Discussion On The Difference Between Car Window LED Display And Mobile Truck LED Display.


In today’s digital age, the advertising media industry is undergoing unprecedented changes. With the advancement of technology, new advertising media are constantly emerging, among which car window LED displays and شاشات LED للشاحنة المتنقلة have attracted widespread attention with their unique advantages.

These two displays not only provide advertisers with a richer and more flexible way of communication but also bring consumers a more vivid and intuitive visual experience.

1. Overview of car window LED display

The car window LED display is an LED display installed on the vehicle window for displaying information, advertisements or other multimedia content. This display usually uses LED (light-emitting diode) technology to display various graphics, text, videos, and other content by controlling the on and off and color changes of LED lights.

1). سمات:

  • High brightness: ensures clear visibility in outdoor or bright environments.

  • Energy saving: LED is used as the light source, with lower energy consumption and longer life.

  • Customizable content: Users can easily customize the display content to meet the needs of different occasions and promotional purposes.

  • Durability: Durable design, able to cope with severe weather and road conditions, ensuring reliability and long life.

2). Technical principle

  • Display principle: Using the light-emitting principle of LED (light-emitting diode), the display of text, pictures, animations, videos, and other information is realized by controlling the on and off of the LED.

  • Technical realization: Made of a special power supply, control card, unit board, etc., the content is updated and played through the circuit control principle.

3). Technical advantages:

  • Strong mobility: Moves with the vehicle, and the advertising coverage is wide.

  • Real-time update: The content can be remotely controlled to achieve rapid updates.

  • High visibility: High brightness and special design make the display screen have high visibility in a variety of environments.

  • Strong interactivity: Some window LED displays support touch or interactive functions to enhance user experience.

2. Overview of mobile truck LED display

Mobile LED truck screen, referred to as mobile truck screen, is an advertising device that combines LED display technology with a movable truck platform. It displays various graphics, text, videos, and other content through the on and off and color changes of the LED display screen. At the same time, relying on the mobility of the truck, it can carry out advertising and information dissemination in different locations.

1). سمات:

  • Mobility: The biggest feature of the mobile truck LED display is its high mobility, which can be moved to the target area anytime and anywhere for advertising or information dissemination.

  • Large size: Compared with traditional outdoor billboards, mobile truck LED displays usually have larger sizes and can cover a wider audience.

  • High visibility: Mobile truck LED displays are usually equipped with high-brightness LED displays to ensure high visibility under various lighting conditions.

  • Flexibility: Mobile truck LED displays can quickly change advertising content as needed to achieve instant updates and advertisement delivery.

2). Technical principle

  • Display principle:

The display principle of mobile truck LED displays is similar to that of traditional LED displays. It displays text, pictures, videos, and other information by controlling the on and off of LED lights.

  • Technical implementation:

Mobile truck LED displays usually consist of LED displays, control systems, power systems, frames, etc. Among them, the LED display is the core component, the control system is responsible for controlling the playback content and effects of the display, the power system provides power support for the entire system, and the frame carries the entire display and control system to achieve mobile functions.

3). Technical advantages:

  • Flexibility: Mobile truck LED displays can be moved to the target area anytime and anywhere for advertising, which is more flexible and convenient than traditional outdoor billboards.

  • High visibility: Large-size, high-brightness LED displays can maintain high visibility under various lighting conditions to ensure the effective communication of advertising information.

  • Real-time update: The control system can realize real-time updates and playback of advertising content to meet the immediate needs of advertisers.

  • Interactivity: Some mobile truck LED displays also support touch interaction functions, which can enhance the audience’s sense of participation and experience.

3. تحليل سيناريو التطبيق

1). Window LED display

  • Taxi: As a mobile advertising medium in the city, the taxi LED display can update the advertising content in real time to attract the attention of pedestrians and passengers.

  • Bus: The LED display of the bus can display route information, public service advertisements, commercial advertisements, etc., to improve the service quality and advertising effect of the bus.

  • Private car: The window LED display of the private car can be used as a platform for personality display, displaying the text and patterns that the owner likes.

  • Function and value: The window LED display can play the role of advertising dissemination, information release, and beautification of the city in different scenarios, and at the same time improve the recognition and brand image of the vehicle.

2). Mobile truck LED display

  • Advertising field: Mobile truck LED display can be used as a mobile advertising medium to carry out advertising in city centers, commercial areas, transportation hubs, etc., to improve advertising coverage and effect.

  • Promotional activities: In large-scale events, exhibitions, competitions, and other occasions, mobile truck LED display screens can be used as an important tool for on-site promotion, broadcasting event information in real-time, and attracting the attention of the audience.

  • City promotion: Mobile truck LED display screens can be used for city image promotion, tourism promotion, etc., and improve the city’s visibility and reputation through mobile display.

  • Event marketing: In special events, festivals, and other occasions, mobile truck LED display screens can be used as temporary information release platforms to convey relevant information and tips to the public.

4. Comparative analysis of car window LED display screens, and mobile truck LED screens

1). Functional comparison

  • عرض المحتوى:

Both car window LED display screens and mobile truck LED screens support display content in various forms, such as text, pictures, and videos. However, due to its large size, mobile truck LED screens can display richer and more detailed advertising content and attract more people’s attention.

  • Update speed:

Both have the ability to update content quickly. The car window LED display screen can achieve instant content updates through remote control, while the mobile truck LED screen can quickly switch content through the on-board control system. However, due to its mobility, the mobile truck LED screen can more flexibly adjust the placement and content according to advertising needs, achieving higher advertising update efficiency.

  • التفاعل:

Some car window LED screens, and mobile truck LED screens support touch interaction. However, since mobile truck LED screens are usually larger in size and often appear in crowded areas, their interactive functions are more easily accepted and used by the public, thereby increasing the participation and communication effect of advertising.

  • Functional advantages and limitations:

The advantage of car window LED screens is their high flexibility and customization capabilities, which are suitable for various models and scenarios. However, due to their relatively small size, the advertising coverage and influence are limited. Mobile truck LED screens have the advantages of being large, high visibility, and mobility, which can cover a wider audience and achieve higher advertising effects.

However, their manufacturing and operating costs are relatively high, and they require professional operation and maintenance teams.

2). Effect comparison

  • Advertising communication effect:

Mobile truck LED screens have more advantages in terms of advertising communication due to their large size, high visibility, and mobility. It can advertise in busy areas such as city centers and commercial areas, attracting the attention of a large number of pedestrians and vehicles.

Although car window LED screens can also play a certain advertising effect, they are limited by their size and location, and their communication range and influence are relatively small.

  • Audience coverage:

Mobile truck LED screens can cover a wider audience, including pedestrians, drivers, passengers, etc. Its mobility allows advertising to reach more potential consumers. The audience coverage of car window LED screens is mainly limited to people riding in specific vehicles.

  • Brand influence:

Mobile truck LED screens can effectively enhance brand awareness and influence through large-scale and high-frequency advertising. Car window LED screens are more suitable for personalized and differentiated brand promotion to improve brand recognition.

3). مقارنة التكاليف

  • Manufacturing cost:

The manufacturing cost of mobile truck LED screens is relatively high, mainly because they need to be equipped with large-size LED screens, powerful control systems, and stable power supply systems. The manufacturing cost of car window LED screens is relatively low because of their small size and relatively simple functions.

  • Operating cost:

The operating cost of mobile truck LED screens is also relatively high, including vehicle maintenance, fuel consumption, manual operation, and other costs. The operating cost of car window LED screens is mainly concentrated on content updates and maintenance, which is relatively low.

  • تكلفة الصيانة:

Due to the complexity of mobile truck LED screens and the high-demand working environment, their maintenance cost is also relatively high. Professional technicians are required to conduct regular inspections and repairs to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. The maintenance cost of the car window LED display is relatively low because its structure is relatively simple, and the working environment is relatively stable.

  • Cost control:

In terms of cost control, mobile truck LED screens require more refined management and operation to reduce operating costs and maintenance costs. The car window LED display focuses more on improving the efficiency of content updates and maintenance to achieve lower cost investment.

5. Future development trends and prospects

1). Technology development trends

For car window LED displays and mobile truck LED displays, technological innovation is the key driving force for their continued development. The following are the development trends of both in terms of technological innovation:

1.1). Car window LED display:

  • ذكاء:

With the development of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technologies, car window LED displays will achieve a higher level of intelligence. For example, through the intelligent sensing system, the display can automatically adjust the brightness and content according to factors such as ambient light and vehicle speed, providing a more comfortable and personalized viewing experience.

  • Content personalization:

Using big data and cloud computing technology, the car window LED display can push customized advertisements and information content according to the preferences and behavioral habits of passengers, improving the targeting and conversion rate of advertisements.

  • Enhanced interactivity:

The further development of touchscreen technology will make the car window LED display more interactive. Passengers can perform information queries, navigation, entertainment, and other operations on the touch screen to improve the riding experience.

1.2). Mobile truck LED display:

  • Flexible display technology:

With the maturity of flexible display technology, mobile truck LED displays will be able to achieve a more flexible and changeable form design. For example, mobile truck LED displays with flexible LED displays can be bent, folded, or twisted into various shapes to adapt to different advertising needs and scenarios.

  • 5G communication technology:

The popularization of 5G communication technology will enable mobile truck LED displays to achieve higher speed and lower latency content transmission and update. This will make the advertising content more colorful while improving the real-time and interactivity of advertising.

  • Unmanned driving technology:

With the development of unmanned driving technology, mobile truck LED display is expected to achieve unmanned advertising. This will further improve the coverage and efficiency of advertising while reducing labor costs and safety risks.

2). Market prospects

In the advertising market, both window LED displays and mobile truck LED displays show great development potential and space. The following is the market outlook for the two:

2.1). Window LED display:

With the rapid development and popularization of the smart car market, the demand for window LED displays will continue to grow. Especially in public transportation such as urban taxis and buses, car window LED displays will become one of the important advertising media.

In terms of policy, the government’s support for smart cars and intelligent transportation systems will further promote the development of the car window LED display market. At the same time, with the improvement of relevant laws and regulations and the strengthening of market supervision, the advertising of car window LED displays will be more standardized and effective.

2.2). Mobile truck LED display:

Mobile truck LED display occupies an important position in the outdoor advertising market with its unique mobility and large size advantages. Especially in busy areas such as urban commercial areas and tourist attractions, mobile truck LED displays will become an important advertising communication tool.

In terms of economy, with the recovery of the global economy and the growth of consumer demand, the outdoor advertising market will continue to expand. This will provide a broad market space for the development of mobile truck LED displays.

At the same time, with the advancement of technology and the reduction of costs, the cost performance of mobile truck LED displays will be further improved, attracting more advertisers to choose to use them.


In summary, car window LED display and mobile truck LED display are two advertising media with their own characteristics. Although there are certain differences in functions, applications, effects, etc., it is these differences that enable them to play their respective advantages in different scenarios, bringing more choices and possibilities to advertisers and consumers.

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