What is the Grayscale of LED display

There is always the information on the parameters ” grayscale = 12bit, 14bit, 16bit, etc “, but do you really understand what is that? بيبي ليد is very glad to share with you.

Generally speaking, the higher bits, the richer content quality, like 16bit is better than 14bit.

But the truth is the gray level is depends on the number of digital-to-analog conversions of the system, the system’s video processing chip, memory and transmission system must support the higher bits.

The details introduction of each bits as below

  • 1 bit processing system, that is 2, ( 2 of the 1th power level grayscale ), means we can only set up two kinds of brightness, from black to white.

  • 2 bit processing system, that is 4, ( 2 of the 2th power level grayscale ), means we can set up four kinds of brightness, changes from black to white.

  • 3 bit processing system, that is 8, ( 3 of the 2th power level grayscale ), means we can set up eight kinds of brightness, changes from black to white.

  • 4 bit processing system, that is 16, ( 4 of the 2th power level grayscale ), means we can set up sixteen kinds of brightness, changes from black to white.

  • 5 bit processing system, that is 32, ( 2 of the 5th power level grayscale ), means we can set up thirty two kinds of brightness, changes from black to white.

  • 6 bit processing system, that is 64, ( 2 of the 6th power level grayscale ), means we can set up sixty four kinds of brightness, changes from black to white.

  • 8 bit processing system, that is 256, ( 2 of the 8th power level grayscale ), means we can set up two hundred fifty six kinds of brightness, changes from black to white.

  • 10 bit processing system, that is 1,024, ( 2 of the 10th power level grayscale ), means we can set up one thousand and twenty four kinds of brightness, changes from black to white.

  • 12 bit processing system, that is 4,096, ( 2 of the 12th power level grayscale ), means we can set up four thousand and ninety six kinds of brightness, changes from black to white.

  • 14 bit processing system, that is 16,384, ( 2 of the 14th power level grayscale ), means we can set up sixteen thousand three hundred and eighty four kinds of brightness, changes from black to white.

  • 16 bit processing system, that is 65,536, ( 2 of the 16th power level grayscale ), means we can set up sixty five thousand five hundred and thirty six kinds of brightness, changes from black to white.

Summary speaking, gray scale decides the color from left to right, there are some factors make the gray scale higher bits, video processor, storage, transmission and scanning. We both know the higher bits, the more colors, then better effect meanwhile higher cost, so, how many bits do we need actually, now here is the suggestions, for civil purpose, 8 – 10 nits are enough, for professional purpose, 10-12bits or higher.

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