3 Minutes To Tell You The Relationship Between Viewing Distance And Pixel Pitch


Driven by the wave of digitalization, high-definition display technology is developing at an astonishing speed, profoundly changing our lifestyle.

From home entertainment to professional work, from virtual reality to augmented reality, high-definition display devices are everywhere, becoming a window connecting us to the digital world.

However, while enjoying the convenience and fun brought by these high-tech products, an issue that cannot be ignored quietly emerges: Why is there such a big difference in our visual experience when watching the same device at different distances? Behind this, there is actually a subtle balance between viewing distance and pixel pitch.

1. The basic concept of pixel pitch

Imagine that you have a large canvas covered with small colored dots, which are pixels. And the pixel pitch is like the distance between these colored dots. If these dots are close together, that is, the pixel pitch is small, then the image on the canvas will look very delicate because you can see more details, just like observing a fine painting up close.

On the contrary, if the distance between pixels is enlarged, that is, the pixel pitch is larger, the image on the canvas will appear rougher because there are fewer pixels per unit area, and the details are not so easy to see clearly, just like looking at a painting from a distance, many details are blurred.

Therefore, pixel pitch is an important indicator to measure the clarity of a display device. The smaller the pixel pitch, the finer the picture and the clearer the image we see; while the larger the pixel pitch, the rougher the picture may become and the image details will be reduced. This is why when buying TVs, monitors and other devices, we often see parameters about pixel pitch, which directly affects our viewing experience.

Different requirements for pixel pitch in different application scenarios

Outdoor LED display screens are usually installed at a higher position or at a longer distance, and the distance between the audience and the screen is longer. Therefore, a larger pixel pitch (such as 4mm to 10mm or more) can meet the needs of long-distance viewing while controlling costs.

For example, in scenes such as road signs and large square screens, since the audience is far away, choosing an LED display screen with a pixel pitch of 8mm to 10mm can provide sufficient display effects.

Indoor LED display screens are usually installed at a close distance, and the distance between the audience and the screen is close. Therefore, a smaller pixel pitch (such as 1mm to 2mm) can provide a more delicate and clearer image effect to meet the needs of close viewing.

For example, in indoor places such as shopping malls, conference rooms, exhibition halls, etc., the audience needs to watch the content on the display screen at a close distance, so choosing a display screen with a smaller pixel pitch can provide a better viewing experience.

2. Definition and importance of viewing distance

The viewing distance, as the name suggests, refers to the straight-line distance between the user’s eyes and the display screen. This distance not only affects our viewing experience but is also closely related to our visual health and comfort.

In daily life, whether watching TV, using a computer monitor, or immersing in a virtual reality device, we need to maintain a suitable viewing distance.

1). Analyze the impact of viewing distance on visual comfort:

  • Too close viewing distance:

When our eyes are too close to the display screen, the eyes need to constantly adjust the focal length to focus. Maintaining this state for a long time will cause problems such as eye fatigue, dryness, and even myopia. In addition, a viewing distance that is too close may cause the light on the screen to directly enter the eyes, increasing eye discomfort.

  • Viewing distance that is too far:

Although a viewing distance that is too close may cause discomfort, a viewing distance that is too far is not the best choice. Especially for high-resolution display devices, a viewing distance that is too far may prevent us from fully utilizing the detail advantages it brings.

Image details may become blurred or difficult to recognize at a distance, thereby reducing the quality of the viewing experience.

2). The importance of finding the best viewing distance:

Finding the best viewing distance is the key to improving the viewing experience. The best viewing distance can ensure that our eyes are in a comfortable state and allow us to fully appreciate the high-definition picture quality and delicate details brought by the display device. This can not only improve our work efficiency and entertainment experience but also help protect our vision health.

Therefore, when purchasing and using display devices, we should reasonably determine the viewing distance based on our actual situation (such as room size, device size, resolution, etc.). At the same time, you can also refer to the viewing distance recommendations provided by the device manufacturer or use online tools to calculate the viewing distance that best suits you.

3. Relationship between viewing distance and pixel pitch

When discussing display technology, the relationship between viewing distance and pixel pitch is crucial, as it directly affects the audience’s perception of image quality and the overall viewing experience.

  • Close viewing and pixel pitch

When the viewing distance is close (usually defined as within 2 meters), the audience’s eyes can capture more details, so the display screen is required to have a higher resolution and a smaller pixel pitch. In this case, it is very appropriate to choose a display screen with a pixel pitch of P1.56 or less.

Such a small pixel pitch can ensure that the image still maintains extremely high clarity and fineness at a close distance, allowing the audience to clearly see the details presented by each pixel point, avoiding image blur or loss of details caused by excessive pixel pitch.

  • Medium-distance viewing and pixel pitch

At a medium viewing distance (approximately 2 to 5 meters), the audience’s requirements for image details are relatively loose, but a certain degree of clarity must still be maintained. Therefore, within this distance range, it is more reasonable to choose a moderate pixel pitch (such as P2 to P4). Such a pixel pitch can meet the clarity requirements without significantly increasing the cost due to too dense pixels.

For most home living rooms, offices, or small and medium-sized conference rooms, this pixel-pitch display can provide good viewing effects.

  • Long-distance viewing and pixel pitch

When the viewing distance is far (more than 5 meters), the audience’s eyes are less able to capture image details, and the requirements for pixel pitch are also reduced accordingly. In this case, it is more economical to choose a display with a larger pixel pitch (such as P6 to P10 and above).

Although the larger pixel pitch may cause the image to appear rough at close distances, this effect is almost negligible when viewed at a distance. In addition, a larger pixel pitch also helps to improve the brightness and uniformity of the display, reduce light interference, and make the image still clearly visible at a distance.

  • The inverse relationship between viewing distance and pixel pitch

In summary, it can be clearly stated that there is an inverse relationship between viewing distance and pixel pitch. That is, the closer the viewing distance, the smaller the required pixel pitch; the farther the viewing distance, the larger the pixel pitch can be selected.

This relationship is determined by the visual characteristics of the human eye and the physical characteristics of the display. By properly matching the viewing distance and pixel pitch, it can be ensured that the audience can get the best viewing experience at different distances.

  • Careful considerations

When choosing pixel pitch, in addition to viewing distance, factors such as display effect, cost, and application scenarios need to be considered comprehensively. For example, in high-end commercial display, professional design, or film and television production, you may need to choose a display with higher resolution and smaller pixel pitch to meet the ultimate pursuit of image quality.

In some cost-sensitive or viewing distance scenarios, you can choose a lower-cost display with a larger pixel pitch to balance performance and cost.

In short, the relationship between viewing distance and pixel pitch is an important consideration in display technology. By deeply understanding this relationship and applying it reasonably, we can provide viewers with a better, more comfortable, and economical viewing experience.

4. How to choose a suitable LED display based on viewing distance

When choosing an LED display, viewing distance is a crucial consideration. A reasonable viewing distance can not only enhance the viewing experience but also ensure the clarity and detail of the image. The following is a detailed guide to choosing an LED display based on viewing distance:

1). Determine the viewing distance

First, clarify the straight-line distance between the viewer’s eyes and the LED display. This distance will directly affect the requirements for the pixel pitch and resolution of the display.

2). Analyze the usage scenario

Different usage scenarios have different requirements for the viewing distance of LED displays. For example:

  • In indoor applications, such as conference rooms, exhibition halls, shopping malls, etc., the viewing distance is usually close, and you may need to choose a display with a smaller pixel pitch (such as P1.2-P2.5) to ensure the clarity and fineness of the image.

  • Outdoor applications: such as billboards, stadiums, etc., the viewing distance is far, and you can choose a display with a larger pixel pitch (such as P6-P10 and above) to reduce costs and improve brightness uniformity.

3). Reference calculation formula

Although the specific viewing distance and pixel pitch selection may vary depending on the application scenario and personal needs, some formulas can be used as a reference:

  • Minimum viewing distance: LED display visible distance = pixel pitch (mm) × 1000. This distance is the minimum distance to ensure that the image can be displayed smoothly.

  • Suitable viewing distance range: LED display visible distance = pixel pitch (mm) * 3000 ~ pixel pitch (mm) * 1000. This range provides a suitable viewing distance from closer to farther.

  • Optimal viewing distance: Optimal viewing distance = resolution factor × dot pitch. The resolution factor here is usually between 1000 and 3000, and the specific value depends on the desired viewing effect.

4). Consider other factors

In addition to viewing distance and pixel pitch, the following factors need to be considered:

  • Resolution: The higher the resolution, the richer the image details, and the closer the viewing distance can be.

  • Display content: Different types of content have different viewing distance requirements. For example, when viewing text, the distance is required to be close for clear reading; when watching videos, the distance can be appropriately farther for better visual effects.

  • Ambient lighting: In a strong light environment, it may be necessary to increase the viewing distance appropriately to maintain a good visual effect.

  • Budget: The price of LED displays with different pixel pitches and resolutions varies greatly, and it is necessary to make a reasonable choice based on the budget.

5). Consult professionals

If you are not sure how to choose the right LED display, you can consult a professional display supplier or engineer. They can provide professional advice and solutions based on specific application scenarios and needs.


With the continuous advancement of technology, display technology will continue to usher in new breakthroughs, the limits of pixel pitch will be constantly challenged, and the relationship between viewing distance and pixel pitch will become more complex and delicate.

But no matter how the future changes, a core principle remains unchanged: finding the viewing distance that suits you best is the key to enjoying a high-definition visual experience.

Finally, if you want to know more about LED displays, please get in touch with us.

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