كيف تستخدم الفنادق شاشات LED لزيادة الإيرادات


In the ever-changing business environment, the الفندق industry, as an important part of the traditional service industry, is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

ومع التطور السريع للعلوم والتكنولوجيا، عرض الصمام screens, as an outstanding representative of modern display technology, have gradually become an important tool for hotels to enhance their brand image, enhance customer experience, and create additional income with their unique visual impact, flexible and changeable display methods, and efficient information dissemination capabilities.

1. Application scenarios of LED display screens in hotels

1). Lobby entrance area

  • Dynamic display of welcome information:

LED display screens can display welcome information in real-time, such as “Welcome to XX Hotel, I wish you a pleasant stay!” and other warm sentences, with dynamic backgrounds or patterns, so that guests can feel the warmth of home at the first moment they step into the hotel, thereby enhancing their first impression of the hotel.

  • Promotional activities and special packages:

Using the high brightness and visual appeal of LED display screens, scrolling the hotel’s latest promotional activities, special packages, or member discount information, directly reaching past guests, effectively stimulating their consumption desire, and promoting instant booking or on-site consumption.

  • Weather forecast and city information:

Provide practical information such as weather forecast, local news, and traffic information to increase guests’ convenience, while also showing the hotel’s thoughtful and considerate service attitude and improving guest satisfaction.

2). Banquet hall and conference room

  • Meeting agenda and guest introduction:

Before the meeting or event starts, the LED display screen will broadcast the meeting agenda, speaker introduction, and other content in real time, so that participants can understand the meeting arrangements in advance and enhance the professionalism and formality of the meeting.

  • Wedding live broadcast and background wall:

In celebrations such as weddings, LED display screens can be used as romantic background walls to play photos, videos, or blessings of the newlyweds to create a warm and romantic atmosphere. At the same time, wedding live broadcasts can also be conducted, so that relatives and friends who are unable to attend can also feel the joy of the wedding, increasing the sense of ceremony and commemorative value.

  • Small exhibitions and art displays:

Use the free time of the banquet hall or conference room to hold small exhibitions or art displays, display artworks, photographs, or hotel specialty products through LED display screens, attract non-guests to visit, broaden the hotel’s audience group, and drive surrounding consumption.

3). Restaurant and Bar

  • Special dishes and drinks recommendations:

LED screens are set up in the restaurant and bar areas to scroll through special dishes, drink recommendations, and discount information, stimulate customers’ taste buds with attractive pictures and short text descriptions, and guide them to try new products or discount packages.

  • Creating a festive atmosphere:

According to different festivals or event themes, the display content of the LED screen is adjusted, such as the snow scene of Christmas, the countdown of the New Year, etc., to create a strong festive atmosphere, so that customers can feel the joy of the festival and the hotel’s intentions while enjoying the food.

  • Live broadcasts of sports events and concerts:

For customers who like to watch sports events or concerts, the hotel can set up LED screens in the restaurant or bar area for live broadcasts to attract them to stay and consume and increase the customer flow and revenue of restaurants and bars.

4). Outdoor area

  • Hotel brand promotion:

Large LED screens are set up in the outdoor area of ​​the hotel to play hotel brand promotional videos, advertising films, and other content to enhance the hotel’s popularity and brand image and attract the attention of passers-by.

  • Introduction to surrounding attractions:

Use LED screens to introduce information about surrounding tourist attractions, shopping centers, etc., to provide guests with convenient travel guides, promote tourism linkage consumption, and also bring more customers to the hotel.

  • Night lighting project:

Through the lighting effect of the LED display, the overall beauty of the hotel at night is improved, attracting the attention of passers-by and adding a unique charm to the hotel. At the same time, it can also improve the safety and recognition of the hotel, providing guests with a more comfortable and secure accommodation environment.

2. How LED display screens help hotels increase additional income

1). Advertising rental

  • Diversified advertising cooperation:

Hotels can rent advertising time slots of LED display screens to third-party partners such as local merchants, travel companies, and event organizers. These partners can display their products or services through LED display screens to attract potential customers in and around the hotel.

  • Precise advertising placement:

Hotels should have a deep understanding of their own customer base characteristics, such as age, gender, interest preferences, etc., and design precise advertising placement strategies. By selecting advertising content that is highly matched with the target customer base, the conversion rate and return on investment of advertising can be improved.

2). Event planning and execution

  • Creative theme activities:

Using the visual impact of LED display screens, hotels can plan and execute a series of creative theme activities, such as new product launches, art exhibitions, small music festivals, etc. These activities can not only attract hotel guests to participate but also attract non-guests to come, thereby driving related consumption such as catering and accommodation.

  • Diversified income:

By holding events, hotels can collect event organization fees, sponsorship fees, or ticket revenue to achieve diversified income. At the same time, events can also enhance the hotel’s visibility and brand image, bringing long-term positive impacts to the hotel.

3). Value-added services

  • Customized video production:

The hotel can provide customized video production services, such as making opening videos for wedding guests and promotional videos for corporate customers. These services can not only provide customers with a unique experience, but also increase the added value of the hotel’s services, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Technical training and consulting:

The hotel can offer training courses on the use of LED display screens for corporate customers or individual users. By teaching the basic operation of LED display screens, content production, and marketing strategies, the hotel can not only expand its source of income but also establish long-term cooperative relationships with trainees, bringing more business opportunities to the hotel.

4). Data analysis and precision marketing

  • Customer behavior data analysis:

Using the interactive function of LED display screens, hotels can collect customer feedback and behavior data, such as viewing time, click-through rate, conversion rate, etc. These data are of great significance for understanding customer needs and optimizing marketing strategies.

  • Precision marketing strategy:

Based on the results of data analysis, hotels can adjust marketing strategies to achieve precise push. For example, for customers who often watch a specific type of advertisement, push relevant product or service discount information; for customers with high consumption frequency, provide personalized membership privileges, etc.

These precision marketing strategies can not only improve customer satisfaction and loyalty but also effectively promote consumption growth.

3. Implementation strategies and precautions

1). Content planning

Update frequency and diversity:

To ensure that the LED display screen always attracts customers’ attention, the hotel should formulate a content update plan to ensure that the display content is both novel and diverse. This includes but is not limited to the hotel’s latest discount information, seasonal theme content, special planning for festivals, etc.

  • Brand image consistency:

During the content planning process, the hotel needs to ensure that all display content is consistent with the brand image. From fonts and colors to overall style, the hotel’s unique charm and brand values ​​should be reflected to deepen customers’ impression and recognition of the hotel.

2). Technical maintenance

  • Professional team support:

The hotel should establish or entrust a professional technical maintenance team to be responsible for the daily maintenance, troubleshooting, and regular inspection of the LED display screen. This helps to ensure the stable operation of the display screen and reduce service interruptions caused by technical failures.

  • Backup and emergency plans:

To prevent unexpected situations, the hotel should formulate backup and emergency plans for the LED display screen. For example, prepare backup display screens, formulate emergency switching procedures, etc. to ensure that content can still be displayed normally in emergencies without affecting customer experience.

3). Legal compliance

  • Comply with laws and regulations:

When using LED display screens for advertising, content display, and other activities, hotels must strictly abide by relevant advertising laws, copyright laws, and other laws and regulations. This includes ensuring the authenticity and legality of advertising content and avoiding infringement of others’ intellectual property rights.

  • Copyright review:

For non-original content, hotels should conduct strict copyright reviews to ensure that they have obtained legal authorization or comply with the principle of fair use. At the same time, hotels should establish a copyright management mechanism to conduct regular self-inspection and cleanup of display content to avoid infringement risks.

4). Customer experience

  • Balance commercialization and comfort:

While using LED display screens to increase additional income, hotels should focus on balancing the relationship between commercialization needs and customer comfort. Avoid visual pollution or noise interference caused by excessive commercialization, and maintain the comfort and tranquility of the hotel environment.

  • Customer feedback mechanism:

Hotels should establish a customer feedback mechanism to promptly understand customers’ views and suggestions on the use of LED display screens. By collecting and analyzing customer feedback, hotels can continuously optimize content planning, technical maintenance, and other aspects to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.


In summary, the application of LED display screens in the hotel industry not only brings a new visual experience and enhances the brand image of the hotel but also creates diversified sources of income and innovation of business models.

Through carefully planned content display, flexible advertising rental strategies, creative event planning, and accurate data analysis, the hotel can effectively attract customers’ attention, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and thus achieve steady growth in revenue.

However, it is worth noting that while enjoying the many advantages brought by LED display screens, hotels also need to pay attention to challenges in technical maintenance, legal compliance, and customer experience to ensure that this innovative means can continue to contribute to the development of the hotel.

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يحصل 2023 السعر الجديد لشاشة LED الآن