خطة "تخسيس فاتورة الكهرباء" لشاشات الإعلانات LED الخارجية


In the dazzling city night scene, outdoor LED advertising screens attract countless eyes with their brilliant light and become an indispensable part of modern cities. However, behind this glory, does the high electricity bill make you frown?

Faced with the growing pressure of energy consumption, we can’t help but ask: How can we achieve “electricity bill slimming” for outdoor LED advertising screens while maintaining advertising effects?

This article aims to solve this problem. We will deeply explore the secrets of energy saving and consumption reduction of outdoor LED advertising screens, from technological innovation to management optimization, to reveal a series of effective “electricity bill slimming” strategies for you.

Whether you are a practitioner in the advertising industry or an environmentalist who pays attention to energy conservation and emission reduction, I believe this article can bring you inspiration and gains.

1. How much power does the outdoor LED advertising screen consume?

The power consumption of outdoor LED advertising screens is a relatively complex issue because it is affected by many factors, including screen size, resolution, brightness, playback content, usage time, LED technology used, and power efficiency. The following is a detailed analysis of the power consumption of outdoor LED advertising screens:

1). Power consumption range

1.1). Basic power consumption range:

Generally speaking, the power of outdoor LED display screens (usually refers to the average power consumption) is between 200 watts and 1500 watts per square meter. This range is relatively wide, mainly because the power consumption of display screens of different models, different brightness, and different application scenarios varies greatly.

1.2). Specific type of power consumption:

Its maximum power consumption may be around 800 watts per square meter, but in actual use, the power consumption will vary due to different playback content. Under normal use, the actual power consumption may be between 400 watts and 700 watts per square meter.

  • Single red or monochrome LED display screen:

The power consumption is relatively low, and the maximum power of each board may be around 25 watts. If 16 boards constitute one square, the total power consumption is between 150 watts and 200 watts.

2). Influencing factors

  • سطوع:

The higher the brightness of the display screen, the greater the power consumption is usually. Therefore, at night or in a dimly lit environment, the brightness can be appropriately reduced to reduce power consumption.

  • Playback content:

When playing white or high-brightness colors in full screen, the power consumption is the highest; when playing content with a black background, the power consumption will be relatively low because most of the LED lights are turned off.

  • Usage time:

The longer the display is used, the greater the total power consumption will be. Therefore, rationally planning the playback time is also an effective means to reduce power consumption.

  • Technology and power efficiency:

The use of advanced LED technology and efficient power management systems can significantly reduce power consumption. For example, using high-brightness and low-power LED chips, optimizing circuit design, and using intelligent brightness adjustment technology.

3). Actual case

Take a common outdoor full-color LED display with a length of 5 meters and a width of 3 meters as an example (assuming that its average power consumption is 500 watts/square meter). If it works 10 hours a day, the daily power consumption is 75 kWh (i.e. 75 kWh). If the unit price of electricity is 1 yuan/kWh, the daily electricity bill expenditure is 75 yuan.

Of course, this is just a rough estimate, and the actual power consumption and electricity bill expenditure will vary depending on the specific situation.

2. Optimize the power consumption of outdoor LED display screens from the perspective of technology

1). Use high-efficiency LEDs

  • Advantages:

High-efficiency LEDs have become one of the key technologies for energy saving and consumption reduction of outdoor LED display screens with their excellent luminous efficiency and low light decay characteristics.

Compared with traditional LEDs, high-efficiency LEDs require less current at the same brightness, which can significantly reduce power consumption. At the same time, their longer service life also reduces the maintenance costs and resource waste caused by replacing LEDs.

  • The importance of high-quality light-emitting chips:

The selection of high-quality light-emitting chips is the key to ensuring the stable and long-lasting performance of high-efficiency LEDs. Low-quality chips often have problems such as low light efficiency and fast light decay, which not only increases energy consumption but also shortens the service life of the display screen.

Therefore, when purchasing LED display screens, products with high-quality light-emitting chips should be given priority.

  • Introducing common cathode energy-saving technology

Imagine that if we can make the current “go” more efficiently in the LED display screen, can we save a lot of electricity? Common cathode energy-saving technology is such a trick to make the current more “smart”.

In short, common cathode energy-saving technology is like designing a more optimized route for the current. The traditional way of current flow may be a bit “detour,” resulting in unnecessary energy consumption. The common cathode technology replans the circuit design so that the current can reach each LED lamp more directly and accurately, reducing the “waste” in the transmission process.

In this way, the LED display screen maintains the same bright display effect while greatly reducing power consumption. It’s like we drive to the same place and choose a freeway without traffic jams. Although the destination has not changed, time and fuel consumption have been saved a lot.

Therefore, the introduction of common cathode energy-saving technology is to make the outdoor LED display screen more energy-efficient and efficient, so that every point of electricity is used on the blade.

2). Application of high-efficiency switching power supply

  • Improve power conversion efficiency:

The high-efficiency switching power supply uses advanced power electronics technology to efficiently convert the input voltage into the DC voltage required by the display screen.

Compared with traditional linear power supplies, switching power supplies have higher conversion efficiency and smaller sizes, which can significantly reduce energy loss during the conversion process.

  • The importance of a high-quality switching power supply:

Choosing a high-quality switching power supply not only means higher conversion efficiency and lower energy consumption but also means more stable and reliable power output and longer service life.

This is of great significance in ensuring the stable operation of outdoor LED display screens and reducing maintenance costs.

3). Optimize heat dissipation design.

3.1). The impact of heat dissipation on energy consumption:

LED display screens generate a lot of heat during operation. If the heat dissipation is poor, it will not only cause the temperature of the LED chip to rise and the light decay to accelerate but also increase the power consumption of heat dissipation equipment such as fans, thereby increasing the overall energy consumption.

3.2). Measures to optimize heat dissipation design:

  • Reduce fan power consumption:

Reduce fan power consumption by optimizing air duct design and improving fan efficiency. At the same time, intelligent temperature control technology should be used when possible to automatically adjust the fan speed according to the actual temperature of the display screen to avoid unnecessary energy waste.

  • Use natural heat dissipation:

When conditions permit, use natural heat dissipation as much as possible. For example, by increasing the surface area of ​​the screen and optimizing the design of the heat dissipation fins, the efficiency of heat radiation and heat convection can be improved, and the dependence on active heat dissipation equipment such as fans can be reduced.

3. Optimize the power consumption of outdoor LED display screens from management measures

1). Intelligent brightness adjustment

  • The wisdom of built-in light sensors:

The built-in light sensors on outdoor LED display screens are like their “eyes,” which can perceive the light changes in the surrounding environment in real-time. When the sun is strong, or the light is sufficient, these sensors will automatically “tell” the display screen to reduce the brightness to avoid energy waste caused by excessive light.

Just like we wear sunglasses in summer, it protects our eyes and reduces unnecessary exposure. Intelligent brightness adjustment technology not only saves electricity but also extends the service life of the display screen because it reduces the working time of LED lights at high brightness and reduces the speed of light decay.

  • Actual effects and advantages:

In actual applications, intelligent brightness adjustment technology can flexibly adjust the brightness according to environmental changes, ensuring that the display screen can achieve the best visual effect and energy-saving effect in different time periods and weather conditions.

This intelligent management method makes outdoor LED display screens more environmentally friendly and efficient.

2). Reasonable setting of work schedule

  • The magic of “work and rest schedule”:

Setting a reasonable work schedule for the LED advertising screen is like arranging a “work and rest schedule” for it.

In the time period when advertising is not needed, such as late at night or early in the morning, let the display screen automatically enter low power mode or turn off directly. This can not only save electricity but also reduce unnecessary loss of equipment.

  • The dual role of power saving and life extension:

By setting a reasonable work schedule, not only can the energy consumption of outdoor LED display screens be significantly reduced, but also its service life can be effectively extended. Long-term continuous work will generate more heat and wear inside the equipment, and proper rest can restore and maintain the equipment.

3). Choose efficient video and image formats

  • The “burden-reducing” effect of efficient formats:

When playing videos and images, choosing efficient formats is crucial to reducing the burden on the processor and reducing power consumption. Video and image files in efficient formats are usually smaller in size and more optimized in encoding, which makes them require fewer computing resources when playing, thereby reducing the energy consumption of the processor.

  • Suggestions for avoiding complex content:

In addition, you should avoid playing overly complex animations or high-resolution videos. Although these contents are visually stunning, they will also greatly increase the burden on the processor and the power consumption of the display.

Therefore, when choosing to play content, you should focus on balancing visual effects and energy consumption.

4). Regular maintenance and inspection

  • The “freshness” effect of maintenance:

Keeping the display clean and regularly checking the lines and cooling systems are important measures to ensure that the equipment is in optimal working condition. Just like we regularly clean the house and check the appliances, regular maintenance can keep the outdoor LED display “fresh” and efficient.

  • The key to preventing extra energy consumption:

Ensuring the normal operation of the equipment through maintenance can prevent extra energy consumption caused by aging or failure of the equipment.

For example, if the heat dissipation system is blocked and the temperature is too high, the display screen may increase the speed of the fan to dissipate heat, thereby increasing energy consumption. Therefore, regular maintenance inspections are the key to preventing extra energy consumption and keeping the equipment energy-efficient.

4. Problems that may be encountered during plan execution

When planning and implementing energy-saving and consumption-reducing measures for outdoor LED display screens, a series of problems may be encountered. These problems involve multiple aspects, such as technology, management, and resources. The following is a summary and analysis of the problems that may be encountered:

1). Technical problems

1.1). Improper technology selection

  • Problem description:

When selecting energy-saving technologies such as high-efficiency LEDs, common cathode energy-saving technology, and high-efficiency switching power supplies, if the product performance and quality are not fully examined, it may lead to poor energy-saving effects and even affect the overall performance of the display screen.

  • Solution suggestion:

When purchasing relevant technologies and products, brands and models that have been certified by authoritative organizations and have a good reputation should be given priority, and at the same time, they should be fully tested and evaluated in combination with actual needs.

1.2). Difficulty of technical implementation

  • Problem description:

The implementation of certain energy-saving technologies (such as common cathode energy-saving technology) may require major changes to existing display screens, involving complex circuit design and debugging work, and is difficult to implement.

  • Solution suggestion:

Before planning to implement energy-saving technology, the difficulty and risk of technology implementation should be fully evaluated, a detailed technical plan and implementation plan should be formulated, and a professional team should be considered for technical support and guarantee.

2). Management issues

2.1). Intelligent brightness adjustment system is unstable

  • Problem description:

The intelligent brightness adjustment system may cause inaccurate or frequent fluctuations in brightness adjustment due to sensor failure, inaccurate algorithm, etc., affecting the viewing effect and energy-saving effect.

  • Solution suggestion:

Strengthen the maintenance and monitoring of the intelligent brightness adjustment system, and regularly check the performance of sensors and algorithms to ensure their stability and reliability. At the same time, a backup system or redundant design can be introduced to improve the fault tolerance and stability of the system.

2.2). Lax implementation of the work schedule

  • Problem description:

Due to human negligence or poor management, the LED display may fail to enter low-power mode in time or shut down directly during non-working hours, thereby wasting power resources.

  • Solution suggestion:

Establish a sound management system and work process, and clarify the responsibilities and operating procedures of each position. At the same time, use intelligent monitoring and remote control technology to achieve real-time monitoring and remote management of the working status of the display screen to ensure the strict implementation of the work schedule.


In summary, the “electricity cost reduction” plan for outdoor LED advertising screens is a systematic project that integrates technological innovation and management optimization.

By adopting advanced technologies such as high-efficiency LED chips, intelligent brightness control, and energy-saving circuit design, as well as implementing management measures such as refined time management, content optimization, and playback strategies, we can effectively reduce the energy consumption of outdoor LED advertising screens, reduce electricity bills, and promote green and sustainable development. This not only helps companies reduce costs and improve competitiveness but also has important significance for environmental protection and social responsibility.

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يحصل 2023 السعر الجديد لشاشة LED الآن