How To Maintain An LED Display That Has Not Been Used For A Long Time?


As a device that can bring benefits and value, the شاشة عرض LED is a device that many advertisers want to buy, but as a huge visual electronic device, its maintenance is a top priority.

This article will take you through how to maintain an LED display that has not been used for a long time to ensure that it can be used in the best condition.

1. Problems that may occur with LED displays that have not been used for a long time

LED display equipment is similar to humans in some aspects. If a person does not exercise for a long time and rests every day, his health will have some large and small problems. The same is true for LED displays. Some problems may occur if they are not used for a long time, such as:

1). Dust accumulation problem

  • heat dissipation holes: If the heat dissipation holes of the LED display are blocked by dust, it will affect the heat dissipation effect and may cause the display to overheat, thus affecting its stability.

  • Affecting brightness: Dust may also cover the LED lamp beads, affecting the brightness and greatly reducing the display effect of the display.

2). Humidity and temperature issues

  • Damage to internal components: If the LED display is exposed to high or low temperatures for a long time, it may cause the aging of internal electronic components, such as the power supply, control board, etc.

  • Circuit board corrosion: Excessive humidity may also cause corrosion of the circuit board, resulting in abnormal display function.

3). Aging of components inside the display

  • Decreased performance of electronic components: Electronic components of LED displays that have not been used for a long time, such as capacitors, inductors, etc., may cause performance degradation due to aging.

  • Metal oxidation: Metal parts may be oxidized, resulting in poor contact or short circuit.

4). Failure of display drive and control system

  • Software failure: An LED display that has not been used for a long time may cause software failure due to a lack of proper maintenance, such as driver damage or abnormal operation of the control software.

  • Hardware failure: The hardware part of the control system, such as microprocessor, memory, etc., may also fail due to long-term non-use.

5). physical damage

  • Display deformation: Prolonged non-use may cause the frame of the display to deform, affecting the display effect.

  • Aging of connection wires: The wires connected to the display may age due to long periods of non-use, resulting in unstable signal transmission or disconnection.

2. Maintenance methods for LED displays that have not been used for a long time

For LED displays that have not been used for a long time, in order to ensure their performance and extend their service life, a series of maintenance and upkeep work is required. Here are some specific maintenance methods:

  • Clean the display surface

The display surface needs to be cleaned regularly to remove dust and other dirt.

Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the surface gently; avoid using cleaners containing alcohol or chemical solvents, as these may damage the surface of the display. If there are stubborn stains on the display surface, you can use a professional display cleaner, but you should test it in a hidden place before use to ensure that it will not cause damage to the display.

  • Check the physical condition of the display.

Check the display regularly for damage, cracks, or deformation. Check that the fixtures are secure and that the display will not be displaced or damaged by external factors. If any physical damage is found, it should be repaired promptly to avoid expanding the problem.

  • Ensure proper temperature and humidity environment

LED displays have certain requirements for temperature and humidity environments. Excessive high or low temperature and humidity may cause damage to the display. Therefore, the temperature and humidity of the indoor environment should be kept within an appropriate range, and extreme situations should be avoided.

Ventilate regularly to maintain indoor air circulation and help regulate temperature and humidity.

  • Regularly check the power and signal cables of the display

Check whether the power cord and signal cord of the display are damaged or aged, and replace them in time if necessary.

Make sure the connection of power and signal lines is stable and avoid poor contact or short circuits. Regular inspections can prevent display failures caused by cable problems.

  • Make simple tests and adjustments to your display

As part of your regular inspection, perform a simple test to check that your display’s brightness and color are normal.

Make sure your display looks its best by adjusting brightness, contrast, and color settings. If there is any abnormality, it should be adjusted or repaired in time to restore the normal display effect.

  • Perform periodic comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the display

Comprehensive inspection and maintenance by a professional is necessary. A comprehensive inspection includes checking internal components, drive circuits, control circuits, and other parts.

Replace aging and damaged components, such as capacitors, inductors, etc., according to actual conditions. Some adjustments and cleaning may be required during the maintenance process to ensure the normal operation of the display.

3. Safety Precautions

In the process of maintaining LED displays, safety is always the primary consideration. Both maintenance personnel and the display itself need to be adequately protected. Here are some detailed instructions on safety considerations:

  • Avoid using sharp tools

To prevent scratching the display surface, avoid using any sharp tools. Sharp objects may damage the glass or plastic surface of the display, affecting the display or causing further damage. Choose to use a soft cloth, brush, or vacuum cleaner for cleaning, and avoid using sharp tools such as blades and scissors.

  • Carry out maintenance after power outage

Before repairing the LED display, be sure to disconnect the power supply. Performing maintenance operations while power is on may result in safety accidents such as electric shock.

Make sure the power switch is off, and use a test pen to check the voltage to make sure there is no voltage. Always disconnect the power supply before performing any maintenance work on the power supply or circuit.

  • High-risk repairs under professional guidance

Some high-risk repair work, such as replacing internal components or performing complex circuit repairs, should be carried out under the guidance of professionals. These high-risk repairs performed by non-professionals may result in more serious damage or personal injury.

Find experienced LED display maintenance experts or perform repair work under the supervision of professionals to ensure safe and effective maintenance.

  • Wear appropriate protective equipment

When performing maintenance work, it is recommended to wear appropriate protective equipment such as dust masks, gloves, and goggles. These gear protect workers from dust, dirt, or other potentially harmful materials. Especially for cleaning the display surface, wearing gloves can prevent your hands from direct contact with the surface and reduce the risk of scratches.

  • Follow safety regulations and operating procedures

When maintaining LED displays, relevant safety regulations and operating procedures should be followed. These regulations and procedures are designed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of maintenance work.

Do not attempt to tackle unknown or unauthorized repairs yourself; follow the guidelines and safety precautions provided by the manufacturer.


Through regular cleaning, inspection, adjustment and comprehensive inspection and maintenance, its performance can be effectively maintained and its service life can be extended. Only with correct care and maintenance can an LED display that has not been used for a long time remain in good working condition and provide a better visual experience for our life and work.

If you have any other questions about the LED display, الرجاء التواصل معنا and we will serve you wholeheartedly.

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