6 Steps to Start LED Billboard Business | Billboard Manufacturers

ال LED billboard industry has developed at a rapid pace in the past two years.

As the source of LED billboards in China, Shenzhen has naturally attracted many manufacturers to stop.

Shenzhen has been the first city in the mainland for large and medium-sized cities for 25 consecutive years.

With 25 consecutive championships, it also provides a unique environment for the export of LEDs.

Since LED billboards are cheaper and more mature technology to produce in China than in countries such as Thailand, Africa, etc.

Shenzhen LED billboards are not only sold in the United States, but also sold to Canada, Australia, South Africa and other countries.

Among them, LED billboards have great potential for advertising business in the market nowadays.

6 guides of how to start your led billboard business

الفصل الأول: خطوتين بسيطتين لتسجيل الشركة

9 documents to prepare to register a company

5 Steps to register a company

When registering a foreign trade company, it is worth noting that the pre-registration procedures and required conditions and materials of the designated international trade company are the same as those of the registered general company.

لكن, only when recording, the business scope needs to be added to “technical export, import, and export of goods.”

الفصل الثاني: كيف نتعرف على الشركات المصنعة للوحات الإعلانات LED وتصفيتها؟

1. Consulting related professionals ( Save time and effort, accurate information )

Consult a professional. As the saying goes: Interlaced like a mountain, if you want to find a good manufacturer, you can consult professionals to understand which LED billboard manufacturers to have a good reputation, good reputation, more authoritative in the industry, compare the advantages and disadvantages of different manufacturers, and thus quickly Determine the target.

2. Using network resources, it is easier to find manufacturers on professional websites. (More comprehensive information)

(1) We can find manufacturers through platforms such as Alibaba.

Now Alibaba has the labels of “Traders” and “Manufacturers,” and select “Suppliers” on the search bar. Filter the business model to “Production” on the search results.

“Processing” can filter out some enterprises with production and processing capabilities, and further select the appropriate LED billboard manufacturers.

(2) You can visit the professional forum of LED billboards on the Internet to find out the exchanges and comments of everyone, from which you can understand their respective levels and styles, and then get in touch with them to understand the situation and choose as appropriate.

(3) In the search engine of Google and other cities and LED billboard manufacturers, you can also get much information from manufacturers, to facilitate our further consideration.

3. survey manufacturer information
After identifying the target manufacturer, you can investigate the report of some manufacturers, such as the size of the manufacturer, the experience of relevant LED billboards, the patents and awards obtained, to understand the production strength of the manufacturers.

Chapter 3: We are faced with a large number of LED billboard manufacturers in the market.

How do we choose the right manufacturer?

Nowadays, there are more and more design and product manufacturers in the industry so that you can consider their actual use and the scope of investment.

1. Select a regular business manufacturer
(1) Regularly operated manufacturers can guarantee the professionalism of the staff

(2) Can guarantee the formal design and production of the overall LED billboard

(3)Can avoid being cheated

(4) Can also make the overall design of LED billboards have their advantages

(5) We can also choose more trustworthy manufacturers by examining the reputation of the manufacturers in the industry and the local area.

(6) Sourcing agent in China

2. See if the product itself has a patent certificate independently researched and developed.

Since we may have different design requirements for the design of led advertising screens, the quality of the products themselves will be very different in general.

For example, whether the products themselves have patent certificates independently developed will directly affect the use of the products themselves.

3. A good process will make production and processing smoother
(1) In the process of production, we must ensure that the finished product effect and design scheme of the LED advertising screen is consistent, and the production process requirements of the entire manufacturer are very high, so there are clear requirements for the innovation of the production process equipment and an assembly line of each manufacturer.

(2) If a manufacturer’s production line is still ancient, such manufacturers generally do not choose, because they are not willing to invest.

Naturally, it will have significant

obstacles to production and processing, and the quality of LED billboards produced is not guaranteed.

4. Consider product quality, price, delivery, service

The quality will affect the life of the luminous characters, the maintenance rate is high, and the service is not excellent.

It is very likely that the maintenance will not be timely and not active, resulting in the user not being able to use it usually, and there will be disputes.

In general, the quality of the product is too good, it is not easy to have problems, and the price of the product is appropriate, and the cost-effective manufacturer is worth considering.

5. After sales service

Before the cooperation, it is best to know the after-sales service situation of the manufacturer in advance, and if necessary, write the relevant terms of the after-sales into the contract to avoid future sales disputes.

الفصل الرابع: كيف نقيم علاقات جيدة مع الشركات المصنعة المستهدفة ونخلق التعاون؟

1. Learn to change positions with manufacturers

* Empathy to understand the strategic intentions and deployment of the manufacturer. The intensive cultivation of the market is a choice that manufacturers have to face. As an agent, it is necessary to understand the trend of market development.

(1) On the one hand, we have to cooperate with manufacturers to carry out intensive cultivation of the market
(2) On the other hand, make a concession for an area that you are not capable of operating.

* As a smart agent, you should be clear about:
(1) The secret to making money is to do detailed work in the market area where you have an advantage.

(2) As a business how to reasonably compress its operating costs is the agent’s own business, the manufacturer is not obligated to help the agent to bear the unreasonable cost higher than the average price.

2. Take out the sincerity you want to cooperate

The reason why manufacturers oppose their agents to run competing products is that competing products compete for the consumption group of their products. Many manufacturers have told agents that they may not engage in competing products at the same time in the distribution agreement or notice of the agent. Otherwise, they will be given corresponding punishments until the agency is revoked.

3. Communicate with manufacturers in a timely and effective manner

In case of problems, communicate with the manufacturer in time, and clearly, suggest the needs and ideas of the LED billboards with the manufacturers. Both parties have the will and can reach a consensus to cooperate further.

4. Establish cooperation with manufacturers to achieve a win-win situation

1) Confirm the purchase and sale contract

The manufacturer generally provides (1) The purchase and sale contract, and it is necessary to cover both the official seal and the sewing seal.
(2) The following important terms are usually stated on the deal:

Product name, model, product packaging (generally standard export packaging), color, brand, delivery date, payment method, shipping method, etc. In addition to the above requirements, individual notes are required for special needs.

2) by the foreign trade company to the bank to pay the deposit

The fixed amount is generally 30% of the deposit, and 70% of the final payment is settled before shipment. It should be noted that this deposit will not be refunded, because the manufacturer has arranged production at the moment of signing the contract to pay the deposit.

3) LED billboard manufacturers arrange production

In the production process, we must follow up at any time; the factory sends production progress photos, videos and so on. It is convenient for customers to keep abreast of the progress of production. After the output is completed, the factory will contact the logistics and transportation. Before that, you need to take photos, pack photos, videos, etc. and make sure that the items on the packing list are complete and sent out.

4) The manufacturer provides the original VAT billing and the logistics and transportation documents.

Let the manufacturer provide the original VAT invoice and the logistics and transportation

documents as the tax refund and filing records, to prevent the tax from checking at any time and prevent export tax fraud.

الفصل الخامس: كيفية شحن اللوحات الإعلانية LED وتركيبها؟

Transportation–loan company

شاشات ال اي دي are viral in world market. In terms of transportation, as long as there is formal certification, there is no problem. Freight is related to the local legal system in the process of customs clearance — most of the time when you trade and transport your goods abroad. The best way to encounter this problem is to find a freight forwarding company.

Because the freight forwarding company has a complete and mature system, which brings a series of services such as picking up, delivering goods, packing goods, labeling, customs declaration, transportation to destination customs clearance, delivery, etc. how to choose from many freight companies?

1. Suitable for transporting LED billboards and timeliness

Shipowners generally have their main routes. On these main routes, there are more ships, more favorable prices, and more agent services. Therefore, different airlines have formed their advantageous courses. Choose different freight forwarding according to your route.

2. Service and price

(1) Compare the preferential freight rates, the freight not only includes the sea freight but also all kinds of miscellaneous fees, you should ask the composition of the price quoted by the freight forwarder;

(2) Control the property rights of the goods and track the dynamics of the products;

(3) Can help with urgent shipments, emergency declarations, and other matters;

(4) When necessary, you can act as an agent for exporting and handling various documents.

These things are good for avoiding business disputes and risk prevention, but it is difficult to do without the freight forwarding to help us, so most successful takeaway merchants have a competent freight forwarding company.

3. Company qualification
(1) You can search for this freight forwarding name on the Internet as a keyword, and understand the situation on the side: whether it has been registered, whether the shipowner has approved it, If the initial contact feels good, you can try to cooperate with some small orders to further understand.

(2) In terms of service level, the initial stage mainly observes the company’s understanding of the international transportation and route expertise in the conversation

and is familiar with the details of the entire process from booking to customs declaration.

In the process of looking for freight forwarding companies, we need to pay attention to the fact that we can’t be tempted to be cheap, thinking that the lower the price, the better, and we must determine the composition of the reasonable price in advance, to avoid some wrong goods to be charged or transferred to customers after shipment. The phenomenon affects feelings and cooperation with customers.

الفصل السادس: ما هي المشاكل التي ستواجه عند تركيب اللوحات الإعلانية LED؟

1. Before installing the outdoor LED screen display, we must first conduct the on-the-spot investigation according to the actual situation.

(1) We should perform unified tests on specific environments, topography, radiant radiation range, brightness acceptance and other parameters to ensure the smooth installation of billboards.
(2) Before lifting and installing, it is necessary to carry out a unified lifting plan for the commander to ensure that the equipment can be used frequently and stable.

(3) Different situations are treated differently to take a more appropriate approach

2. Secondly; we must determine the specific plan based on the results of the field survey and build the LED equipment.

When building لوحات إعلانية LED خارجية, it is necessary to distinguish between wall advertising screens, hanging advertising screens and roof-type advertising screens.
(1) According to the height of the distance, using a crane and a winch for segmented lifting

(2) At the same time, the above personnel is guaranteed to cooperate, and there is a better installation and use process for the LED advertising screen of the aerial work.
(3) During the construction process, safety and refinement operations are the first requirements.

3. To achieve the best results, we also need to debug the range of radiant radiation

Due to the different radiation ranges, the LED display screens have different viewing angles.

The outdoor LED display installation work should be carried out according to the actual acceptance ability and the usual viewing angle range.

To ensure that each corner is far away, usual and brightness can be seen.

Balanced images, subtitle information, broad viewing angles, and appropriate intensity can be used to maximize benefits.

4. Finally, to deliver smooth, we need to carry out subsequent inspection and maintenance.

(1) Following testing, including numerous ranges, rain protection, dust and heat dissipation, power cords, etc. These essential components constitute the entire stable graphic LED display.
(2) Late technical maintenance is also necessary.

We must carry out unified management and support for these components.

When the product is oxidized, unstable or damaged, it needs to be replaced in time to ensure the safe use of the entire display.

All in all. ال outdoor LED advertising screen is the trend of the development of the advertising industry in the 21st century.

Now governments around the world have encouraged the use of outdoor LED displays, and successively canceled the approval of canvas advertisements and lightbox advertisements.

The outdoor LED screen is an ideal replacement for canvas advertising and lightbox advertising.

Outdoor LED advertising screens outline urban art. As a performer of urban, regional and business personalities, they can bring a specific improvement to the image of the city.

The form of advertising is also flexible. As a long-lasting outdoor advertisement, its unique advantages and strong brand effect are worth investing.

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