6 Application Scenarios of Right-Angle LED Displays


In the modern city where light and shadow interweave, right-angle يعرض الصمام are like bright stars, lighting up every corner of the city. They are not just cold display devices, but also messengers of information transmission and bridges of emotional communication.

From bustling commercial districts to solemn public institutions, from passionate entertainment scenes to efficient command centers, right-angle LED displays are quietly changing our lifestyles with their unique charm and wide range of application scenarios.

Next, let us embark on this feast of vision and technology and experience the infinite possibilities brought by right-angle LED displays.

1. Building curtain wall decoration

1). Application scenario description

Imagine that when night falls, and the lights come on, the outline of the city is outlined by colorful lights like a dream.

In this moving picture, the perfect combination of LED display and building curtain wall is like putting a layer of flowing gorgeous clothes on the city, which not only gives new vitality to the building, but also adds unparalleled dynamic visual art effects to the city.

This innovative application is common in landmark buildings, municipal buildings and bustling commercial districts, becoming an indispensable landscape in the city.

2). Advantage Analysis

  • Energy-saving lighting:

Compared with traditional lighting methods, LED display screens, with their high efficiency and low power consumption, realize the dual functions of lighting and display, providing a more environmentally friendly and economical solution for urban night scene lighting.

  • Beautify the urban landscape:

Through carefully designed display content, LED display screens can show colorful visual effects, making the building curtain wall glow charmingly at night and adding a touch of bright color to the urban landscape.

  • Deliver information and enhance brand image:

As a carrier of information, LED display screens can display urban culture, important events, commercial advertisements and other content in real time, which not only enriches the cultural life of citizens, but also effectively enhances the brand image of related enterprises and institutions.

3). Example display

Take the city landmark building as an example. The building cleverly integrates the right-angle LED display screen into its curtain wall design. Whenever night falls, the huge display screen becomes the eyes of the city, telling the story of the city.

From the profound historical and cultural heritage to the prosperous scenes of modern cities, from the festive atmosphere of important festivals to the warm congratulations of international events, every frame of the picture is carefully planned, showing both the cultural charm of the city and the modern atmosphere of the city.

This innovative application not only attracted countless citizens and tourists to stop and watch but also became a bright business card for the city.

2. Performances and Events

1). Application scenario description

In various performances and events, the right-angle LED display has become the only choice for stage backgrounds with its unique right-angle design and excellent performance.

Whether it is a large-scale concert, festival celebration, or معرض, the right-angle LED display can add infinite charm to the stage with its unique visual effects.

Its right-angle design is not only easy to install and splice but also can create a more three-dimensional and changeable stage background, bringing an unprecedented visual feast to the audience.

2). Advantage analysis

  • Right-angle design, stronger visual impact:

The right-angle design of the right-angle LED display enables it to form a tighter and smoother display effect when splicing, reducing the splicing gap and enhancing the overall sense and visual impact of the picture.

On منصة, this design can better integrate with the performance content and create a more realistic scene effect.

  • Bright colors set off the atmosphere:

Like ordinary LED screens, right-angle LED screens also have high color saturation and contrast, which can present bright and eye-catching color effects.

In performances and event gatherings, this bright color can greatly set off the atmosphere of the scene and make the audience more immersed in the performance.

  • Flexible construction and strong adaptability:

The modular design of the right-angle LED screen allows it to be flexibly constructed according to the size, shape, and activity requirements of the venue.

Whether it is an indoor or outdoor venue, whether it is a regular or irregular stage shape, the right-angle LED screen can easily cope with it and provide perfect visual support for the event.

  • High efficiency and energy saving, green and environmental protection:

As a kind of LED screen, the right-angle LED screen also has the characteristics of high efficiency and energy saving. During long-term use, it can significantly reduce energy consumption and reduce the impact on the environment, which is in line with the modern society’s pursuit of green environmental protection.

3). Example display

At a large-scale concert of an international superstar, the right-angle LED screen added infinite brilliance to the stage background with its unique right-angle design and excellent display effect.

As the music rises and falls, the images on the display screen keep changing, from the vast starry sky to the bustling city, from the dreamy forest to the mysterious ocean; each scene seems to bring the audience into a whole new world.

Especially at the climax of the concert, the right-angle LED display screen turned into a bright light, illuminating the entire stage like daylight, making every audience feel unprecedented shock and emotion.

3. Commercial center display

1). Application scenario description

In the bustling commercial center, the right-angle LED display screen, as a leader in modern advertising media, is widely used in exterior walls and interior spaces and has become an important platform for merchants to display advertising, new product releases, event previews, and other information.

These displays can not only enhance the overall image of the commercial center but also effectively attract the attention of passers-by and encourage customers to enter the store for consumption, thereby enhancing the vitality and competitiveness of the commercial center.

2). Advantage analysis

  • Attracting customer attention:

The right-angle LED display screen can stand out from many commercial information with its high brightness and high-definition display effect, and quickly attract customers’ attention.

Whether it is a dynamic video advertisement or a static picture display, it can convey the merchant’s promotional information in a vivid and intuitive way, stimulating customers’ desire to buy.

  • Enhance shopping experience:

Inside the commercial center, the right-angle LED display can be set at various key locations, such as the entrance, next to the escalator, and the rest area, to provide customers with real-time shopping guides, new product recommendations and event previews.

This personalized information service not only facilitates the customer’s shopping process but also improves their shopping experience and enhances customers’ loyalty to the commercial center.

  • Real-time update and flexible adjustment:

The right-angle LED display supports remote control and real-time content update. Merchants can flexibly adjust the promotional content according to market changes, festivals, or special events to ensure the timeliness and pertinence of the information.

This flexibility enables merchants to respond quickly to market changes, seize business opportunities, and improve the effectiveness of publicity.

  • Energy saving and environmental protection, reducing costs:

Compared with traditional advertising media, the right-angle LED display has significant advantages in energy consumption. Its low power consumption design not only reduces operating costs but also meets modern society’s pursuit of green environmental protection.

At the same time, due to the convenience of content updates, the waste of printing, transportation, and other links is reduced, which further reduces the merchant’s publicity costs.

3). Example display

The right-angle LED display installed on the exterior wall of a shopping center has become a beautiful landscape in the area.

This display screen plays the preferential information, new product releases, and holiday event previews of various merchants in a loop every day, attracting a large number of passers-by to stop and watch.

Through dynamic pictures and vivid sound effects, this promotional information successfully attracted the attention of customers and prompted them to enter the shopping center for consumption. At the same time, the shopping center also uses this display screen to update practical information such as weather forecasts and traffic guides in real-time, providing customers with a more considerate service experience.

4. Indoor store decoration and display

1). Application scenario description

In the modern commercial environment, the decoration and product display of indoor stores have become an important part of attracting customers and promoting sales. This link is especially common in high-end or professional retail places such as brand stores and mobile telecommunications business halls.

These places often pursue unique visual effects and customer experience to distinguish themselves from traditional retail stores and enhance brand image and customer loyalty.

2). Store interior decoration and product display

The interior decoration of the store is designed to create a comfortable and elegant shopping environment while guiding customer flow and increasing product exposure through clever layout and design.

Product display pays more attention to the presentation method and information transmission effect of the product, striving to catch the customer’s attention the first time and stimulate their desire to buy.

In the process of decoration and display, right-angle LED display screens, as a high-tech and highly flexible display tool, are increasingly used in store interiors.

It can not only provide clear and vivid visual content, but also dynamically update as needed to keep the information fresh and timely.

3). Advantage analysis

  • Intuitive information display:

The right-angle LED display screen can display product information, promotional activities and brand stories with high-definition picture quality and dynamic effects, so that customers can see at a glance and enhance the pertinence and purpose of shopping.

  • Enhance shopping intention:

Through fascinating visual display and interactive experience, the right-angle LED display screen can stimulate customers’ interest and desire to buy and increase the sales conversion rate.

  • Enhance brand image:

High-end and professional right-angle LED display screens can highlight the brand’s sense of technology and modernity and enhance brand image and customer recognition.

  • خلق جو التسوق:

Combined with multimedia elements such as lighting and sound, the right-angle LED display screen can create a unique shopping atmosphere and enhance customers’ immersion and satisfaction.

5. Hotel and resort lobby

1). Application scenario description

In the lobbies of hotels and resorts, right-angle LED displays are gradually becoming standard as a high-end, modern decoration and information release tool.

These displays not only add a sense of technology and modernity to the lobby but also play an important role in conveying important information to customers and creating a comfortable atmosphere.

They are usually installed in prominent locations in the lobby, such as the background wall of the front desk, above the lounge area, or in the central area, becoming a beautiful landscape in the lobby.

2). Advantage analysis

  • Improve the hotel’s grade:

The right-angle LED display adds a high-end and professional atmosphere to the hotel lobby with its high-definition picture quality, smooth dynamic effects and diverse display forms, and improves the overall grade and image of the hotel.

  • Create a comfortable atmosphere:

By playing soft background music, exquisite pictures or videos, the right-angle LED display can create a warm and comfortable atmosphere, allowing customers to feel the hotel’s care and concern the moment they step into the lobby.

  • Real-time broadcast of hotel service information:

As an information release platform, the right-angle LED display can update and display the hotel’s various service information in real-time, such as catering recommendations, meeting arrangements, entertainment activities, etc., so that customers can inquire and make choices at any time.

This immediacy not only improves customer satisfaction but also improves the hotel’s service efficiency.

  • Enhance customer interactive experience:

Some high-end hotels will also use right-angle LED displays to set up interactive links, such as customer message walls, weather forecast inquiries, etc., to enhance customer participation and sense of belonging and improve the overall customer experience.

3). Example: Right-angle LED display in the lobby of a five-star hotel

In the lobby of a five-star hotel, a huge right-angle LED display has become the focus of the entire space. This display is not only beautifully designed and complements the overall decoration style of the hotel but also undertakes many important functions.

First, as a platform for introducing the hotel, it shows customers the hotel’s unique charm, luxurious rooms, exquisite dining, and rich entertainment facilities through exquisite pictures and videos.

These displays not only give customers a more comprehensive understanding of the hotel but also stimulate their interest in further exploration.

Secondly, the display screen also shows the hotel’s welcome information and important notices in real-time.

Whenever an important guest checks in or a special event is held, the corresponding welcome words and event details will be scrolled on the display screen, allowing customers to feel the hotel’s enthusiasm and thoughtfulness.

In addition, the hotel also uses the interactive features of the right-angle LED display to set up a customer message wall area.

Customers can leave their blessings, testimonials or suggestions here to share their travel experience with others. This interactive method not only enhances the customer’s sense of participation, but also collects valuable customer feedback for the hotel.

6. Traffic guidance information release

1). Application scenario description

In transportation hubs such as subway stations, المطارات, and railway stations, the passenger flow is large, and the information demand is high, so an effective information release system is essential.

With its high brightness, high definition, and customizable content display capabilities, the right-angle LED display has become an indispensable tool for traffic guidance information release in these places.

They are widely used in key locations such as station halls, platforms, and waiting areas to provide passengers with real-time and accurate traffic information.

2). Advantage analysis

  • Carousel important information:

The right-angle LED display can flexibly set the playback content to realize the carousel display of important information. Whether it is the train arrival time, flight dynamics, transfer instructions, or emergency notifications, they can be conveyed to passengers the first time to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the information.

  • Improve traffic operation efficiency:

By displaying the arrival and departure of trains, flights, and other means of transportation in real-time, the right-angle LED display helps passengers arrange their travel time reasonably and reduces congestion and confusion caused by information asymmetry.

At the same time, it can also provide strong support for the dispatching and management of transportation hubs and improve overall operational efficiency.

  • Reduce passenger waiting anxiety:

In transportation hubs, passengers often have to wait for a long time before they can take the required transportation. The right-angle LED display can effectively alleviate passengers’ waiting anxiety and improve their travel experience by providing accurate waiting time and real-time updated information.

  • Enhance visual guidance effect:

The high brightness and large size design of the right-angle LED display make the information displayed still clearly visible at long distances and in complex environments. This helps passengers quickly identify and find the correct direction and route to take the train, and enhances the visual guidance effect.

3). Example: Right-angle LED display in a subway station

In a subway station, a group of right-angle LED displays are cleverly installed in prominent positions in the station hall and platform.

These displays are not only beautifully designed and coordinated with the overall decoration style of the subway station but also undertake the important task of displaying train arrival information in real-time.

When the train is about to arrive at the station, the display screen will display the train’s estimated arrival time, the degree of congestion in the carriage, and the next station information in advance.

This information is presented to passengers in a clear and intuitive way, helping them to prepare for the ride and plan their travel routes.

In addition, in special circumstances (such as train delays, failures, etc.), the display screen can also issue emergency notices and response measures in a timely manner to guide passengers to evacuate in an orderly manner or adjust their travel plans.

This efficient and accurate information release method not only improves the operating efficiency and service quality of the subway station but also wins the praise and trust of the majority of passengers.


In summary, the right-angle LED display screen plays an indispensable role in the digital age with its unique advantages and wide application scenarios.

From the decoration and beautification of building curtain walls to the visual feast of performances, from the advertising promotion of commercial centers to the creation of a warm atmosphere in hotels and resorts to the real-time release of traffic guidance information and the efficient operation of the dispatching command center, the right-angle LED display screen has brought unprecedented changes and improvements to all walks of life with its excellent performance and flexible application methods.

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يحصل 2023 السعر الجديد لشاشة LED الآن