شاشة LED للإيجار الداخلية وشاشة LED للإيجار الخارجية، أيهما أكثر ملاءمة لك


The advancement of LED technology is becoming increasingly efficient, and the cost of production has decreased dramatically. These developments in LED technology are having a considerable impact on the LED screen display business. As a result, LED screens are now more reasonably priced than they once were.

Choosing the right rental LED screen can be a difficult task because we are not looking for the cheapest or most expensive product. When making any purchase decision, the most important factor to consider is the cost-to-performance ratio. In short, users want to select the best product for the best price and performance.

As an LED screen expert in China, بيبي ليد advises you to clarify your needs by asking yourself 2 questions before selecting the right LED screen.

  1. What is the application scenario of your LED screen?
  2. What is the environment like?

What is the application scenario of your LED screen?

LED screens can be applied in a variety of scenarios, including both indoor and outdoor ones. Different varieties of LED screens are required for various applications. Additionally, there are differences between indoor and outdoor installation methods. Our Rental LED Screens are separated into indoor and outdoor rental LED screens depending on the application conditions.

  • منصة

Recommended Product: Indoor Rental LED Screen&Outdoor Rental LED Screen

The stage layout is both indoor and outdoor. The structure of the open-air stage is critical and requires adequate support to ensure that it can withstand strong wind loads. The height of the ceiling is the most important consideration for the indoor stage. Because most ceilings have a load limit, only small and medium-sized LED screens can be installed. It’s worth noting that not every ceiling structure is designed to support heavy-hanging objects.

  • Conferences

Recommended Product: Indoor Rental LED Screen 

Conferences are generally held in indoor venues. When organizing conferences, especially large-scale conferences, this professional rental screen can be quickly assembled to ensure layout speed.

  • Sport arena

Recommended Product: Outdoor Rental LED Screen 

LED rental screens are widely used in sports venues. Digital LED scoreboards, for example, are used to display game scores. Furthermore, multi-functional LED rental screens can display the large LED screens of sports venues, live games, video playback, game scores, and advertisements.

What is the environment like?

يعد الموقع أو البيئة المحيطة لشاشة LED أمرًا مهمًا للغاية. ويؤثر على عوامل مثل سطوع الشاشة ومقاومة الطقس.

  • سطوع

The main distinction between indoor and outdoor rental LED screens is the brightness of the screen. The brightness of a screen is measured in nits (cd/m2). Higher brightness levels allow the screen to be seen even in bright sunlight.

عادةً ما تكون شاشات LED الخارجية المستأجرة أكثر سطوعًا، وتتراوح من 4500 شمعة إلى 7500 شمعة. يمكن لبعض لوحات LED عالية الجودة أن تحقق 12000 شمعة في المتر المربع. من ناحية أخرى، لا تتطلب شاشات LED الداخلية متطلبات سطوع عالية. مستويات الإضاءة المحيطة منخفضة في البيئات الداخلية. ستتأثر تجربة المشاهدة إذا كانت الشاشة الداخلية ساطعة للغاية.

ومن الجدير بالذكر أنه يمكن استخدام شاشات الإيجار الخارجية في الداخل أيضًا؛ ببساطة قم بضبط السطوع. من ناحية أخرى، لا يمكن استخدام شاشات الإيجار الداخلية إلا في الداخل.

  • مقاومة الطقس

هناك اختلاف آخر بين شاشات LED الداخلية للإيجار وشاشات LED الخارجية للإيجار وهو درجة مقاومة الطقس. يتم قياسه عادةً بدرجة الحماية (IP).

IP2X وIP3X هما أكثر تصنيفات شاشات التأجير الداخلية شيوعًا. تعتبر الأجسام المادية الكبيرة، ولكن ليست الرطوبة، مقاومة للوحات LED الداخلية المستأجرة (يشار إليها بعلامة X).

And IP65 is the industry standard for outdoor rental LED screen panels. The panel is dust-tight and water-jet resistant. If the user intends to use the LED screen outside, the rating must be at least IP65.


The 2 questions we mentioned above are very important when choosing the best rental LED screen.

اتصل بنا إذا كنت لا تزال غير متأكد من اختيارك لشاشة LED المستأجرة.

As important as choosing indoor or outdoor LED rental screens is the application location, this article may be changed for your reference

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يحصل السعر الجديد لعام 2025 لشاشة LED الآن