3 Minutes To Tell You When Is The Golden Advertising Time For Outdoor LED Display Screens


In the world of advertising, every minute and every second is full of competition. As a beautiful landscape in modern cities, the advertising value of outdoor LED display screens is self-evident. But do you know that in this constantly scrolling picture, there is a so-called “golden advertising time”?

This time point can maximize the advertising effect and allow brand information to reach the target audience in the most efficient way. This article will help you find out when the golden advertising time for outdoor LED display screens is and how to use this time period to bring the greatest return to your advertising campaigns.

1. What is the golden advertising time for outdoor LED display screens?

Golden advertising time is when people are very busy, and there are many people on the street, such as during the morning rush hour, the evening rush hour, or when everyone goes shopping on weekends and goes out to play on holidays. At these times, the advertisements on outdoor LED display screens are most likely to be seen by everyone.

2. Factors affecting the golden advertising time of outdoor LED display screens

1). Peak traffic time

Analyze the impact of traffic flow in different time periods on advertising exposure:

Peak traffic time is one of the key factors in the advertising effect of outdoor LED display screens. The traffic flow in different time periods varies significantly, which directly affects the exposure rate and audience coverage of the advertisement.

  • Morning and evening peaks:

7 to 9 in the morning and 5 to 7 in the afternoon on weekdays are usually the most densely populated time periods, which correspond to the peak hours of going to work and getting off work, respectively.

At this time, a large number of office workers and students will be exposed to outdoor LED display screen advertising during their commutes, which greatly increases the advertising exposure rate.

  • Weekends and holidays:

During weekends and holidays, people go out for shopping and leisure, and the flow of people in commercial areas, tourist attractions, and other areas increases significantly.

These periods are also the golden time for outdoor LED display screen advertising because more potential consumers have the opportunity to see the advertising content.

  • Specific places:

In addition to the above general rules, there are also differences in the peak flow periods of different places.

For example, crowded areas such as shopping malls and subway stations may have peak flow during specific time periods (such as lunchtime, dinner time, or all day on weekends). Advertisers can adjust their advertising strategies based on these characteristics.

2). Special events and holidays

Explore the role of special days in advertising appeal:

Special events and holidays can often inspire people’s specific emotions or needs, thereby enhancing the appeal of advertising to the audience.

  • Holidays:

During traditional festivals such as Christmas and Halloween, people will hold various celebrations and buy related products.

During these festivals, advertising content that matches the festive atmosphere can resonate with the audience and stimulate their desire to buy.

  • Special events:

Large-scale events such as sports events, music festivals, and exhibitions can attract a large number of spectators and participants.

Placing relevant advertisements during these events can not only increase the exposure of advertisements but also enhance the communication effect of advertisements by leveraging the popularity of the events.

3). Weather and climate conditions

Discuss how weather affects the visibility and audience acceptance of outdoor advertisements:

  • Weather and climate conditions have an important impact on the visibility and audience acceptance of outdoor LED display advertisements.

  • Sunny weather: In sunny weather, the brightness and color performance of outdoor LED display screens are outstanding, which can attract more people’s attention. Advertising at this time can achieve better exposure effects.

  • Rainy weather: Visibility is reduced in rainy weather, and the visibility of outdoor LED display screen advertisements will also be affected. In addition, people may pay more attention to their travel safety rather than the content of advertisements in rainy weather, so the audience acceptance of advertisements may be reduced.

  • Extreme weather: Extreme weather (such as typhoons, heavy rains, etc.) may cause outdoor LED display screens to be damaged or unable to display normally, which seriously affects the effect of advertising. Therefore, when placing outdoor LED display screen advertisements, advertisers need to pay close attention to weather changes and take corresponding countermeasures.

3. How to determine the prime advertising time

1). Data analysis: Look at history and find patterns

First, you need to look at past data, just like looking at a report card, to see which time period the most people see the advertisement and which time period the advertisement has the best effect. In this way, we can know which time is the most active and which is our “prime time.”

2). Audience research: Ask everyone to know their preferences

Next, you need to ask our target audience when they are most free and what type of advertisements they like to watch the most.

For example, if our advertisement is sold to young people, then we need to know when they go out the most and what kind of advertisement content they like. In this way, our advertisement can appear when they want to watch it the most and attract their attention.

3). Competitor analysis: Look at competitors and find gaps

Finally, you also need to see what your competitors are doing. When do they advertise? Where do they advertise? What is the effect?

​​If you can find time periods when they don’t advertise or time periods when they don’t advertise well, then these times are your opportunities. You can increase your advertising efforts during these times to make your advertisement stand out.

4. Case analysis of prime advertising time

1). Case 1: LED display screen advertising on commercial pedestrian streets

  • Background:

Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street in Shanghai is a famous commercial district with dense traffic, especially during holidays and weekends.

A certain brand chose to place advertisements on the giant LED display screen on Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street. The display screen uses advanced small-pitch technology and has clear and delicate images.

  • Golden time:

Morning and evening peak hours on holidays and weekends, as well as shopping peak hours.

  • Advertising content:

Play the brand’s latest fashion blockbusters and commercial promotion information, and creatively design themed with holiday themes.

  • Effect:

The high exposure rate of advertisements during the golden time period attracted a large number of tourists to stop and watch, which not only increased the brand’s popularity, but also directly led to sales growth.

2). Case 2: Outdoor LED large-screen advertising during sports events

  • Background:

International sports events are held in city stadiums, attracting a large number of spectators and media attention. A certain sports brand chose to place advertisements on large LED outdoor screens around the stadium.

  • Golden time:

During the game, especially before the opening, halftime, and after the game.

  • Advertising content:

Show the brand’s latest sports equipment and athlete endorsement images and creatively design themes that match the atmosphere of the event.

  • Effect:

The advertisement was released during the high-attention period during the event, which resonated strongly with the audience’s enthusiasm and effectively improved the brand image and product sales.

3). Naked-eye 3D outdoor large-screen advertising

  • Background:

During the Chengdu Universiade, a certain brand installed an 888-square-meter naked-eye 3D large-screen on Nanshamao Street in Chengdu and launched the “Rongbao Archery” somatosensory interactive game.

  • Primetime:

During the Universiade, especially in the evening and night, citizens and tourists have more leisure time.

  • Advertising content:

The archery game of the Universiade mascot Rongbao is displayed through naked-eye 3D technology, combined with interactive experience to attract citizens to participate.

  • Effect:

The stunning visual effects and interactive experience of the naked-eye 3D large screen attracted a large number of citizens to stop and watch and participate in the game, which not only improved the brand’s exposure and favorability but also triggered widespread dissemination and discussion through channels such as social media.

4). Effect evaluation

4.1). Improvement of advertising effect:

  • Increase in exposure rate: Placing advertisements during prime time can ensure that the advertisements are seen by more target audiences, thereby increasing exposure rate.

  • Increased attention: Combining the characteristics of a specific time period with the behavior patterns of the audience to place advertisements can attract the audience’s attention and increase their attention.

  • Enhanced interactivity and participation: Some advertising cases have enhanced the audience’s participation and interactivity through interactive experiences and other means, further improving the advertising effect.

4.2). Revenue analysis:

  • Direct benefits: Directly increase sales revenue by increasing brand awareness and product sales.

  • Brand value enhancement: High-quality advertising can enhance brand image and sense of value, laying the foundation for long-term brand development.

  • Indirect benefits: Widespread dissemination and discussion through channels such as social media can increase brand exposure and potential customers.

5. How to make outdoor LED advertising more attractive during prime time

1). Creative content should be interesting

Simply put: The advertisement should be interesting and memorable. For example, you can tell a short story or make an eye-catching animation so that the advertisement is not just an advertisement but more like a small show.

2). Involve the audience

Simply put, Don’t just play the advertisement; let the audience participate.

For example, put a QR code for everyone to scan to play games, draw prizes, or encourage them to share the advertising content on social media. In this way, advertising is not just for you to watch but for everyone to play together.

3). Use high technology

To put it simply, modern technology can be used to make advertising cooler. For example, automatically adjust the brightness and color of the advertising screen according to the weather or time.

Or update the advertising content in real time, so that the audience will feel fresh every time they see it. You can also try naked-eye 3D technology to make the advertisement “jump” out and give the audience a shocking visual experience.


Through the above analysis, we can see that the golden advertising time of outdoor LED display screens is not fixed but needs to be comprehensively considered based on factors such as traffic, audience behavior, weather conditions, and special events.

The golden time of each city, each region, and even each screen may be different. The key is that advertisers need to accurately locate this golden time through data analysis, audience research, and market insights and combine creative content and technical means to maximize the effect of their advertising.

Remember, grasping the golden time is the key to grasping the success of advertising.

Finally, if you want to know more about LED display screens, please get in touch with us.

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