there is a brand LOGO or name they like.

2) Better visuals.

The mall is brightly lit and well-decorated, and the better the visual effect, the easier it will be for customers to “look at.”

3) Hitting the pain point publicity.

With so much information, customers often don’t know how to choose either.

If a product hits a customer’s pain point and tells the user what he wants, it will naturally be easier to attract customers.

To sum up, if you can proactively deliver the above message to your customers once they enter the store – that is, when they are about to make a purchase.

Then, at the right price, customers will buy smoothly, and store sales will naturally increase.

That’s the beauty of the “شاشة ملصق LED.”

Second question: why is a LED poster screen worth buying?

2.1 Five reasons for choosing a LED poster screen

One: HD detailed, poster-like indoor LED screen.

A “LED poster screen” is a type of LED screen that is generally used for indoor advertising.

It was named “LED Poster Screen” because it is thin and easy to carry and does not have a large area and resembles a large poster.

It’s a latecomer to LED screens.

It has been rapidly promoted for its good results and experience and is widely used in the market.

Its main accessories are mask housing, module, stand, base, power pack, audio, etc.

Two: extremely thin and light, without reducing the display effect of high brightness and fine.

The thickness of the “LED poster screen” is skinny compared to the common LED advertising screen that can be easily moved over 100mm.

The thickness of a common “LED poster screen” on the market is usually between 30mm and 80mm, about a quarter of it.

Secondly, the weight of the “LED poster screen” has been greatly reduced due to the use of mainly die-cast aluminum as the case material.

A single box is typically about 40kg, which is much lower than other types of LED screens.

Based on this, BIBILED’s “poster LED screen” is carefully selected to emphasize the superior quality.

What we offer you is.

A 33mm thick and 28.5KG thin and light “LED poster screen.”

Three: Bring your audio, rich in features.

In addition to being thin and light, the “bring your audio” is also the point of difference for the “poster LED screen.”

This makes it easy for users to just buy the screen without having to bother with anything else.

On the other hand, it comes with its stereo with moderate volume and low power consumption for indoor use.

Four: a variety of types, all kinds of scenarios can be adapted.

There are many types of “poster screens,” such as upright, hanging, and assembled, to meet the needs of various scenes.

It can be used as a separate display screen for information, illustrative purposes, etc..

It can also be used as an advertising screen, showing advertising videos, static advertising pages.

It can also be used for high-end occasions to assemble a large screen into a seamless large HD screen by using the join screen function.

Of these, “upright” is the most common type and the one that sells the most, with two options: reclining and upright.

At the beginning of the design, the engineers install the brackets and base them on the box.

When you need to position the screen tilted against the ground, pull out the stand, and it’s ready to use, which is very convenient.

Also, it is part of the design of the product itself, and there is no additional cost.

The upright is an extra-base on top of this, allowing the screen to be placed upright.

Among other things, the base has a gimbal on the bottom, allowing the LED poster screen to push itself.

Five: Clip-on frame, pull-out design, easy installation, and maintenance.

ال “LED Poster Screen” has a clip-on design on the border.

There are bar recesses of varying shades in the bars, which are based on the shape of the module, mask assembly.

It has three characteristics.

(i) The border fits the screen perfectly.

(ii) Fixed screen components, which will not fall apart, loose, and have a certain protective effect.

(iii) Not welded, easy to remove, as simple as using a sliding door, pull to install and remove.

When repairs are needed, the target module can be easily removed by pulling out the edge clip.

2.2 Where can LED poster screens be used?

The “LED poster screen” inherits the display effect of the LED screen, but also has a thin and light body and plug-and-play features that traditional LED screens do not have.

This determines that it has more usability, ease of use.

For example.

It can be moved anywhere, easily moved to where it needs to be, plug and play, without the need for cumbersome installation processes.

It can also be combined as a display wall to serve as a facade for a high-end venue.

It can also be hung and combined with a well-designed interior scene to create an aesthetically pleasing place.

Therefore, it can be used in hotels, malls, window displays, chain stores, movies, fairs, high-end mega conferences.

Third question: how do I choose a LED poster screen?

Apart from price, installation, shipping, etc., there are two main points to consider when choosing a “LED poster screen.”

3.1 What type of LED poster screen to choose?

LED Poster screen can be divided into hanging, upright, hanging, etc.

According to the installation method.

We recommend that you consider the following points.

(i) Fees.

In addition to the upright, several others require additional costs for installation, accessories.

(ii) Characteristics of the store itself.

You can choose the right type of store according to its décor and layout, the main products sold, and the store style.

(iii) There is no need for a mobile screen.

Hanging, hanging installation involves the construction of the wall after the installation is fixed in place, while the upright can be moved instantly, put where needed.

الميزة 5: التأثير مرئي واضح وواضح.

شاشة LED الأرضية ليست أقل شأنا من حيث اختلاف اللون، اللون الضعيف، زاوية الرؤية، والسطوع، ويمكن أن تحصل على تأثيرات عرض مماثلة لشاشات LED الأخرى.

أولاً, it has the same wide-angle display effect, and you can get an excellent sensory experience when viewing at multiple viewing angles.

Also, the floor LED screen has the characteristics of high brightness and high pixels, which can provide an ultra-clear picture surface, and the display effect is not by environmental factors.

أخيراً، the design of accessories such as the floor support allows the floor LED screen to be seamlessly spliced, with minimal impact on the painting surface and excellent results.

According to the five advantages of the شاشة LED أرضية, now, are you clear if you need to buy a floor LED screen?

3.2 Where will the LED poster screen be used?

“LED Poster screens” are mainly used indoors, but they can also be used in semi-outdoor locations.

And in different places, such as outdoor and indoor, the light, the speed of customer flow, viewing distance, and interference factors all have different degrees of difference.

Therefore, we recommend that you identify the premises you need to use to facilitate your selection of screen specifications.

Outdoor scenes, such as public transportation sites.

Bus platforms and subway stations are outdoor places, but people can see the objects inside the station up close.

Therefore, a LED poster screen can also be used in that scene.

For example, large-scale public welfare activities, civic events, marketing campaigns, etc.

Some metro stations are connected to shopping malls, which have far more foot traffic than others.

Some branded events, if held here, can have poster screens to attract customers.

It’s far more tempting and accurate than station posters.

For this, we recommend the P2.5 outdoor brightness poster screen, but not waterproof.

This specification achieves outdoor brightness without looking dull in the sun and light.

Also, the spacing can be seen clearly in places with large spaces and relatively large distances.

Semi-outdoor or indoor scenes, such as large shopping malls and other indoor public places

Such establishments generally include malls, cinemas, and shops.

Although these are indoor, the ambient lighting conditions are good, the brightness is high, and the space is large.

At the same time, its marketing needs are high.

It is generally used to show advertising videos, display logos, marketing campaigns, etc.

For this, we recommend three specifications.

P2.5 Outdoor brightness: this can be taken into account considering the possibility of having open spaces, strong lighting.

P2.5 Indoor Brightness: This is the most versatile one, and is clear enough to meet the realistic needs of semi-outdoor, indoor light.

P2: Primarily used indoors, this one can be considered when you’re on a budget and seeking clarity.

High-end interior scenes, such as major trade shows.

Typical occasions are large conferences, creative exhibitions, theme theaters, etc.

Crowded, high-end and creative are its key features, and the high-definition, high-detail display best matches its temperament.

In addition to the single-screen presentation, there is a greater demand for screens in association than in several other types of settings.

For the above demand, we recommend the P1.75 LED poster screen.

The screen is particularly sharp and suitable for places with higher HD picture quality needs.

FAQ: What other details are worth noting?

4.1 What should be noted when using it?

First of all, there is a need to do a good job of waterproofing and earthquake prevention.

The LED poster screen module is mainly made of a frame and a PC cover (some manufacturers use acrylic cover), which is shockproof.

However, it is mainly for indoor use and has a different from outdoor screens.

The LED poster screen supplied by BIBILED is a PC case cover and is very resistant to dirt.

At the same time, it will not crack or shatter upon impact.

Secondly, do not place the module face down.

The surface of the LED module is densely covered with lamp beads, and the LED module is facing downwards, which can easily knock the lamp beads.

4.2 Do you still need to assemble it after buying it? Is there any guidance?

The “upright” LED poster screen does not need to be assembled; the LED screen manufacturer will ship the finished product, you receive it and plug and play.

However, if a type such as “hanging” is purchased, separate instructions for installation will be required.

4.3 How can I repair a broken poster screen?

Simply pull out the clip on one side of the screen and remove the corresponding module.

4.4 How does the LED poster screen sound work?

All you need to do is play the video file with the accompaniment, and the LED poster screen will automatically play the sound without separate processing.

4.5 What control system is used for LED poster screens? What to look out for in a single screen and a spliced screen?

BIBILED offers this product with the Novastar T1 system, the Novastar T6 system.

The difference is that.

Under the T1 system, support for single use.

Under the T6 system, 2-8 units can be spliced by adding an HDMI HD cable between the LED poster screen.

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يحصل 2023 السعر الجديد لشاشة LED الآن