أفضل 10 موردين لشاشات LED في ألمانيا

Buying LED displays in Germany may not be a big problem now, but why not choose the best-LED display supplier as much as possible?

LED displays allow you to stand out from today’s competitors. 

It is safe to say that LED displays are a reliable investment. 

Whether you choose indoor displays, outdoor displays, or video walls, these LED screens are available in different industries Wide range of uses.

How to choose a suitable supplier among the many LED displays?

The following is a list of the top 10 LED display screens in Germany, allowing you to easily and quickly find a satisfactory LED display supplier.

(الترتيب ليس له علاقة بالترتيب)

1. LEDitgo Videowall Germany GmbH

                                    مصدر: https://www.leditgo.de/

  • سنة التأسيس: 2011

  • هاتف: +49(0)0621 / 95040400

  • البريد الإلكتروني: info@leditgo.de

  • Key Products: LED Video Wall

LEDitgo is a certified German manufacturer of LED video wall products. The founder and managing director of LEDitgo have many years of experience in their respective fields and have an extensive network of partners.

In addition to the LED display, LEDitgo has a very good after-sales service. It has a dedicated repair center and measurement laboratory and training courses for customers. The lecturers are qualified technicians with many years of LED experience, and they are German LED video wall products. One of the high-end manufacturers.

2. TDC Polska sp. z o.o.


                                  مصدر: https://tdcpolska.de/

  • Tel: +493057700187

  • Email: sales@tdcpolska.de

  • Key Products: LED display, digital signage, audio-visual equipment

TDC Polska is a creative supplier of multimedia solutions with expertise and years of experience in the fields of LED technology, media, and event technology.

The company’s advantage is to provide AV media technology, implement personalized and very standardized projects, and meet customer expectations. It is one of the German LED display suppliers with creative design.

3. LEDbow

                               مصدر: https://displays.ledbow.com/

  • Tel: +4972314626903

  • Email: info@ledbow-germany.de

  • المنتجات الرئيسية: شاشة LED

LEDbow is a supplier and system manufacturer of LED display solutions. LEDbow’s two main LED display products are fixed-mounted LED video wall solutions and LED display rentals at trade fairs and events.

At present, LEDbow has more than 200 permanently installed LED video walls and more than 250 events. It is one of the companies with the potential for LED displays in Germany.

4. AVMS GmbH

                                 Source: https://www.avms-germany.de/

  • Email: info@avms-germany.de

  • Key Products: Event Technology and Services

AVMS Headquarters Berlin

  • Tel: +49(0)331 \ 600260

  • Fax: +49(0)331 \ 6002626


  • Tel: +49(0)69 \ 48000970

  • Fax: +49(0)69 \ 480009780


  • Tel: +41(0)56 \ 4919171

AVMS GmbH is a professional event technology and service company. With decades of experience in various fields of modern on-site communication and advertising technology, the company has countless booths, roadshows, internal exhibitions, conferences, conferences, corporate celebrations, education, and shops. 

The main advantage of the company is to provide professional and targeted advice and provide the entire media technology equipment for your event, and the service covers the entire event area.

5. Dsignz

                                    مصدر: https://videowall.de/

  • Tel: +49 6203-40155-63

  • Email: Vanessa.Szendera@videowall.de

  • المنتجات الرئيسية: شاشة LED

Dsignz is a manufacturer of LED video wall modules. The factory’s ShineIN and ShineOUT series provide unique LED module systems under the dsignz brand, which can be individually configured in size and shape.

International brands and retailers such as Deichmann, Red Bull, Canyon, etc., all rely on the German-designed LED Dsignz brand, one of Germany’s influential LED video wall suppliers.  

6. TS Veranstaltungsstechnik GmbH & Co KG

                         مصدر: https://www.ts-veranstaltungstechnik.de/

  • سنة التأسيس: 2002

  • Tel: +49(0)71613047490

  • Fax: +49(0)71613047498

  • Key Products: Lighting display, stage equipment

TS Veranstaltungsstechnik GmbH & Co KG is a full-service provider of media technology, lighting, and sound technology and has extensive experience in trade fairs, company meetings, and company celebrations.

As the demand for live broadcast and online training has greatly increased, TS Veranstaltungsstechnik GmbH & Co KG has successfully hosted more than 150 live conferences/live broadcasts and online training courses by 2020 and has the ability to adapt to market needs in various forms of events quickly.

7. Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH


                               مصدر: https://squadrat.de/

  • سنة التأسيس: 2005

  • Tel: +499170943980

  • Fax: +4991709439825

  • Email: info@squardrat.de

  • المنتجات الرئيسية: شاشة LED

NEC Corporation merged with Sharp Corporation, and now the company name has been changed to Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH-LED Solutions Center. The company is one of the leading brands of video and information systems and display systems in the construction sector in Germany.

Since its establishment, many large-scale projects have been implemented for well-known customers around the world. For example, the Allianz Riviera Stadium and Marseille Velodrome in Nice, France, the advertiser, the largest LED advertising tower in Europe, is located in Lincolnbach, Zurich Airport, Berlin Brandenburg, and Frankfurt am Main Airport.

8. لوغاندو

                              مصدر: https://www.logando.de/

  • Tel: ++49 341 946874100

  • Email: kontakt@logando.de

  • Key Products: LED display products for various purposes

Logando is a global service provider of media technology, focusing on customer demand-oriented sales and leasing business. Their focus is on the fields of video, data technology, and sound technology.

Logando’s main customer base is event service providers and exhibition construction companies, always providing customers with the latest and professionally maintained AV technology.

9. LEDwerbetafel.de

                                  مصدر: https://ledwerbetafel.de/

  • Tel: +49176\10049669

  • Email: info@ledwerbetafel.de

  • المنتجات الرئيسية: شاشة LED

LEDwerbetafel.de has more than 54 years of experience in outdoor advertising and 15 years of digital experience in led digital advertising. It is one of the pioneers in this field.

LEDwerbetafel.de mainly cooperates with NOVASTAR and Nüssler Werbung GmbH.

10. Schmid Werbesysteme GmbH

                        مصدر: https://www.leuchtreklame-pylonen.de/

  • Tel: +49 9672 9275792

  • Email: info@leuchtreklame-pylonen.de

  • Key Products: lighting, billboards

Schmid Werbesysteme GmbH is a supplier specializing in manufacturing lighting advertising systems. It has an experienced team of assemblers to install lighting advertising systems and provide personalized, customer-oriented solutions for neon advertising.

The company is one of the companies with a relatively complete range of LED light-emitting advertising in Germany.


The above are the top 10 LED display suppliers in Germany.

You will be able to make the best decision for your enterprise and commercial LED display needs. Contact us quickly~

If you want to import LED displays, as the “world’s No. 1 manufacturing country”-China, is a very good choice, why?

the reason:

  • 1. There are many categories of electronic products
  • 2. Good quality and cheap price

لدينا جمعت قائمة مفصلة لمصنعي شاشات LED المحلية في الصين شبكة إحصائيات البيانات وتصنيفات العشرة الأوائل في عام 2021، وتصنيفات تفصيلية للشركات في كل فئة. 

If you need it, please get in تواصل معنا, and we will send the list to your mailbox.

فيما يلي حالات شاشة عرض BIBILED الحديثة: 

Bibiled هي شركة تصنيع شاشات LED محلية في Shenzhen. 

وتم تصدير منتجاتها إلى 25 دولة حول العالم. 

لديها خبرة في مجال الاستيراد والتصدير، ومعرفة منتجاتها محترفة للغاية. 

الشركات المصنعة لشاشات LED: قائمة كاملة بالأفضل في الصين

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